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ESTABAN ON LAST LAP OF HIS TRIP. Warsaw. Ind., July 20. II. II. Weatherley and Ksteban. the six-year-old thoroughbred which lie is riding from New York to Chicago, as a test of the horses powers of endurance, left here today and will reach their western destination tomorrow night. Concerning his trip from Lima, O.. Mr. Weatherley said: "We left Lima last Thursday evening, intending to make a night ride to Fort Wayne. Shortly after taking our departure from Lima we were caught in the now famous July Ohio hailstorm. Stones the size of a bantams egg were playing such a lively tattoo on Estebans head and his riders face that rather than risk" the chance of souring his disposition 1 pulled into a nearby farm house and remained over night. Next morning, we continued on to Fort Wayne, sixty-eight miles distant by wagon road, and reached that place at midnight Friday. Ksteban stood the sixty-eight miles journey without turning a hair, and was looking for his oats when I -put him up in Webers barn. I remained at Fort Wayne over Saturday and gave the Gentlemens Driving Club an exhibition work-out of a mile. The forty-seven miles between here and Fort vayne were covered between S:30 Sunday morning and 4 oclock in the afternoon. The liorse reached here feeling fine and probably wondering why he was asked to go only forty-seven miles."