Oakland Almost Cleared Of Horses., Daily Racing Form, 1909-04-29


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OAKLAND ALMOST CLEARED OF HORSES. San Francisco. Cnl.. April 2S.— Only the stables of William Caliill. William Hawke. William Darker and V. H. Terry remain at Oakland. All of them will hin within a day or two. A ■111 III train Of twenty-one carloads left today for Victoria, including the horses of S. Judge. William Caine. W. 1. Magrane. James Neil. O. A. Bianclii. ITeur de Lis Stable. S. J. Dundas. J. Robin son. Frank Hector, 1. T. llinkey. J. Stern. Frank McMal Pat Sullivan. Harry Mack. Charles Began. J. F Clifford. W. B. Eiigstroin. J,k- Harlan. T. J. Ocie. Ontario Oregon Stable. J. Green, F. J. Steer, Walker A: McKiunip. C. W. Chappell, Ollie Johnson. I. Mulcahov. J. A. Armstrong. . Brant. W. Mad ilox. James Hewitt. E. A. Brewster. J. Buck. John W ha leu A. I".. Colrer. Grant Boyd. M. J. Hayes. 1" Howler. George P. McNeil and Max Gtttt-. Ollie Johnson is now training for the Fletir de Lis Stable. _ , 1 T llinkey has purchased Gargantua. lootloose. Daintv Belle. Be Brief and J. it. I.aughroy from II. G Bedwcll and has parted company with A. F. Hay ton. for whom he lad trained for years. S. J. Dundas has purchased Bed vol to and Sid Silver. Frank Rector, having left Fred Cook"s service, is training George Kismet. Chaplet, Binocular. Fre-donia and Metropolitan. Barn Inna paid T. 11. Williams $:"..MI0 tor jockey Gillierts contract and will take the Ixiy east.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909042901/drf1909042901_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1909042901_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800