Second Race [2nd Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1908-07-21

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SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Colts and Geldings Allowances September 10 1S97 1001 2 84 PEARL POINT br c 2 by Jack Point Dentifrice J W Pangle Weight today 112 76059 Windsor 5 f 106J fust 4 103 2 4 3 1 I1 G HSbilgDandeNoyles Ceremonius Simcoo 759C5 Windsor 5 f 103 eood 2J 112 7 7GS 8 G C2 31 J Bergen Alice DdeNoyles PeacocksChoIce 75907 Windsor GS 100 fast 6 106 9 9 7 4i 3 J J Foley Ceremonlus TheoCook MissAlvescot 75S54 Windsor 58 102 fast 1G5 10S 4 G 4 S 3 G ICoerner Slmcoe Ceremonlus Christmas 7M577 Windsor 4 f G7ji slop 95 111 3 3 3 2t C Koerner Rambie Hawftslliaht Chlcosa BIGHT b s 2 by Gerolstein Optic G M Miller Weight today 109 7VJ4S Windsor GS 102 fast 115 106 3 4 4 5s 2l Moreland GladysLouise Misslmogeno Trappc TrappcD 75S24 Windsor S 1011 fast 2i 107 2 D 3 Ik 1J Morelaud Gladys Louise Deviser Lurid 75433 Montreal 12 49 slow 5 107 3 2 2 ° x 2J More Moreland Tnkahlra Pearl Point Ragman 75333 Montreal 58 1003 fast 3J 102 2 1 11 1 I1 21 G S Swain Pearl Point Helen Hills Havre 75260 Montreal 12 482 fast 75 107 2 1 I 1 1s G S SAUTOMATIC Swain CathCardwell RoyalOak FStafford AUTOMATIC b c 2 by Six Shooter Motilla lla M A Neff Weight today 103 7JSSS Windsor GS 102 fast S 105 8 7 G 4 = 43 1 W Mhy PeacocksChoIce LongTohn JlmFitz JlmFitzG 75825 Windsor 5 f 106J fast 40 101 9 G 8 9s H19 F Hi Burton Tlieo Cook MaxImGnn NIggerEaby 75705 AVindsor 5S 104 hvy CO 107 5 257 = 714JF Burton ManyColors Ceremonius Pimpanto 75572 Latonia 5S l01g fast CO 110 11 87 101 10JE Martin RobluGrey Stowaway NedCariuack INDIAN HTTNTER br c 2 by Faraday Minnehaha in J S Tyree Weight today 103 70010 Windsor G f 1092 hvy 30 103 2 7 7 C1 GSJ Delaby Richard Reed Ilawksfliglit Alice Alice759SI 759SI Windsor 5S 102 fast 10 107 5 G 4 ink C = Harty HlghHat MIchAngelo MeltonCloth MeltonCloth7j909 7j909 Windsor 5S 102 fast 8 104 5 7 C 4J 21 J Bergen LoyalMald MelCloth BoftheTrllte BoftheTrllte7fJS2C 7fJS2C Windsor 55 f 1062 fast 15 107 7 5 G 5 I1 J Bergen TheoCook MaximGun NIggerBaby HAWKSLIGHT br f 2 by Hawkswick Lux Casta A Brown Weight today 103 1037COJ2 7COJ2 Windsor 5S 103J hvy 12 102 4 64 5 4 J Minder Many Colors Lady Irma Cheek 76004 Windsor 4S f 55 fast G 107 4 1 1 1 25 Nicol CCardwell Sister Phyllis Elsa F F7594S 7594S Windsor 5S 102 fast GO 103 4 11 2l 97H Minder GladysLouise Sight Miss Imogeue 75778 Windsor 4J f 54J good GO 96 11 11 11 10 11 J W irhyCeremonius Chipmunk Trappe ADMONITOR blk g 2 by Admonition Eothens Pearl L Jones Weight today 118 7 819 Latonia 55 f 1OS good CO 103 4 4 3 G1 55l Goose Uncle Walter Cowdin Lady Uiihy Uiihy75CiS 75CiS Latonia 5i f 1072 fast IS 100 12 87 74 7 J Butler J U Reed Irrlgator Robin Grey 75499 Latonia 5S l01g fast 9 105 12 10 10 II1 12 Goose Zeola Dispute Queens Message 754 IS Latpnia GS 1012 fast 13 100 G 11 1 IJ Goose Aspirin Stowaway Landlord LandlordSIR SIR CANNON ch c 2 by Prince of Melbourne Vestige W Shields Weight today 112 75021 Windsor 34 1182 hvy 20 97 1 C 7 Ci 513 Moreland Patriot Pleasiug High Hat 75930 Windsor D f l07g fast 12 101 G 47 11 1112JT Bergen NiggerBaby Hawkstlight ThBelle 75S24 Windsor 58 IrOll fast 7 110 8 8 G G1 C8 Nicol Sight Gladys Louise Deviser 75703 Windsor G8 1042 hvy G 107 2 1 1 1B I2 J W Mhy MaxIinGun HlghHat ArvLeonard GARRETT WATTS ch c 2 by Caleb Bettie Johnson D Hill Weight today IOC 7524 Windsor 5S 1011 fast CO 110 10 12 9 10s 1012 Fbrother Sight Gladys Louise Deviser

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Local Identifier: drf1908072101_4_4
Library of Congress Record: