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FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances G119C lOOJ 2 105 105ANNA ANNA L DALEY b f 2 by Lisak Anna Hastings F Cook Weight today 111 76000 DorWehli755S9 AVindsor 45 f K4J fast 75 112 G 3 liJ 3 Nicol Arrowshaft SouBrlde DorWehli 755S9 Sheepshd 5S 1002 fast S 110 5 3 3 32 3 AV Miller LHubbard Wallflower HarMald 75469 Gvesend 5S 100 fast 20 109 5 34 5i C85 E DiiKan Mellsamle FleldMonse LHubbard 75318 Gravesend 58 100 fast 40 106 10 10 10 10 106 H McDanl Mcllsande Counterpane LHubbard ABANDON br f 2 by Requital Deserted R E AVatkins AVeight today 108 MelClotli740S9 75909 AVindsor 5S 102 fast 20 1H5 C 10 9 9 6 = 5 C Ross LoyMald IndianHunter MelClotli 740S9 Benning 45 f 581 slow 910 99 0 C 51 52 T Steele High Range E Sweeney TPIpplu 74009 Banning 45 f G7g mud 5 103 7 7 45 725JBrussel Obdurate Spencer Wells Taboo TabooSOUTHERN SOUTHERN BRIDE br f 2 by Goldcrest or Dr MacBride Alabana M Welsh AVeight today 115 76000 AAindsor 45 f G4J fast 15 107 4 1 I1 2t F Burton Arrowshaft AL Daley DorAVebb DorAVebb75S90 HawksnightLucilleR75S02 75S90 Windsor 45 f 54 fast 12 107 7 G G2 4 i F Burton GladLouise HawksnightLucilleR 75S02 AVindsor GS 102 fast 30 113 9 10 7 G1 C35 McCmk ThlsBelle SIsPhyllls Dor Webb 75509 Montreal 45 f 65g fast 12 102 1 9 92 S10 G Swain Lilypad ThlstleBelle Colonel Zeb ZebLOMOND LOMOND br c 2 by Knight of the Thistle Mariedna T P Hayes Weight today 118 75814 Latonia 5S 1011 fast 7 10S 4 4 2 22 22 Heidel T M Green Stowaway T Hollanl 75792 Latonia 51 f 1074 good 16 110 9 G 4 45 4i ° JT Taylor Tolly Cowdin Gerrymander 75609 Latonia 5S l01g fast 10 107 S 10 7 Gt 78 Pickens Joe Gaitens Olamhala Turley 75572 Latonia 5S 101R fast SJ 110 9 79 71 785 C Ross RoblnGrey Stowaway NedCarmack 75448 Latonia 5S 1012 fast 10 108 5 33 5J GJ Jas Hogg Admonitor Aspirin Stowaway SELWIK b c 2 by Knight of the Thistle Clairette A Turney AVeight today 111 75892 Trappe75S24 Windsor GS l01g fast 2 109J G 1 1 I C8 Itarry NIggerBaby MicliAngelo Trappe 75S24 Windsor 5S 1011 fast 15 106 4 G G 7 S llarty Sight Gladys Louise Deviser TRAPPE ch g 2 by Shorthose Octavia A G Weston Weight today 111 759SI Windsor 58 102 fast S 102 4 72 8 1 Fbrother HlghHat MichAngelo MeltouCIbtu 594S Windsor 58102 fast 7 98 G S S 45 435 Fbrother GIndysLonlse Sight Miss Imogen 75S92 AVindsor GS l01g fast 7 110 3 55 4 3 5 Fbrother NBaby MicliAngelo JParkinson 75778 Windsor 45 f G41 good 30 92 2 4 4 45 3 J Fbrother Ceremonlus Chipmunk Ramble 75679 Windsor 5S 103 slop 25 99 G G 4 45 4105Fbrother Chipmunk ErownTony MImogene JIM 11175S92 PARKINSON b c 2 by Sempronius Shadow Dance AV Shields Weight today 111 75S92 Windsor 5S l01g fast 15 105 S G 6 G 45 J AV Mhy NIggerBaby MicliAngelo Trappi 75826 Windsor 5i f 106S fast 5 104 5 99 Gt 6 U AV Mhy Theo Cook MaxImGnn NiggerBuby 75455 Montreal 12 4Sg fast GO 113 5 G 71 84J B Rollins LowHeart CoIonelZeh Ceremonlus 75409 Montreal 4i f 56 hvy 100 112 5 55 5 5 B Rollins Nasttirtia Personal M T Greene GreeneKING KING 11175S92 COMMONER ch c 2 by The Commoner New Era E M Mitchell AVeight today 111 75S92 Windsor GS 101 fast 100 108 9 S S S2 S3 AValcott NiggerBaby MicliAngelo Trappy 11175S92 OHAYO ch c 2 by Nasturtium Sayanora Nugent Bros Weight today 111 75S92 AVindsor 58 101 fast CO 105 4 2 2 51 G J Foley NIggerBaby MicliAngelo Trappc 75480 Montreal 5S 101 fast 100 103 S 878 8tsJMcOmk Nasturtla AntumnMaid Aroudack 753SO Montreal 45 f 541 fast GO 113 4 G C G95 McCmk Havre Lady Irma Thistle Belle 75260 Montreal 12 482 fast 40 110 1 7 75 7s Englder Sight CatherineCardwell RoyalOak RoyalOakHAZEL HAZEL MAY br f 2 by Resolute II Southern Belle T M Irwin Weight today 103 75203 ILatonia 5S 1011 fast 110 97 11 10 9 10 1021 Glasner Transform Serenade Light Note 74757 Ray74G95 Louisville 12 4Sg fast 30 103 9 9 8l 104 J Baker Inela Pinion Lillian Ray 74G95 Silverite745S5 Louisville 12 511 hvy 10 91 12 14 14 14 JE Griffin Servicence Fundamental Silverite 745S5 Lexington 58 1078 hvy 12 100 7 777 72JFranklin LadyHawthorne AliceBaird Bnbba 74512 Lexington 45 f 5Cg fast 8 105 10 9 95 8uJWarren MDale SpangledBanner Stowaway StowawayGRACE 1037GOOO GRACE GOLLING b f 2 by Sorcerer Miss Petticoats H J Sargeant AVeight today 103 7GOOO AVindsor 45 f 541 fast 50 112 S 4 10 10 G Swain Arrowshaft SBride AnnaLDal y 7591S Windsor 5S 102 fast 40 1015 5 2 7 11 11 JF Burton GladysLouise Sight Miss Imogene ST 111First COTTON ch c 2 by St Maxim Cotton Queen AVeight today 111 First start