Shift in Oakland Track Officials, Daily Racing Form, 1908-10-30


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SHIFT IN OAKLAND TRACK OFFICIALS. San Francisco. Cal.. October 29. C. H. Pcttingill and Fred E. Mulholland have been dropped from the board of stewards that will serve during the approaching Oakland meeting. The board will consist of E. C. Hopper. Martin Nathanson and Louis Lissak. While other reasons are publicly assigned for the change. It is asserted by those who know that a vigorous policy to be pursued towards offenders against the rules of racing here next winter is responsible. It is an open secret that Mr. Pettingill has been ultra conservative In dealing with horsemen and jockeys. Mulholland has not been an active member of the board in the past. He will continue to act as patrol judge and Pettingill as associate judge. Particular attention will be paid here this season to horses running in bandages. This is a result of the ruling off of Blondy and MacPherson. his owner, at Boise yesterday for running that horse in leaden bandages. Stuart Polk and W. W. Finn, alleged to have been implicated in the affair by MacPher-sons confession, will lose their training licenses If r the facts are as represented. Finn and Polk havo raced at Oakland for years and were booked to come here this fall. , , Max Hirscli has wired from New York for M x twelve stalls for Spooner and other horses. W. D. Randall will leave Boise tomorrow bound for here with Benvollo. Sid Silver and Berrycssa. J. H. Brannon will come from the same place with Cotin. Boogcr Red and Volaskin. Dr. Saylor, official veterinarian for tho California Jockev Club, has arrived from New York. J. O. Keene has changed his plans and. has left Japan for Russia instead of returning here. He writes that the Japanese government has suppressed betting on racing in Japan. Jockey Scoville is on his way back here. Boyd Hincken will ship Clolsteress and Man-heimer here from Latonla. Roalta worked a mile today in 1:43, which, is the record to date: Firestone worked in 1:45. Other notable moves were: Creation and Tom Hayward. five-eighths in 1:02: Lady Irma. five-eighths in 1:025: Chipmunk, five-eighths In 1:02:" Prejnicio. one-half in 48?: Blameless, three-fourths In 1:15: Vibrate, live-eighths In l:02i.

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Local Identifier: drf1908103001_1_8
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