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MADDEN S HORSES TRIED AT PENNING. Washington. D. C. May B Tote B. Maild-ns horses had a general try-out before shipment to Del m-.nt Park, and -n tin- moves depended the; future id some ol the colts and tillics. An Impressive work was that shown bv Lady Panchita. a brown filly, hy Ogden — Bremeh, She worked a half in r.l seconds. She tea all tlie appearances of a tillv of -take caliber, lieing of line proportions, with a turn of speed that is unmistakably high elans. Madden makes no se-cret of the- l.n 1 thai he thinks well or her. Two of the youngsters shown Plando ami High Peak, covered a half in .".2 seconds. Both are striking in appearance-, and from their action mav Ik- put down right here as real race horses. Fayette i- Uaddena hope for tin- three-year old slake- e-ve-nts this se-ason. He has tilled out and li t down beautifully, has wintered well and is as sound as the proverbial dollar. 1uk-ss something goes radically wrong with him he should till all hla stake- engagements with credit. Madden thinks he will lead the- three -year old division. To slew his tiiness Madden sent Payette over the mile- loonier iii 1:4C.. lie- was under restraint all the way. Considering that the track was de-op and dead, this trial may lie considered as good as any of those done- on any of tlie metropolitan courses. Lady Bedford was eased up n mile in 1:471. Madden Intended this tiiiy for the Rpsom Oaks but changed his mind about sending her abroad Use la-t fall. She should prove a formidable rival f Junes R. Keenes Maskette this year. She is iu good form right now. Mc-s Kearney, a better than fair perforaaer as a tyro-sear-old, appears in tirst-e lass shape. Sin- wintered well and her half mile in o-h seconds indicates, her fitness.