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APPEARS REAL ESTATE SPECULATION. ■ I s Angeles. Cal.. May S. — The rare track at Tia «adj Juan. i. .just over the American line. Bream now a flfl] certainty. Work will soon be started on the con flHJ structiou of the track and with this obiect in view. HH a meeting of the directors of the company will he- flfl held in this city during the week. Further details VflJ concerning ,ie entire project will be decided upon. fflj inclining plans for the establishment of the town VffJ site, which is to be thrown open in connection with HJ the race track. JJ The general plan of the backers now is to lay _flfl the town out in true Mexican style, with a plaza HJ| or small park in the center and streets radiating 1 f-oiu it. Of the 2SO acres secured by the pn iters. wflj 115 acres have been reaerved tor the town sit,-, and Vfl the remaining l«5 to he devoted to race track pur flfl poses. The lots will be of good size and will be sold only under huildii.g restrictions. In this way the undesirable aback which is so common in a new settlement will In- avoided on the new Tia .1 liana town site from the start. Definite plans have not yet been decided upon for the hotel to Ik- built in connection with the track, but it is stated that a half million dollars would be expended on the entire project.