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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Koiiiinunicalions without names and addresses or senders -will not be answered or noticed: nor will any answers be sent by mail. -M. McG., St. Louis, Mo. See reply In T. B. C. AV. R. W., Memphis, Twin. The show bet on Jeralt was .1 draw if there was no separate show price against him. R. and K., St. Louis, Mo. Donna Elvira was the-extreme outsider in the betting, and the prices were reasonable and correctly given. IW. L.. Chicago. The scale of weight for age and its allowances applies to selling races in the same manner as to other races, the deductions for. prices entered being from a scale starting point, unless otherwise provided in the conditions of u race. T. R. C., St. Lnuig, Mo. Eonite and Montclair were not coupled in the entries because it was a selling race, and but one could start. Your wager .could not lose and the worst vou can have is a draw, because there was no Talley ontrv running. Ownerships are given according to our latest information.