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LEXINGTON STABLE ROOM EXHAUSTED. Lexington. Ky.. April 14. — There are no stalls to be hail at the Kentucky Association course. The EM Ikixis in the enclosure and about I8t outside have l»en preempted for the coming meeting. Secretary Shelby had requests from J. Tons. F. J. Stevens. Lugt-no Lutz. Jacksonville. Flu.. Thomas Hatfield. Louisville, Ky.. and Wade H. Hell. 1—1 Mil. Iud.. for an aggiegate of forty stalls. He wired them lhat there is no room. The program book for the meeting was issued today. Caiilaiu W. Harry Browu is here from Pittsburg 1o visii Senorita Farm. John Caffneys string of five. Cygnet. Mad Kose. Stowaway. Coudry aud Caspidere. arrived from Nash villi- this morning.