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NEW YORK ENTRIES. Shccpshcad Bay. Probabilities: Weather, clear;., track fns.t. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. . Chicago tlmci 1:30. XRuns well in. mud." Superior mud runner. : First Race About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. j Ind. Horses. . . A. Wt. Ildcpl 70103s... Caller S..14S .700 704SS5,., Goldfleur 5,,140,....,93 70598... Amanda H 4. .137. . X . .093 70S17 Maximilian 5..145..X..G90 70S05... Garrett -3. .140 COO 07S89J...Gus Straus C..13S.. X.. 090 032973... Knight of Eiway G..143 CS3 70817 Judge White 4.:i37. . X . .033 70344 Guardian II 7.. 43 CS0 70S17 Oliver Cromwell 3. .13S. . X . .CS0 Islam, b. c,. by Pagan Pamona Belle 4.. 132. Second Raqe; 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course Belles Stakes.. v ,000 added.. . 2-ycar-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 70S59 Miss Norfolk 100 750 704223... Explosion 105 740 70S073... Bouquet , 110 740 70S07. . . .Masquerade 105 740 70S073...Lady Winifred 125.. X.. 740 70343... Gowan 110 735 70S19I...Fond Heart 110. .X.. 735 70S07 Desirous 100. .X.. 730 70524 Woodiane 115. . X . .725 70S07 Whip Top .. 100 720 70775 Imitator 100.. X.. 705 Third Race 3-4 Milo Main Course. Waldorf Stakes. ,000 added and 00 in plate. 2-year-olds. Special Weights. Colts and Geldings. 70S5G Nimbus 115 750 70S193...Spooncr 11S..X..740 70S29:..,Ben Fleet .118 733 7080S John Marrs 11S....735 70S 1 0 . . . Falca da 1 1 S ...... 735 70000 Smoker 11S..X..730 70S41 Ileknows 115.. X.. 725 Fourth Race 1 3:8 Miles. September Stakes. ,000 added. 3-ycar-olds. Allowances. 701 143. . .MONTGOMERY 120. . X . .750 70545s . . Paumonok . 100 7 10 70S321... Kentucky Beau .103. . X . .733 70333 Fountainblue 1,100 735 70S20...BIue Book 122.. ..730 707903 . . KHlaloe 103. . X . .730 II. P. Whitney entry. Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles on Turf. All Ages. Handicap. 7O054... Running Water 4.. 120.. X.. 750 70S442... Ironsides 4. .110 745 7070S3... Aster dOr 1.. 95 740 70S57 Beacon Light 4.. 117.. X-. 740 70S1S . .-fKeator 5. .10S. .. .740 70S453...Phil Finch G.. 97. ...740 70G73...Rye 4. .110. . X . .735 70S70 . . Mark Antony II 4. .103. . X . .735 70S333..Acrobat 3. .100. . X . .735 70S57...fFaust 3.. 9S..X..733 707973...Lord Lovat 3.. 97.. X.. 735 70S0S2...Don Enrique 3. .104. . X . .730 7071O3...Zienap 4.. 97.. X.. 730 70S702 . . .Tony Boncro 3.. 99.. X.. 725 70G3G2... Beggar Maid 3.. 90 723 70728.... Vino 4.. 94.. X.. 720 70745.... Lady Savoy 5.. 90.. X.. 720 70030 Prince Hampton 3.. SS 720 02322 Flls 0..104 700 It. F. Carman entry. F. E. Brown entry. Sixth Race 3-4 Milo Main Course. All Ages. Selling. 7070S... Security 4 . .114. . X . .730 70149s . . . Irccn 3. .100 . . X . .745 70794s... Voorhees 4. .117. . X . .740 70521 Aeronaut 5. ;117. . X . .710 70G51.... Fleming 3. .109. .. .740 70301... Robin Hood 0. .114. . X . .735 70S41 Handzarra 5. .114. . X . .735 70773 Lady Anne 4.. 109 735 70S41 Chief Hayes 1.. 4. .109. ...735 70017s... Thomas Calhoun . .- 2.. 00.. X.. 730 70711... Roalla 3.. 112 725 703S3 Jacquin 0. .117. . X . .710 70700s... Apple Toddy 2.. 95.. X.. 710 70713 Jennie Wells 3.. 101.. X.. 705 70793 Ariadne 3.. 109 700 7025S Lachcsis . 3.. 109 700 705S0 Nancy 3. .109. . X . .090 70S4G Bounding Elk . 2.. 95 GOO