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Florizel 30-10-5, 2nd was our Wednesdays extra special good thing. JULY 9 it was SNAKEW00D 8-1 WON JULY 8 it was COUNTY CLERK 0-1 WON JULY 3 it was CLYDE 3-2 WON The above are a few of the occasional good things we inform our clients of. Now. if you want this kind of track information, send in your name at once, so that we can place you on our mailing list and give you the same advance info. TODAY AND SATURDAY Two specially prepared good things. These camo from the same source as County Clerk and Florizel. To give all a chance to have a good bet down on these two good things, we make you a special offer the two for the price of one two dollars. Dont miss them. These, like the above, can only be played on stable information. Suite 315, 1G7 DcnrUorn St., CIticago, 111. The B. B. Info Co. SSRA.L NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Fridays Special: Kansas, Master, Melody, Bluejay. .00 PER MONTH. 85 CENTS PER COPY. FIAT 20 1 Won Reported in new book. No. 130, out yesterday, as follows: "Here is one that has been prepped for a hog killing. Hogan fell down once, but he will he sure to get his when he T;ees the soft spot, so watch closely and follow 5-S to 7-8 In moderate company, worked 3-4 in 1:13." Also gave: LEXINGTON LADY, 11-5, Won Do you think info, like the above worth 25 cents a week? IT so, get a copy at once. Not only do you get that, but our one best bet daily, which la given under code FREE! in this paper every day, and which has shown for the past live days four winners and one second. FRIDAYS SPECIAL: 13-8-39-43-19-9-18-15. ENTRY LIST: 519-525-531-536-538-550. For sale at all news-stands and cigar stores or at ollice. T. C. WOOD and CO., Room 312, 3rd Floor, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. I CAIRNGORM, 9-5, WON f "y was our one best bet yesterday. Our ad- C vice was: "Cairngorm is in a soft spot. C Should win off by himself. Plunge to win." J T If you are looking for a straight one- S k horse-a-day proposition that you can bet on with confidence, come and see ns. We rarely ever go over two days without a winner. ? Only a small capital is required to make C 2 a nice income every week. Full particulars K furnished free of charge. Today we have one that will be a good S price and canter home. You can go as far as you like, straight, to win. C I REYNOLDS and CO., f TERMS: .00 Daily; 5.00 Weekly. 1009 Chicago Opera House Block. 5 Washington end Clark Streets. S 68.00 is what a 0.00 straight bet would have won on all horses ou our DAILY THREW HOUSE WIRE since May 22. TEKillSi 00 Weekly; .00 Dally. Yesterdays Form Special was: Western . . . 5-2 2nd Tuesdays Form Special was: Peter Sterling . 6-1 Won Fridays Form Special: Aucust Apple-45-23-29-17-12-G8-15-1C-2G. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, Room 212, 2d floor, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW. .00 Special Goes Today! Must win or next Special "Free." Expect odds 5 to 1 or better. Our Specials get the money. "Nuff said." CASSIDY and CO., 504, 171 Washington St., Chicago. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. THE MONTREAL JOCKEY CLUB LIMITED course: offices: Blue Bonnets, Montreal. 11 St. Sacrament St., Montreal. Autumn Meeting: Saturday, Aug. 31, to Saturday, Sept. 14, Inclusive, Stakes Closing Saturday, July 27. For Tlircc-Ycar-Olds and Upwards. For Two -Year -Olds. The Saint James Handicap; Primrose Stakes; Value, ,000 Value, ,200. Tins Primrose Stakes, for two-year-olils. Selling. The Saint Tames Ila.ulicap, for ear-ol,! ,Iee;l -W.ot wgeU tho upwanl. luarautee.1 va ne ,200 , of which .0 , ?1 ,.,! to Rtart. TIle wInncr goes to the second " 100 Jrt the lhir.1. Iiy sub- Uq 0MtI.e1 , b, s1 .,t ancIon fw ?:!000 lf fop of ?10 each, .. lonal to start. scriptlon for ?2iO0O allowed T, pounds, then 1 pound allowed Weights to Ik- announced on I riday, August ..0. i.iU ,wn fo pflee ,o ,e namwl One mile and furlong. a tlll.ouh n,e lMI,ry ,MX :lt ,.ollrso :lt V2 0-covk noon on the day before the race, or to carry w,,lB,,t for asi- rive fur,onBS Ocean Gateway Stakes; Value, ,000. st. Lawrence Stakes; Value, The Ocean fiateway Stakes for tliree-year-olds q fAf and upward. Selling. Guaranteed value, ,000, of pi,UUU. which 00 io the second and ?100 to the third. , Ity subscription of J?10 each, .fir, additional to St. Lawrence Stakes for two-year-olds, guaranteed L start. The winner to be entered to be sold at value, ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 auction for ,000. If for less 1 pound allowed 1,1 lIlil1- At " pounds below the scale. Non- for each 00, down to $.-,00. The selling price io winners of 1907.sh00, ir non-winners of live races, be named through the entry hox at the course allowed " pounds; if non-winners of three races, at 12, oclock noon on the dav before the race, or 10 pounds; maidens allowed 17 pounds, to carry weight for age. Six furlongs. FlV0 IunES. Champ De Mars; Value, ,000. Canadian Grand National Champ de Mars, for three-year-olds and upward. StCCplCCliaSe; Value, ,000. Selling. Guaranteed value. ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. The winner The Canadian Orand National Steeplechase. A to Ik? entered to bo sold at auction for ,000. If handicap for four-year-olds and upward. Guar- for, ,000, allowed pounds, then 1 pound addi- anteed value, ,000, of which 00 to the second, tional for each 00 down to ,0O. The selling and 00 to the third. I!y subscription of 0 each; price to be named through Ihe entry box at the , additional to start. Weights to be announced course at 12 oclock noon on the day before the three days before the day of the race, race or to carry weight for age. One mile. Tho full course, about two miles and a half. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00. Tlic Club will furnish a Customs Broker, who will atteixl to nil horses lu bond without cost to owners. A steeplechase every lay. Two two-year-ohl races each day. All horse trains come to the unloading platforms at the Course. JOHN BODEN, Clerk of the Course.