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MONTREAL BETTING IN NO DANGER. Montreal. One.. April 28.— At Quebec |,e Mon tree] Jockey Club hill came up for discussion in the legislature yesterday and panned minus one eta nee, which provided that the club should have the right to sell intoxicating liquors in tlie clubhouse and also during exhibitions or meetings in the grandstands 1 1 the public. To this proposition Messrs. Bourassa and Tellier raised strenuous objections despite the assurances of the lion. Mr. Weir and others that the power asked was not an extraordinary one. He did not press the nehnt, however. A vote was taken, the house standing sixteen against, fourteen for. The Hon. Messrs. Weir. Tascliereau. Boy and Kaine were the only ministers present voting for tlie license. Later there was discussion over the gambling clause, but not to such a degree as to take away the appearance of it being a license to carry on gambling iiractices. It now- reads as follows: "The club shall not permit anv gambling on its property, but this rinnee shall not affect those who iMt iilH.n exercises for promoting skill in the use of arms or upon horse ih- fool races or other lawful games reouiring Ixxlily activity or address within the meaning of the civil cede.