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FOURTH RACE 111C Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 5770 1 44 1 101 101CAIRNGORM CAIRNGORM b h 6 by Star Ruby Linda Vista A J Joyner Weight today 12C 75997 Brighton 1 1S 154 fast 2 115 443 3 2l ii E Dugan Black Oak Bedouin Lally 75SC5 Brighton 1 18 153 fast 21 ItG 322 1 2s 21 B Dugan Trash DArkle Campaigner 75S3S Brighton 1 1lC 146 good 3 111 1 1 2 1 lh 21 K Dugan Karl G Don Enrique Umbrella 757C7 Sheepshd 118153 fast 85 110 1 1 1 1 H 2 K Dugan Montauk Trash Black Oak MARATHON b c 4 by Martagon Omlnlea H B Duryea Weight today 115 76016 Brighton 34 113 J fast 8 102 4 5 4 4l 3J 15 McCthyRialto King Cobalt The Squire 75SS3 Brighton 1 1lC 148 fast 1S 106 111 1 l l 1 McCthy Easton Grace Cameron KingHcnry 75817 Sheepshead 1 l3Sg fast G5 111 4 2 2 2 23 22 1 McCthy Frizette The Wrestler Black Ouk 75765 Sheepshd 1 1S 1523 fast 15 106 2 3 4 3 22 531 I McCthy Monfort Spooner Grapple 7571G Shpshd 1 116 1472 fast 31 111 6 6 G 4 3 22 D McCthySea Wolf Great Pirate Chaplet LALLY b c 4 by Golden Garter LAmazone T Monahan Weight today 97 7G035 977G035 Brighton 1 14 202 fast 20 S6 1 4 4 4 4 4 iUpton Big Chief Frank Gill Bedouin 75997 Brighton 1 18 154 fast 10 95 G 5 t 4 3J 4i Yorke Cairngorm Black Oak Bedouin 75943 Brighton 1 116 1M7J fast 15 111 3 6 3 2 2 Musgrve Ellisdale Colonel White Corncob 75905 Brighton 1 14 206 fast 20 109 5 4 4 2 4 4 Garner Earl G Trash Juggler ZIENAP b m 6 by Florist Alleviate W F Schulte Weight today 113 7G054 1137G054 Brighton 1116147 fast 115112 111 2 21 2 Garner PinsandNeedlesSpnerDolSpankor 75959 Brighton 1 116 1MCJ fast 75 107 1 4 3 3 2 23 W Miller Tony Bonero Antaeus Disobedieut 75903 Brighton 1 1lC 1MG2 fast G 108 1 4 4 4 2 22 W Miller SLynnewood Moonshine SallorGirl 75791 Sheepsd 1 1lC l48g mud C 113 1 5 5 5 4 4 W Miller QiiestionMark Delirium GCHall 75521 Sheepshead 1 l39g fast 15 113 11 9 9 9 9 9 J Lee TheWrestler Rockstone ToraDolan QUEEN MARGUERITE br f 3 by Henry of Navarre Sneerwell Green River Stable Weight today 108 7S99U Brighton 34 113 fast 2J 107 1 1 1 11 21 D McCthyThe Wrestler Gowan Castlewood 75919 Brighton 34 l12g fast 5 100 3 5 6 5 5S1 D McCthyJacobito Tom McGrath Besom 756SS Sheepshd 61 f 120 fast 7 97 4 1112 I2 I McCthy Cresslna Imitator Miss Norfolk 75585 Sheepshead 1 13S4 fast 10 87 2 2 3 2 2 9 ° lUpton Frizette Rockstone Saracinesca SaracinescaDARKLE DARKLE b g 6 by Arklo Daveka J J Moran Weight today 93 75997 Brighton 1 1S 154 fast 15 93 5 C G G C CJ Sumter Cairngorm Black Oak Bedouiu 75941 Brighton 1 116 14C1 fast 20 90 3 G G C 41 3s Sumter BlackOak QiiestionMark Tonrenne 75SG5 Brighton 1 18 l53g fast 20 99 C 7 5 5 3J 351 D McCthy Trash Cairngorm Campaigner CAMPAIGNER b c 4 by Gerolstein Supporter 0 L Richards Weight todayiSC 75S5S todayiSC75S5S Brighton 1 11G 1463 fast 12 108 433 4 5 5 ° Lang Frizette Import Chaplet 75903 Brighton 1 116 1464 fast 15 86 377 7 6T 6 Jensen Sir Lynnewood Zlemip Moonshine 75SC5 Brighton 1 1S 153 fast 5 92 4 4 3 3 52 491 McCahey Trash Cairngorm DArUle