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BOOKMAKER. BOLES NOT BOOKING. Many Rumors About Withdrawal of His Books at Aqueduct. Xew York, Xovember 4. George Boles, one of the biggest layers at the eastern tracks was not in line at Aqueduct today and three other books which be bad backed were also missing and this gave tin gossips something to talk about. It was freely saiil that Boles had been given the tip to quit becking, but no one in authority would admit that such action had been taken. Boles himself said that be had decided to lay off for a while, as be bad a good season and wanted a rest. On the other hand, John Cavauagh said that he had given uo instructions to Boles, but would have nothing to say beyond that. Stewards of the Jockey Club, when rpoken to on the subject, said that they knew uo reason why Boles should not book If he were so inclined, while the stewards of the Jamaica meeting, which closed Friday, said they had made no recommendation bearing on the ease. But there was a belief that would not lie shaken by any denials that It was not entirely at Boles volition that he quit business. Before racing began he had a long and animated conversation with Eddie Burke, the executive bead of the Meropolitan Turf Association, but neither would say anything in reference to it. Boles lias been one of the biggest operators in the ear.t for several years and throughout the current season he has maintained four books and l:e is said to be the largest winner among the layers and at Saratoga was before the stewards to explain an entry on his sheet for the Okenlte race- of unpleasant memory. Boles explained that it was a lay-off for a client and it developed that he has frequently accommodated plungers who wished to lay against a horse in preference to booking them. If any action has been taken against P.oles, it evidently refers to Ills accommodating habit of laying horses for bis clients.. However, he can easily prove lls statement that he withdrew of his own volition by drawing, in tomorrow, hut few expect to see him in -line again at the meeting.