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DEAL REPORTED ON AT LATONIA. Cincinnati, O., August :!. Iteport lias it that a deal Tor the transfer of a controlling interest in the Latonia race track is on. According to the report, the proposition under consideration by the majority stockholders of the plant conies from parties .who sire anxious to obtain control for the purpose of running the track as a purely local enterprise. Detroit. Mich., August 1. Unconfirmed rumors have been going the rounds here that the Latonia track would diange management before long. The supposedly knowing ones maintain that it is the Intention of the present management to sell our I heir holdings to people In and around Cincinnati. They also maintain that K. O. Hopper will be the man installed to look after Latonia affairs in future :ind that a solid business and well-known clubman or Cincinnati will lie the president. Some aver that It will be lfayard Kilgour.