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DISQUALIFICATION IN EAST EMPEROR WILLIAM LOSES PURSE AFTER FIN- 1 ISHING FIRST AT GRAVESEND. Firestone, in Grand Form, Wins the Occidental at Prohibitive Odds After All Formidable Opposition Is Withdrawn. Now York, September 20. Kinperor William, ridden by J. Molntyro. won tlx; liftli sind best race of the program at Omvesond today and was disqualified a rait; happening at Grnvosond. Tim fact that President Philip .1. Dwycr was mic or the stewards who took action emphasized the seriousness of the foul committed. ISarney Sclireibors horse passed and led Mary Davis on the backstieteh on sufferance. Class waiting behind him under a pull after heating the harrier and showing the way around the lirst turn. When turning for home the favorite closed rapidly and midway of the stretch ranged alongside the leader in close quarters on the inside. About a sixteenth out. just when it was apparent the lillv was running strongest and would win. barring accident. Melntyre deliberately precipitated a collision which threw -Mary Davis lo her knees and left Kinperor William to conic on and win alone. Before Mary Davis could be pulled together. KtTomli had headed her for second place. The interference was m palpable that a demonstrative crowd gathered around the stewards stand. Class, Doyle and Melntyre were examined at length and Kinperor Williams number was taken down. Marv Davis was the best supported horse that raced during the afternoon. It is said that one clubhouse commissioner alone approximated .0Ot. .lust what condition the lilly is in is not known, but if she escaped numerous bruises and cuts it was wonderful. It is rumored that the sister to Hessian will be retired forthwith for the season. On paper, todays card at Oravesend was exceedingly attractive, both from the numerical and class viewiKiints. hut wholesale scratchings left it seriously impaired in both respects. Ilildretli had such n strong hand in the solitary slake feature the Occidental, at one mile and a quarter that onlv one other entrant. Quantico, remained in the contest for the ,500 purse. Of the formidable Ilildretli trio of eligibles. Firestone, 110 pounds, was. selected to represent the stable, and he did if worthily. The crack California racer, though conceding Quantir-o twentv-four pounds in aetual .weight, remained in front under a pull after the lirst quarter. The lightweight essayed to control the pace at the start, but was quickly displaced. Firestone closed at J to in the betting, lie ranks little lielow King James and Fltz Herbert in class in his present form. Four favorites, quoted at odds-on. were defeated during the afternoon. The two successful choices. Esex II. and Firestone, were respectively at the prohibitive odds of 1 to 4 and 1 to 0. The former had lo traverse two and a half miles of stiff cross-coun-trv. including twenty formidable jumps, to earn lirst monev in his nice, and yet 1 to 4 was freely accepted. It could hardly be termed a contest, though. Okenite was so green that he was with diliicultv kept in the course, while Adiutor suffered a hemorrhage from the nostrils early in the miming, and illnallv blundered and threw his rider at the Liverpool the second time around. The time made by the winner was twenty-three seconds slower than tiie record, and probably was the slowest ever recorded for the distance. Crcenvnle and Fair Louise, both palpably unlit, were decisively beaten by the recently graduated maiden. Fulfill, in the introductory dash. Rose Queen was forced along so fast under 125 pounds by l-lori-mel In the third race that she quit to a walk, which permitted such mediocre racers as The Pippin. St. Jeanne and Kubia Cranda to pass her at the end. Intrinsic, an outsider, climaxed the series of defeats if hot favorites by winning all the way from Calash :md Ccnnaii Silver. Though the last-named seemed palpably unlit, lie could hardly have survived Orands bad handling had he been at bis best. Conditions were more or less threatening today, lioth in the weather and the betting situation. Nevertheless, the attendance was as large as usual on Monilavs, and oral ltetting went on in the regular manner in the crowded ring. The big squad of plain clothes men. under iusiiectors Holahan and OBrien, who have lioen at the track for the last few davs. were again on hand this afternoon. Everything passed on" quietly, however, and no arrests were made. The case of the "night riders who took A . S. Houses colt. Ostein, from his stall at Sheepslieail Itav two weeks ago. has been set for next Wednesday before Magistrate Voorhees in t lie Coney Island police Court.