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MGINNIS THINKS FRANK GILL BEST. Colt Is Apt to Break Down, However Not-asulga Goes to Saratoga Gossip. New York. July 11. While some were inclined to blame Knapp for making his rnn rather .too earlv with Frank Gill in tin Bealizalion, the colts owner, J. L. McGinnis, had no such complaint to make. He Is of the opinion that there was little ground for placing the blame on Knapp. Zambesi .topped verv suddenly and there was no extra effort used to send Krank Gill to the Trout, as there was nothing else for him to do but go on with the lead When Zambesi retired. McGinnis still believes Frank Gill to be the best lhree-vear-ohl in America and would have given hair of its value to have had the colt win the Realization, merelv for t!.e honor of it. It is not improbable, however, thai Frank Gills racing career may be cut short at any time, as he has a very bad knee and was slightly lame after his race Tuesday. The trouble is such that it docs not yield readily to treatptent. There is always a rear mat lie - will break down and for this reason he has never been worked much between his race, which have come falrlv close together of late. Archibald, the steeplechase jockey, has been signed bv Joseph E. Widener for the remainder of the season. Archibald has made a favorable impression in his recent races here and with the Widener stable, which is in good rorm this season, he should be well up on the list at the end or the year. The new fences in the steeplechase course at Brighton Beach will surely satisfy sticklers for high and wide jumper. . Notasulga, having no engagements at Brighton Beach, has been shipped to Saratoga. Albert Hamel, her trainer and half owner, has gone to the Adlrondacks to spend a fortnight. Notasulga has been nominated for the Flight. Flatbush and other stakes for two-year-olds, which are to be run at the Coney Island Jockey Clubs fall meeting, and which will close next Monday. "It was said yesterday that James B. Haggln Jiad refused an offer of .5.100 for his two-year-ohl tillv. Bouquet, by Kinley Mack Briar Sweet. P. J. "Rainey. C. E. Durnell and Mattle Corbett were said to have made attempts to buy her. Jimniv Owens, who had his arm broken when Merry Saint fell In the steeplechase at Sheepshead Bay "last Friday, was at Brighton Beach today. He savs he expects to be able to ride at Saratoga. IL S. Page is personally schooling Oaklawn at Belmont Park, and lie holds to the belief that the Belmont cast-off will yet prove himself worth while as a steeplechaser. Oaklawn made his first and only" appearance as a juniper at Gravesend June 15. unseating his rider at the Liverpool. He had trailed the other live, and his jumping caused the critics to express the opinion that the big chestnut, for which August Belmont two years ago had paid Willie Shields ?30,000, would not do. Colin was not withdrawn from the second half of the Double Event because of lameness, as some of the local papers had it, but simply liecause trainer Rowe diil not fancy the condition of the track. Had the track been fast the son of Com-maudo would have raced. John W. Gates and his son Charles, an; at present on a fishing trip. They left the day before the Brighton meeting opened. B. J. Weller and "Swede Sam." after losing a bankroll of 0,000, have quit booking.