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FIFTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Colts, Horses and Geldings. Selling. CCG28— VM 9 *T. BAM TAYLOR, b. c, 4. by Laurium— Lady Nell 0. G. Parke. Weight today 101. nS84 FGrnds 1 1-16 1:47? fast 6 102 6 2 3 2 3" 4C1 McCahey Donna, Teo Beach. Oonvolo. 73527 F.Grounds 3-4 1 : 1 4? f ast 31 120 0 3 4 2- 2- V Powers Hasty Agnes. The Thorn, La Souer. 73450 City Park 7-8 1 :27j fast 15 109 2 1 1 1 Is l4 J W Mhy Han. Bey. Funiculaire. B. Strome. 73430 City Park 7 8 1:29 fast 7 109 15 12 10 8 92 71U Huestis MissStrome, Bertmout, Landbreeze. QUADRILLE, b. g. 6, by Rapallo— Court Dance R. E. WatKins. Weight today 109. j 7360- F Grounds 3-4 1:13ft fast 3 5 I09 4 2 2 11 ll V Powers Miss Sain, Orphan Lad. RoyalOnyx R68E V. Grounds 3-4 1:13ft fast 31 105 3 2 2 21 21 V Powers Goldproof, Bellwether. Cooney K. 72ea Citv Park 3-4 1:14 fast 13-5 107 2 2 2 22 l2 Delaby Rob. Hood, Sally Preston, A vaunteer - 71820 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 J fast 2 110 7 8 7 5ft 32 Delaby Oraculum, Robin Hood. Grimaldi. BPION, ch. g, 4, by Cactus II.— Sardine A. Weber. ™W?,ight l5lS 103" . ~v K lr 3 4 1 12 fast 6 98 7 9 7 4. 22 Mulcahv Es -utcheon. E. T. Sliipp. J.Simpson i 72600 FGn.unls 7-« 1:281 fast 17-5 888 4 8 8 4 1«* 1« Muleahy Royal Ben, Lord Dixon. Quagga. 72620 F Grounds 31 1:14 fast 13-10 102 4 5 7 7 421 Muleahy ComeOnSam. C ablegram. «»" *• 73542 F Grounds 51 f 1:07? fast 4 1081 4 9 8 5 1 4»1 C Koeruer Escutcheon, Big Ben, Come On ham 1 CONVOLO. b. g, 5. by Contestor— Flo H.. J C. Milam. Weight today 112. " tv Iirk " i 1 r: last 28 11- 6 7 6 7 .V A Martin Bellwether. Goldproof. Coouey K. 73*41 F. Grounds 7-8 ll 27? fast 13-5 113 4 2 1 1 1" 3 V Powers Rexane Teo Beach Dainty Belle. 73584 FGrnds 1 1-16 F47? fast 12 109 3 1 1 1 41 3» V Powers Donna, Teo Beaeh, Sam Taylor. 7 Mi FCCnds 1 1-16 1 : 451 fast 10 100 4 3 3 3 4 4»1J W MhyGreen Seal. Juggler, lokalon. HANNIBA1 BEY, b. g. 6, by Emin Bey— Chula H. R. Baker. , Weight today 106. . -7Z," iirouii. Is 7-8 1 -.s fast E 1*78 3 2 2 V. 1- V Powers „ Robinllood, w. „ „. MissStrome. NoQuartel 1 ■• - V Grounds " 4 1 :14J fast 11-5 111 5 6 3 2°k 21 V Powers Robinllood, Airship. Belle Strome. 78581 V. Grounds 3 4 1:. 13? fast 15 107 4 3 3 3 3 Minder Escutcheon, MissStrome Handzarra » nS48 F.Grnds lm7«.y 1:45* fast 11-5 108 8 2 1 1 22 2- V Powers Funiculaire, Belleview, Goldway. FUNICULAIRE, b. g. 6, by Himyar— rrofmors T. P: Hayes. Weight today 106. I -■,,„ 1-..,. .,,,.1. - v 1 ...v -•,, is M7 10 8 1 8 4 7" Koemer Hannibal Bey, R.Hood. MissStrome. ; - K- f : -n .l" iniTiv 1 :45* fast 3 103 9 5 2 2 11 1- R McDairiHaunibal Bey. Belleview, Goldway. 7V4 ci v Park 7S *A fast 5 109 10 " 6 5 4 3 3» A Martin SamTaylor. Han. Bey. BelleStromi. 7239I I-!n- Park M 13 *S I 5 I I 3 P| 4«1 J Animus. Merrick. Pinstlcker. AVAUNTEER. ch. h. 6, by Borgia— Engea 8. Louis. Weight today 113. ;. -•vi l-.r - 4 1 r»a fast •■fi 1 1 4 ", 4 4 51 511 R McDan lEseutcheon. M.Slrome. HannibalBey 1:4V C:ro ds V f :065 fast -1 50 10S1 3 5 5 5 « 3» C Koerner The Bear. Toy Boy. Ben Strong. : I -i i rk 7 8 -s* fas 07 9 5 6 8 N* M * C Henrv Merrick. Hooray. Lady Esther. 7:l4» FGn.uriils IhI 1 hvy 20 107 2 4 5 5 4»1V Powers SlrToddingtoii, Ketchemike. Keator ■ KEATOR. b. g. 6, by Charaxus— Generine F. E. Brown. Weight today 108. 1. ?• !-. Citv Park 1 1 47il livv 15 113 8 6 5 4 32 4« C Koerner Posing. Gambrinus. Katie Powers. 73240 F Fnls 1 116 ."ft hvy 7 lis B I 4 5 5 4- V Powers S.Todding.on Dr M.Tluer. /.ipango. l 73144 F.Grounds 3 4 1:17ft hvy 4-5 109 5 5 3 2 3«i Notter S.Todgton. Ketchemike. Avauuteer ,r AIRSHIP, ch. g, 6, by Flying Dutchman— Falalss J. F. Witcher. We.e-ht today 106 • "*•••. rounds - I 110 list 25 113 7 S 51 3*1 C Henrv Ko1.iiiH.km1. HannibalBey, B.Stionie TUMI i-iiv Iirk "-S l"t fist * lix". 3 4 4 E 4h 6"j J Baker MissStrome. Bertmont. I.andBrecze. 7-71 Citv Park 7-t 12M4 fast 15 btl 6 7 7 1«. 9 §4 C K.htii.t Fui.ieulaire. Han Bey P Hohenlobe e 774 city Park 3 4 1:17, hvy 31 110 4 9 9 10» 9"JC Km-rner Ralbert. Hancock. Mr. Peabody. LAND BREEIE. b. g, 6. by Orlando— Lake Breeze Woodford ft Buckner. VfeiKbt today 106. TSGSSFGr-nds Im70 - 145 fast 1x5 His .; :: - 1 S- 2» Mh.d.r *"***■ Biam o I.ikIH .reiiade ■ 7%-- F Grounds 3 4 1 :14ft fast 30 11112 11 11 lo3 8 Mind-r Bkbln Hood. Hamjibal Bey Airship 73527 F Grounds 3-4 1:14! fast 15 12110 9 9 7. 5"lMinder HastyAgnes, Samiaylor. he I Worn 11 no* City Park 7-8 1:29 fust 8 106 9 9 5 4 r.1 321 Minder Miss Strome, Bertmont, Gracchufc. h. Ethel Gray E. Walah. V* •—S l06 5. COON blk c 4. y Loiterer— W. TM03F Grounds *-t Uin hvy M 11*14 14 14 11 14" J Baker Art. Dodger. Hlfgnbotbant. BlgBes n 7:;.4S F rounds 3 4 1:14ft fast 30 lor. .. 13 12 13 13" W Ott llati.l/.arra. P.. ll.-Strouie KoyaKinvx S 735 F Grounds 3-4 1:301 hvy 6 105 7 6 4 61 7"ftV Powers Refined. Hlggiohotbaui. GolUproof. PSII F Grounds J-4 1:18ft hvy 6 90 2 4 3 3i 2ft MoUswh Mlsw Delauey, Platoou. Keator. JIM SIMPSON, b. g, 4. by Contestor— Sweepaleng Walstrom k Bower. Weight today 105. 7369:. F. Grounds 2 4 1:133. fast 20 109 1 4 3 V 4-"l C Koerner Escntcheon, E. T.- Shipp. Spion. 71320 l,atonia 1 1:411 hvy 11-5 101 4 2 2 2 2l 21 C H ShiirgDaintyBelle, Viperine. Mark Time. 711S6 Latonia 1 1:421 good 12-5 110 I 2 I 1 1= l2 C II ShilgWar.Griswell, K. Ridgeley. Ingenue 71147 latonia 1 1:41ft fast 5 104 3 2 1 1 l2 l2 J Butler nardsbot. Mat. Mack. Blase oLlgbt HOORAY, ch. h. 5. by Plaudit— Readina A. L. Aste. Weight today 105. nsn F.GFiuIs l I 16 l:4lttatMt 12 Bt I 2 I 2 V lh Sum I or Donna, Green Seal. Ilantland. 73508 F.Grounds 7-8 1:261 fast 6 104 2 3 3 4 41 4* Sumter Heine. Lady Esther. Miss Strome. 73429 City Park 7-8 1:281 fast 9 100 10 8 6 4 2" 2b Sumter Merrick, Lady Esther, Convolo. 73336 CityPark 11-16 1:53 slowll-5 100 5 2 1 1 l1 11 Sumter Grenade, Terns Rod, Denigre. MEADOWBREEZE, b. h, 6, by Meadowthorpe— HI Wind J. Arthur. Weight today 109. 73680 F.Grounds 7-S 1:28 fast 12 110 4 12 8 8 71 8s Notter Hannibal Bey. R.Hood. MissStrome. 73639 F.Grounds 3-4 1:13 fast 20 109 9 9 9 E* B**|C Koerner K. Daughter, Escutcheon, BenStrong 73602 F.Grounds 3-4 1:13ft fast 30 108 5 4 4 52 5s Nicol Quadrille, Miss Sain. Orphan 73565 F.Grounds 3-4 1:14ft fast 20 110 5 6 7 7l 7»1 Brussel Roy. Onyx, Merrick. MissStrome. PIN8TICKER, ch, g, 6, by Lucky Dog— Bonnis Ions L. F. Pinsr. Weight today 101. 7SS24 F.Grmls 1 1-16 1 :48| fast 12 105 9 8 8 9 l"t 7***8] Flynn Goldway, Leatfat Maefarlan. llil.l. 73.:,y; F.Grnds 1 1-4 2:07 fast 40 102 3 11 3 91 6". Henry St. Bellane, Gilpin, Jack Witt. 73490 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:011 fast 15 109 5 6 6 7 6" 581 C Henry St. Bellane, Creel. Flaxman. 73391 City Park 7-S 1:302 hvy 15 107 7 6 6 5 5s 38 C Henry Animus, Merrick, Funiculaire.