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CITY PARK JOCKEY CLUB Stakes to Close Saturday, November 9, 1907. THE THANKSGIVING HANDICAP, ,500 Added. For all axes. 0 each, 0 additional to start. Weights January 25. To be run February 1, 100S. Two Miles W eights three days before the race. To be run November 28. 1007. Mile and a Sixteenth. THE LARAmv WTnvr ctjotq ., November 30. 1907. Six Furlongs. ,n THE MARTHA WASHINGTON STAKES, ,000 Added. For fillies two vears old foals of 1900. THE CYPRESS HANDICAP, ,500 Added. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 each, 1907.sh5 additional rTLrv- -ion Dal t0 S,:,rt" WInners o a stakes. 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. To be run to start. Weights three days before the race. To be run December 7, VM7. Mile and a Furlong-, i A t-l"u,lr aJUS- Three Furlongs and a Half. , THE CHRISTMAS HANDICAP, ,500 Added. For all ages. 0 each, 0 additional to start. ORLEANS HANDICAP, ,000 Added. For then three-year-olds and upward 0 each S10 Weights four days before the race. To bo run December 25, 1!07. Mile and a Sixteenth. additional to start. Weights four days before the race. To be run February 20, 1908. Six Furlongs. THE PLANTERS STAKES, ,000 Added. For two-year-olds foals of 1905. 0 each, 0 addi- ! THE PICKWICK STEEPLFPTTA-F wahthpap ci nno 4jj.j n , , as as srsa srw s SvH: 1 and5and8gg8andand5andStt S THE NEW YEAR HANDICAP, ,000 Added For threo-vear-olds foals of 1905. S5 each S25 adi- i LOUISIANA STAKES, ,000 Added. For two-year-olds foals of 1900. 0 each. R-10 additional to start. Weights four days berore the race. To be run January 1, 190S. One Mile. ,. r . ,R taK JJ-S. onVnllmi- a st:lkls 5 1,,s-! r two stakes, 8 lbs. extra. .Maidens allowed 5 lbs. To 1m THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL HURDLE HANDICAP, ,000 Added For then llir-year-olds and -liuc p-our Furlongs. upward. each 5 additional to start. Weights live days before the race. Three or more horses in , THE CITY PARK DERBY, 0,000 Guaranteed For llirce-year-olds foals of 19051 0 each ?"-, entirely different interests to start or the race may be declared off. To be run January A, 1908. additional if not declared on or before January 1, 190S. and S40 additional if not declared on w before Mile and a Quarter Over Five Hurdles. February 24, 190S: 00 additional to start, Guaranteed value, 0,000. or which S1.100 to second 00 THE TULANE SELLING STAKES, ,000 Added. For then three-year-olds and upward. 0 each, !lnl n!irfnth ?iyl s1rartinK fee- values lo be paid in cash by tlie city Park Jockey Club. 0 additional to start. ,000 scale, 1 lb. for each-00 to ,400 then 1 lb. lor each 00 to SSOO. To be ? , " lsrl,0n ,100s rrbs- extrM- Non-winners of ,500 " in 1907-S allowed IS lbs.: of ,500, 5 lbs. run January 22. 190S. - 0no Mile. Mai,ulis. 10 To be run March 21, 1908. Kilo and a Quarter ,,mHE,1FING ?0T0N STAKES, ,250 Added. For then three-year-olds and upward. 0 each, 0 THE JUVENILE STAKES, ,000 Added. For two-vear-olds foals of 1900. S10 each 10 addltlon-il ZIMTLZ S1?1K CXtr:U 5 f , aUowed 3 tc,.rt Winners of a stakes, 5 lb,; of two stakess lbs. extra. ..len-lTlM ..JP NATIN.AL STAKES, ,000 Added.-For two-year-olds foals of 1900. 0 each, 0 addi- THE LYRIC HANDICAP, ,000 Added.-For then three-year-olds and upward SlO each S40 nil.ll tional , st:,rt. inners of two races 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. To be run January 29 190$. tlonal Jo start. ,000 added. of which 00 to soVmd ami WtomrA.WvS:thrS L before 1 he Threo Furlongs, race. To be run .March 2.8, 190.S. .. a Half. CRESCENT CITY JOCKEY CLUB Stakes to Close Saturday, November 9, 1907. THE CRESCENT CITY STAKES, ,000 Added. For two-year-olds foais of 1905, that have not 1,:,C- r lI: "f the value of $::0o. Weights three days prior to the race. To be run Februarv 15 190S won ,500. raeh, 5 additional to start. Winners of ,000 since April 1. V. lbs.; of ,000 twice i Two Miles arid a Quarter 8iuce April 1. or four races of any value since October 1, fi lbs. extra. Allowances: Non-winners of 1907.sh00 ; ,, this year, .". lbs.; of 00, 0 lbs.; maidens not second or third in a stakes of ,500 value, JO lbs. To be ti"x- HANDICAP, ,000 Added. For then three-year-olds and upward. 0 each, 0 addl- rmi December 14. 1907. Five Furlongs and a Half. ,i0,,:" eights three days prior to the race. To be rim .March 1908. Mile and an Eighth. THE GENTILLY SELLING STAKES, ,000 Added. For all ages. each. 5 additional lo start. THE CARNIVAL STAKES SI 000 Added FW ru-n veiir nM rri r ioo. - i o- ,,. ,500 scale, I II.. for each H to ,900: then 1 lb. for each 00 .. 1907.sh00. Winners of ,000 ,,r of three tional to start Five mTimdT below 1. Wta . i ? i Vn 1 r iU. , V. ?i,.enoh f,dl1- r:,cf other than since October 1, to be enter,,, for not less than ,200. To 1;e run .Member 18. t.UV stamd and TlylZ attll 5 lbs.: bea ZlL "to rnareT THE PRELIMINARY DERBY HANDICAP, ,500 Added.-For two-vear-olds foals of 1905. 0 S each. 0 additional W start. ,500 atlded. of which 00 to second. 00 to third, and fourth to save THE CRESCENT CITY DERBY, 0,000 Guaranteed. For three-year-ohis foals of 1905. 0 each starting fee. Weights three days prior to the race. To be run December 21. 1907. Six Furlongs. additional if not declared out: on or before January i, 190K, and 0 additional if not declared out oi! THE OLD HICKORY HANDICAP, ,250 Added.-For then thrce-vear-olds and upward. S10 each, 1l"0ro-rc,Jni!!P r4 1 ll,1,Ji,1"":ll to start. Cuarantoed value. ,n00, of which ,400 to 0 additional to start. Weights four days before the race. To be run Januarv S, 1908. ,s" n,l ,,lr,l.1i1lml f,,!,r,ll,! sar tailing fee. lull va nes to be paid in cash by the Crescent Mile anl a Quarter rty Jock.v f lu- Allowances: Non-winners ot a race for foals of 1905 of the value of ,500 since , , .. ,,. December 1, 1!07. allowed 5 lbs.: maidens. S lbs.: maidens not placed second in a race for foals of 1905 J-HE t;pT.-r.T, SPEED TTAVTiTr-AT. HANDICAP, ,C0O ci nn Added.-For jiu th.en three-year-olds and t upward. $.. c- each, ., addi- 0f the value of $:J,000. 12 lbs. To be run March 14, 1908. Mile and an Eighth iional to start. Weights three days prior to the race. To e run January 11. 1!I0S. Six Furlongs. -ignin. THE MAGNOLIA SELLING STAKES, ,000 Added For then three-vear-olds and upward. ?5 each, THE SADIES STA1ZES, ,000 Added. For two-year-old fillies foals of 1900. each. 5 nddi- 25 additional to start. ,000 scale, 1 lb. for each 00 to ,000, then 1 lb. for each S100 to 00. tional to start. Winners of a stakes, 5 lbs.; ot two stakes, S lbs. extra; maidens allowed 5 lbs. To be Winners of 1907.sh00 after November 15, 1907, not to be entered for less than ,200. To be run January 15, ruu April 1, 190S. Four Furlongs. , , , 2?H M,1,e" THE AUDUBON SELLING STAKES, ,000 Added. For then three-year-olds and unward. S3 each. jo .MECHA1TS HANDICAP, 250 Added. or then three-year-olds and upward. 0 each, additional to start. ,000 scale, 1 lb. for each 50 to ,000, then 1 lb. for each 00 to 000 Wi 0 additional to start. Weights three days prior to the race. To be run January IS, 1908. One Mile. of ,n 1907-S not to be entered for less than ,000. To be run AprU 4 190S. THE PREMIER STAKES, ,000 Added For two-year-old colts and geldings foals of 1900. Milo and a Sixteenth, each, S25 additional to start. Maidens allowed 5 lbs.; maidens twice beaten and never second, S lbs. To .,,, , . be run February 5, 1908. Four Furlongs. ROSEBUD STAKES, ,C00 Added For two-year-olds foals of 1900. each, 5 additional to S then aledTlbs" ? V goOedui .10 ltio to iffi eUsee K V i!e 1,aVe ,,CTW S0Cnl " lbM S 10S- F Mile and a Quarter. the NEW ORLEANS CITY RAILWAYS HANDICAP, ,000 Added For then three-year-olds and THE MISSISSIPPI SELLING STAKES, ,000 Added For three-year-olds foals of 1005. each, upward. each, 5 additional to start. The New Orleans City Hallways Company to subscribe ,000. 5 additional to start. ,500 scale, 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. To be run February 12, 190S. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights three days prior to the race. To be run April Six Furlongs. 11, 190S. Mile and a Sixteenth. In all selling stakes, starters, with their selling prices, to be named through the entry box the day preceding the race; and those so named to - be liable for the starting fee. In all handicaps, winners after publication of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. Steeplechase and Hurdle Kacing Throughout the Season. ADDRESS NOMINATIONS TO D 4 i ii crrorTADV CITY PARK JOCKEY CLUB nHUinu OLUnL i Mnl crescent city jockey club Hennen Building, New Orleans, La. The Standard Turf Guide, Boom 212, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Do not fail to get. new issue of the "STANDARD" for FREE COUPON SPECIAL. Price, 25 cents per copy; .00 per month. For sale at all news-stands and agents in I.. S. or Canada. Aesterdays Form Special: GLAUCUS 9-2 2nd Yesterdays Daily Wire ran second; Wednesdays was scratched. Fridays Form Special: May Pear G3-67-2C-57-26-75-H-G2. Woods Tyrf Ratings Room 312, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. 25 CENTS PER COPY. .50 PER MONTH. Issued semi-weokly. Fridays Best Bet: New York Able, 5. NEW EOOK NO. G OUT TODAY. For sale at all news-stands and cigar stores throughout the United States and Canada. Turf Reporters Special Room 312, 59 Doarborn St., Chicago, 111. Fridays Special: 23-45-7-11-17-18-14-44-22-5G-48-4G. NEW BOOK NO. 153 OUT TODAY. Yesterdays Special: WON; Yesterdays Occasional: Scratched. I NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Fridays Special: Dakota, Major, Maiden, Ca- I nary. .00 per month. 25 cents per copy. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. Keogh S5 Wolff 75 Keppler 75 AVood. M. B. 75 Kermath SO Wright. A. ......... 80 Keyes. F SO AVrlght, J 75 Klrschbauni 85 Yorke 75 Klein 75 Young. A. 80 Klenck SO Zlegler 75