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HOUSTON ENTRIES. Proiiabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00 XRuns well in mud. ©Superior 111ml runuer. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. feoe. A. Wt Hdcp. Sliss1 Aipiiliue 110 :55 4. .111 V725 S114!i- I.ista 4..UH! 721 iSIJiMI S.iba.lo MB :•".« t . . 113. . x 71 5 . S11C. Voh.M.iue 5. .114 7o.". so:;!.!" Mrs. Nugent 4. . 101..v"05 81 1M Rebo S. .lie. . tiki 81207 Pity B..M4. . XBBQ moss:: Pink Carnation .... 7. .till . . ..C.2.". Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear olds and upward. Selling. S1W7 Hardlvson 107 1:14* :... 07. 72.". si 17 - Ladv Ethel 105 1:14* B..MB..X7«3 81187 lt.iv Shumwav .... 04 1:10 3.. 07. ...71". slls7: Lucky Mate 3..MB..X7M SltH , Apple Toddy 107 1;14| 4..108..X7O3 Ind. Hone. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. M187 Recarda 112 1:17 ::. . 17 S .sum r.Miih Almanac 1:17 ::..«»:,.. xo75 nni Kim un *§ Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Mic.5 Koaosso IM1M ."... H..xnt R1184 Tapioca 102 1:09 "... M..X71S mim: Dr. Dawaia 3..oo 7lo M127 M.trolla 4..KIS 705 M147 Helen Kidder 3.. 94 050 Mis.". Mmet Be* ."...114 025 MIS.". Nicole! U 51. .100 023 M034 l.anigan ::.. M OOP 771»:;u Boxtatec S. . 8S 000 Haedee AbbbMbb . . 5.. 11 Fourth Race — 1 1-2 Miles. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. 81204 Poiii. i HH 2:34ft 5..HH..XT23 I811K7 Ml -lango -1 . . HNi. . X720 iMl.soi Oohlw.iv 110 ::;m 0..112..X715 MlMi Coldtiild 7. .IT. MB 81804 Dirk Redd O..lll..x7oo BUM1 Duchess i.l Montr hello 5..105..X075 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. :; year olds and upward. Soiling. M107- lieswardine 100 1 ::.4 4. .HIS. . X725 isll70| Bitter Hand Ill 1 :29 0..111..X72O i si us i The Slicker 3.. Si7..x7ir. SUSP No Quarter 107 1:2S* .".. .111 . .X71D M1S3 Sainvoko 3.. 93.... 705 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. I vcar-olds and upward. Selling. 81184 Klsa r 10oi:02ft ».. 07 72." M2i 5- llaughtv IW1.-N o. .111. . x72 siis7 Arrowshaft "J*. 1*11 "...07 720 SUSP .!,.,• Eliricu 107 1:033 ::..102 71.". 81151* Gatdaa .. 3.. 07 7i ."i 81131 Pick Slianlev 107 1:0a ." . .113. . X7O0 Mis.".3 Joe WiM.ten 8.. 118 *83 si 147 Starboain .".. 07....0!Ht sii2s Baiaaaaea 4..1o7 0S5 M107 Itusler Jones 3. .11:5. . X075 The liguios under "Kee." in above onirics show the Iwst lime made by Hie horse at the distance, with weight carried, sini-e January 1. 1000. Tips thae ia nol necessarily made hy a winner. It may be the istiinated time at a losing performance.