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LATONIA CASE SUBMITTED TO COURT. Frankfort. Kv.. Mav ,.— The ease of the Kenliukv ll.-iing Coinmission against the Latonia Agriculiii, a, A -s ion. operating the Latonia race track, w is Mibtiiitted before tlie Keatacky Court of Appeai-todav without a rg nil ; out. Ike cult gave the :; I .eriievs for the Latoai* club ten days to tile a brief. The i-ase was docketed for arguiiK-iit today, but the dines- of attorney Harvey Myers for the loekey »-lrrt ninsed it to reouest a ROallHMMMtat of am-nient until a future date. Hie .oiinsel for the com niii-slon stated its willingness to submit the case without aigumeiit. as the commission was eager lo have flic court decide the diiestioii of the legality of the .■miiii.-sioii as fcouu as possible.