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NEW CANADIAN TURF PROMOTION SOCIETY. Montreal. Que.. April 27. — "A Thoroughbred" is I man who belongs to The Thoroughbred Club of Can ada. an organisation which, although only a month old. has nearly 2.O00 members, li is arr offshoot of the National Bureau of Breeding and its members an- men who believe in making friends for the thoroughbred and iu using him to Improve the breed of borses in Canada. The idea of forming a club yvas advanced by the farmers and breeders themselves i.tul the plan was perfected in Morrtreal. But the club was not prrt in working order here. It was first launched in Alberta and rapidly traveled west to the Pacific. It also started eastward and has now reached Montreal. A laj:ge iierceulage of the fanners and breeders of Canada are joining and many others who. while not belonging to either class, pre Irierrds of the thoroughbred horse. This club is doing its work by means of giving publicity of the value of the pure blooded horse. This is done by the distribution of literature such as patnphlets and liooklors in Kuglish and French which contain news of more than passing interest, telling fanners and breeders how to care for horses, mares and foals and showing what a tremendous advantage -it lg to breed only to the best. It is part and parcel of the revolution in the horse breeding industry, which romssesmed in Canada a year ago and yyirich may result in this being the greatest horse -producing country in the world. The Thoroughbred Club believes that Canada should supply all the cavalry horses England needs and most of the saddle, carriage and hunter horses required in America. It is organized in every province and there are keen, intelligent men behind it. Throughout the year there will be meetings held throughout Canada at which competent men will address the friends of the thoroughbred. Some time in June there will be a big banquet in Montreal at which men famous all over America as thoroughbred experrs will speak and many of the farmers and breeders of this province will attend. Similar garh-erings will be held at Fredericton. Halifax. Quebec. Toronto. Winnipeg. Medicine Hat, Calgary, Prince Albert and Vancouver. All of which goes to show that this will be a great year for King Horse irr Canada and it is all so s|snple that people are wondering why it was not wane long ago.