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JAMESTOWN MEETINGS GOOD "R0SPECTS. Norfolk. Va.. April 27.— The coming spring meeting of the Jamestown Jockey Club at Norfolk. Va.. promises to create a new eta in the racing earns Is of Virginia. Following, as it does. Immediately oa the heels of the Pimlico meeting at Baltimore, an abundaioe of horses and riding material is assured. The meeting will be conducted under the rules of tlie Jockey Club. The following officials have been appointed: Judge and liundicapper. Frank Thorpe; stew aid to represent the Jockey Club, Frank I, Brrnn; starter. James Milton: secretary. Wash Kor-vell: clerk of the scales. James Johnson. John Cavanagh will have charge of the stationery ami advance information. The clubhouse element will be a feature of the sport. Secretary Norvell is arranging to put on races for the amateur riders. The jumpers will also he given plenty of opportunity to race, as a Virginian considers a program without a steeplechase incomplete. The plant is beautifully situated on the Elizabeth River, lying midway between Norfolk and the F.x position grounds, and being a twenty minutes trolley ride from Norfolk. The track is a mile in or ensnferenee, With an unusually broad stretch. Tire grandstand has a seating capacity of .",.000. with Isixes arranged in front similar Io those at Saratoga. The stables, of which there are 3IR1. are strlctly up to date. With the exception of Belmont Park the i h:bhouse is the handsomest in ihe country. From its breed balcony a splendid view of the races is to he had. and between races the rear balcony affords ■ pleasing view of rhe river, with Hampton Bonds la the distance. A .spur has recently lieon constructed, enabling the trolleys to run directly to the grandstand. A special boat will run daily from Old Point Comfort. thereby enabling the guests of the famous Hotel Chamberlain to reach the track in forty-five min utes.