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CANADIAN BREEDING BUREAUS GROWTH. The Canadian National Breeding Bureau," says J the . Montreal Star, "is solng to ask permission -7 to bring .some of its stallions, now In the United States Into Canada, passing the quarantine In sealed cars. Applications for stallions are pouring in from the northwest, and owing to the difference between the climate up there and tha t of -Tennessee, and Kentucky, it is atxsolntely necessary to send the stallions up a couple of months before the season opens. Many Englishmen who iiye farms in Alberta and Saskatchewan have passed through Montreal during the past few days on their wav to England for the Christmas holidays. These men have all renewed their applications to the bu-reau -for thoroughbreds, and are all of the same opln- ion as to the immense benefit of the work of the new organization. "Many of the applicants are circulating petitions in their respective counties, which are being signed by farmers and small breeders.. These- men, to the number of thousands, pledge themselves to support the breeding industry and to Improve the type of horses in Canada by the use of thoroughbred- cross. They seem to especially wish to develop a type that will 1m? useful for cavalry purposes. "The bureau is collecting as rapidly as possible, and already has some good ones, in Cobmosa, Javlin, Race King, Our Boy. Oraculum. Ostrich. Ben Hod-der, Sea Horse IL. Mastcrman. Mcllvaln. Rosemount ami Surmise, besides having arranged for Golf Ball. Botanist, W. H. Carey and many others. "Javlin, a grandson of Hampton, was sent to Ottawa by express yesterday. He goes to Dr. It. E. Webster. M. F. II., Ottawa Hunt. He is a very fine young stallion of the hunt type, and was donated to the bureau by Captain W. F. Presgrave. racing manager for Thomas Clyde. "Sea Horse II. will bo, placed with Rodolnbc Forget, M. P. He combines the best blood of Australia and England, and to give an idea of his actual commercial value it may he stated that he is insured for 0,000. His services will Ik; given free to Quebec farmers with good cold-blooded mares. "Masterman. by Hastings Lady Margaret, will be stationed at StL Lambert. He is the best son of the champion stallion of America. He won the United States Hotel Stakes as a two-year-old and the Belmont Stakes as a three-year-old."