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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 7COCO 13SJ 5 914 MINNIE ADAMS b m 5 by Cesarion Bretzel F Cook Weight today 109 1097liou 7liou Windsor 7S 1252 fast 1 111 4 1 1 2 21 21 Nicol P Prim Superstition St Jenunt 75929 Windsor 1 11G l4Cg fast 3 104 4 1 1 1 1s I3 G Burns Reldmoore The Clown SolonSliIngle SolonSliIngle75SOI 75SOI Windsor 1 110 l4Gg fast 20 110 4 5 5 5 45 4 J Nicol ChGllbert CaveAdsum Pollylrlui 75370 Gvesend 1 1S 1531 fast 75 104 1 5 G 3 G 7JNotter Monfort Beauclere Welhourne SUPERSTITION b g 3 by Aldine Evaugeline Cisneroi A L Price Weight today 91 917C003 7C003 Windsor 7S 125A fast S 90 2 5 G 5 4 3 Deverich PollyPrim MlnnieAdams StJeanne StJeanne759SC 759SC AVindsor 51 f 1062 fast 7 90 S Lost rider J Bergen Law P Daley Billie Hlbbs Giles 75310 Hamilton 34 113 fast 3 102 4 4 4 G1 C McCabe Purslane Anna Smith El Dorido BOLON SHINGLE b g 7 by Dutch Roller Mabel D A B Stansbury Weight today ICC ICC7iOii3 7iOii3 Windsor 1 316 201 fast 4 109 212 3 2l lu Moreland Xipango Granada Flavlgiiy 75929 Windsor 1 11G 146 fast 2J 107 1 4 5 G 41 4 Moreland MinAdaius Reidmoore The Clown Clown75S70 75S70 Windsor 1 116 14CJ fast 4 106 134 4 4 3J Moreland Glimmer EIHcott Clell Turney 75777 Windsor 1 l40g good 3 109 4 4 4 3 I1 I1 Moreland Tom Dolan StJeanue StValeutinp StValeutinpSENATOR SENATOR BARRETT ch c 3 by Ogden Bremen G J Kraus Weight today 09 700 1 Windsor 8J G Burns Ida D Listerine Royal Onyx 7j944 Windsor GJ f 1074 fast 1G5 105 2 21 I1 I1 G Burns Win II Lyon Usury Nat 15 79H Windsor 1 141 fast 45 10G 3 2 2 1 l k 2J G Burns MVigilantCospolltan Protagonist Protagonist75S50 75S50 Windsor 7S 1291 fast 7 IOC 7 4 1 1 I2 33 Delaby BlueLce Trey of Spades Proclivity 75799 AVindsor 34 1132 fast 8 95 4 G G C5 G J Bergen Belmere Grace Kimball Spiou SpiouZIPANGO ZIPANGO b 0 4 by Admonition Mis O A W ber AVeight today 107 1077C005 7C005 AVindsor 1 316 201 fast 2 110 343 2 35 C Koerner Solon Shingle Granada Flavigny Flavigny759C8 759C8 AVindsor 1 11C 1471 good 4 109 4 2 2 2 3 4 = Francis Tom Dolan Reldmoore Imboden Imboden75S30 75S30 Windsor 1 31G 2002 fast 3 109 1 2 2 2 22 I1 G Koeruer St Ilarlo Goldway Gllvedear Gllvedear756S1 756S1 AVindsor 1 11G l52g slop 2 110 3 4 2 1 15 15 C Koerner Petulant Dunvegan AltaMcDonald AltaMcDonaldTHE THE CLOWN b h B by Fatherless Ninone G Brown Jr Weight today 109 1097COII 7COII Windsor 1 1428 hvy 15 91 432 3 32 3 f Kennedy Roidmoore Polly Prim Quagga 71904 Windsor 1 1MOJ good S 93 2 2 2 5 5s 4 Francis La wPDaley PollyPrim Mortiboy 75929 Windsor 1 11C 146 fast C 94 5 2 2 2 22 3 = Francis MInnleAdauis Reldmoore SShingle SShingle7572S 7572S Windsor 78 1271 fast 10 105 4 5 C G 41 4 = 1 McCabe Clell Turney P Row M Delaney