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BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUBS SPRING STAKES. To close for titties Saturday. May 15, the Brooklyn Jockey Club has announced its program of stakes for its spring meeting of this year. In values and number thev follow the lines laid down by the Westchester Jockey Club, the list being as follows: For Thrtc-Year-Olds and Over. Brooklyn Handicap, $,j.*iini guaranteed. 1 I 1 miles. Hrookdale Handicap. *2.oO0 guaranleed. 1 is miles. Parkwav Handicap, .5i o guaranteed. 1 tit; miles. Mvrtle Stakes. Selling. 11.000 added. 1 IS miles. Pntchoguc Stakes. Selling. . KK aHded. about o-l mile. For Three-Year-Olds. Broadway Stakes. S2.500 guaranteed. 1 1-11 miles. For Two-Year-0ds. Creat American Stakes. .5oi guaranteed. 5-K mile. Tremont Stakes. .oi i guaranteed, aliout o-l mile. Criterion Stakes. ,000 added: 7, -S mile. Manhanset Slakes. ,000 added: 4 1-2 furlongs. lie. Ilord Stakes. .0M added: 5-S mile. Steeplechases. Kmiiiie State. added: al.out 2 12 miles. Greater New York. 00 added: about 2 1-2 miles. Kensington. Mi added: aliout 2 miles. In the present condition of New York racing, nothing better than these offerings could reasonably be expected. It is the manifest duty of all owners c nominate their horse s even more freely than was their custom when values were incomparably greater. Their interest is greatest of ail.