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ATTEMPT TO ROB JOCKEY MGEE. Cincinnati. 0.. June 25. — In defending Fred Morris, head stable hand for Henderson A: llogan. of Louisville, from a murderous assault at tho hands of John Btaxton. a colored fugitive from justice. John Dixon, belter known as "Dummy." so effectively wielded a pitchfork that the** is doubt of Bhutans survival. The alTair took place early this morning when Blaxtoa attemiiteil to rob lackey MeGeea riM.111. close to the Henderson stable on the backstretch of the Latonia track. The lad called Morris to his assistance. Blavton went after the stable foreman with a baseball hat, beating him over the head and eye. Witnesses assert that had it not been for the prompt interference of Dixon with a pitchfork. Mollis would surely have been brained. The Intruder was finally disarmed, but not liefore the prongs of the fork had platted his head just above the right eye. He was also cut in the ImmIj-and his left arm broken in three places. Police authorities called to the scene, made a sweeping arrest of all i-oucorned in the affair and also recognized Blaxton as an alleged murderer for whom the authorities of Louisville have lieeu searching during the 1111st eight months. Both Dixon and Morris wire accompanied to court by Henderson, who furnished a ,000 bond for their appearance for trial.