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I SHEEPSHEAD BAYS STAKE RACE TODAY I The ltussel Stnkcn Is the most Important feature, of Mils nflernoonH riielnc nt SliecpHlicnd Hny. H Ih n dash or a mile mill a luilf over the sins course and since Hh llrst nninlni: lu IS... Iimm been won by n sueeiHsliiu of sliiylua race horses, of which Itnllniuiptou, Prince MctMurs. Water lire. !iiiiuiiMnvnKa, Short-liose. Outcome. .Miss Crawford and Itcdmiln were racem of miieli more limn iivenise merit when nl heir best, iiukIiimwiikii belnjj oin of the best ever, tared by the Popular Sanford Ntnble. The IichI time Hit nice was ever run lu was lu l!M7, when Miss Crawford defeated two of the crnckM of the year In Nenlon and Iteaciin Mulit lu -::i:!. The race was then u handicap, but It Is now n scIIIiik ract of considerably reduced Milne, but still well worth winning. The record of t lit; event Is ait follows: Year. First. Arc. JocUoyR. Wt. Second. Arc. Wt. Third. Arc. Wt. Vnl. Time. 1SWS Rnthainpton 4 Tarnl..lt2 Redskin 0 101 Cntcr Tenor .1108 $ 1,150 2:3., 1S! Ihvinlnyer 4 Dogectt. .111 Volley a 101 Soulile .1 113 1.150 2:301 1SI" Joe Miller C T. Sloan.. 0! Jefferson 4 85 Rensselaer 3.. 120 1,150 2:34 1SS Thomas Cut -1 T. Sloan..!! Jefferson 15 00 ttSO 2:3Ti lS.m Prince McClurR 3.. OConnor.. 110 Thomas Cat 5 118 The Ilachclor012S 1,450 2:38J 1000 .Maid of Ilariem 4 Slack.. 07 David Oarrlclc 3 113 Laverock 5... 104 1,770 2:35 ir-01 Water Cure 4 OConnor . .Ill Advance Jiiard 4 114 First Whip 4. 120 1.0S0 2:38J l!i02 The Rival 3 Michaels . .105 Ills Eminence 4 108 Articulate 4. .120 2,370 2:33 lltftt CaiiRhuawaRn 4....T. Rurns..ll0 Ilia Eminence 5. ...105 Sheriff Hell 3. 00 2.3H 2:35 lfMM Sherthose 4 Odoin..ll7 Major DaltiRerlleld 5 .112 Itosetlnt 4 104 3,300 2:34 1005 .Incquin 4 F. ONeill.. 108 Little Scout 0 DO Sailor Roy 3. 03 3,r..V 2:37 mod Outcome 5 W. Miller. .111 Orly 0 104 Entree 3 113 3.105 2:35 1007 Miss Crawford G...E. DiiRan.. 102 Nealou 4 124 Ileacon LiRht4114 3,250 2:33 P.MIS Itcilouin 01 1. McCarthy.. 18 Motmette 3 100 CnlrtiKorm 0..10J 1.050. 2:37iS r-