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LEXINGTON OPENS IMPORTANT STAKES. Lexington. Kv.. Mav ..—Stake races for the spring meeting of the Kentucky Association in 1910 and thereafter are assured. Messrs. i. D. Wilson E R Hr.ollev. George D. ott. Thomas I. Kelly and Ho. ice W. Wilson, the committee appointed bv the thoroughbred breeders last Saturday, met this afternoon and drew up the following conditions: Breeders Futurity. ,000 added, foals of 1908. p, p, run on the first day of the spring meets** ■•! lino- bv subscription of to aecompany the nomination: to close June 15. 1000; 5 due January 1. 19M- starters 0 ■dditional: colts. 115 pounds; til lies and geldings. 1K pounds. Half mile. Breeders Futurity Consolation Purse. 00 added, for foals «.| l.ttts nominated but not starting in Breeders luturity. eligible on payment of 5 three day* before the race. Half mile. l. N. Camden Handicap. .mki added, to be run .t the spring nieiting of 1010, for then three-year olds aud over, by subscription of £3 to accompany the nomination: to done June 15. 1!Mi9: to he ooeiied again November 1. 1000, ,,n payment of 0 tor those not entered by June 15. 1919: second payment. .«K . January I. 1911: 0 additional to start. One and one -eighth miles. •I. N. C.inid.n Handicap Consolation Parse, 8900 added, for ions to the .1. N. Camden Ilandi cip that do not finish lirst. second or third in that race; eligible on payment of 5 three davs before the race, on.- mile. Breeders Futurity. ,500 added, to be run the Oral day of the spring meeting of 1911. for foals of Usui now sucklings: to accompany aomlnatlonM; to dose June 15. 1900; 5 additional January 1. l»10. 5 January 1. Bill. ST.". additional to start; oolts. 115 pounds: fillies and geldings. 110 pounds: 70 ner cent, of the total to the lirst haras. 2 i per cent, to second. 10 per eenl. to third and fourth P. sue starling I.e. Hall mile. Blue Crass Slakes, to l.e run at the spring meet ing of 1911. tor three year olds, foals of I.xiS now yearlings; 0 to acrasapany nominations: to close .lime IS, 1000: 5 if not declared on or before November 15. 19K : If left In after March 1. 1911. 5 additional: M additional to start: . ..» added, of which KI to second aud 00 to third: sex allowance. One and one-eighth miles. Lniri.s are to he addressed to Barrett D. Wilson. The committee made the aimounecinent after its inciting that it now has 87.500 in sight for these and other siak. s to be given at the spring meeting next yen and proliably will have more than tiiat by the lime the season opens. ProSBeCtl are very encouraging. It is believed that these stakes will lie liberally patronized.