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NO DEVELOPMENTS AT GRAVESEND. New York, September 21. There was no falling off in attendance from the regular week-day patronage at Gravesend today. The usual contingent of plain-clothes sleuths was on baud, lmt found nothing to do. The Hart-Aguew law is being rigorously enforced by the Piukcrtnus, who are in the employ or the Jockey Club. The existence of the alleged warrants yet to be served that have hung like a pall over the betting ring for the last two racing days, is beginning to be doubted. Saturday ami Monday having passed without more arrests. Hie pplnioa grows that the district attorney has no further intentions in that direction. It is expected Unit the cases of the nineteen arrested men will come up some time next week. Layers and others do. not pretend to think that any convictions will be secured.