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% NEW LOUISVILLE RECORDS DAINTY DAME OVERCOMES COLLOQUY IN A , REMARKABLY FAST THREE-QUARTERS. Star Thistle Takes His Race — Kint? Olympian Disappoints His Admirers — Arcitc in a Good Trial for the Clark Handicap. Louisville. Kr.. Majr f . — Track records that hare atead for ream arete i.icil tliis afteraiaa. It ami-- ;in Ideal day to: rsrhnr bright 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n -1 like weather prevailing, and the track Mac in the be* possible i 41 1 lea. The Brat mark t.. a* by 0 ■• beard raaae with tin- ri.nnmg of the slx-furlons* handicap, arhieh featured lie card, and in whim anaae of the beat weaiera sprinters were engaged. Dainty Dame proved the winner in 1:111. hut mm after ■ sensational stretch drive. rMdea vtraraaiily by Powers. The speed* Cbtliiejai. fraai ■ [am becinalaur. set a tremendous parr from tin- ttert. going r 1 1 - first qaarter in 221. the three furlongs in :54 and the half in W|. After tills Daintj Harm-, which had been Colloquys nearest paraaer. moved up with ■ rush, bar! the Hollo auie held oa resolutely, and they measured strides on area terms, both under a sharp drive, mil il within a fear atrtdea at the tinisli. where Dainty Dame forged into a lead of a half length, arhieh si e retained until lii. eml. Irfaaeb wus a distant third, hut also r»~ ■ fine rue. Colonel Bab. arhieh as ■ twa real id ild rive the beat of them a stout arguim-:,:. ha., developed into a had a tor and seldom reta awaj in a forward position, lie was ainiv last this afternoon ami his rhier made hut aUejbt effort to ante him when his rosacea apparently were hone li- . He will In- gelded with a view to bnprovinr. liis disposition. • In the clo-ing race a Rand hand of srlllne ldateis started. Star Thistle, favorite, taking the •purse from he fast -coming Mellowiniut. The Cali fornia horse displayed- a high order .if anted, and had liis nearest paraaer* driving hard to maintain their positions. He maintained his speed in the stretch and won comfortably. Mellon mint onlstav law Maritza ill the I *■ !■» strides for second place. Another supposed crack ynaaucatnr went down to defeat and rave the punters a severe jolt when Kins olympian wax easily heated by Finkard in .lie fifth race. u his pen fa— need ahon Inn at Lexington. .die Scliulte colt appeared to hold the purse at his nafTTT. hut rinkiird •nailo him appear eheasj lo running away from him in the last furlong and win siing as liis rider pleased. Black Boy carried Kin-t.h in, .l.m along at a ccrrific ,i.ic« f..r the first tl.r. - • turnings and this inav have accounted for the favorites failure when challenged hv IMnkard. 151a k Hoy. as a result of his early etfort. tired hadly. tun was rood enough to land third money. In the opener. ■ tln-iiliiitr finish resulted. Mem field. Tackle, ltalhert and 1aul Ruinart comiiw to ti*» tinisli in the order named, heads apart. The winner, entered for MI. was hid up to ."J hv John Baser, a neat rooter in raring, and areuied hy him Louise S.. a good looking tillr hy The i i.iniiioiiei — Marv A«n.s. owned hv .1. Welsh, defeated a rood land of fillies m the second race, for which Ken-no was host liked. The latter showed the most speed inr three furlongs, hill tired near the end and had to he hard driven to retain second alace from Pal eaJagn. Barla Chart liked the pasteboard track and ran to his beat form, achieyimr 1111 easy victory over Uoldproof. Mi-s Strom-- and other useful platers. Jockey Shilling was forced to cancel his en •easements for the day on account of being notified thai liis mother was seriously ill in her home in •Texas. W. J. Young has secured second call on lackey Tsplins services tor the remainder of this meet-. bar. W. B. lots string of racers arrived today from Lexington. The Tad had to tie withdrawn from the fifth race on account of illness. Tony W.. owned by A. Weber, ran away .three miles this morning while at exercise. Q. J. Looks Areite, arhieh will be a starter in the Clalk Handicap Saturday next worked a trial mile /Ids inoi tiisiir in 1:40$. He will be ridden hv 1ow-»rs. Jeff Berastehi. anotlier lark Handicap candi Onte. winked impressively, and is considered a eer-tialn starter in Saturdays Mr race, and will he ridden by MeC.-e. Jockey J. Davenport was lined ." hv the stewards for disobedience at the post. Today* attendance was far in excess of last vears fourth day. the speculation likewise betar more voluminous. When the true form of tin- b*r*CI now here i- established, it is expected that wairer imr will increase. KlatC Olympian estahlished a mark in the auction tnoUnr. in the matter of prleaa for first choice. brhartar as hieh as 51 in some of the aaola. Work of repairing the damace done by tie- recent severe storm at Latonia is geiiiL on steadily, and that plant will be restored to sprendid condition for j lie opellimr.