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VANCOUVER FORM CHART. - - -r -t- r VANCOUVER, B. C, September 13. Weather clear; track fast. Twentieth "day-. British Columbia Thoroughbred Associations meeting of 25" days. Presiding Judge, F. St. D. Skinner. Starter, Richard Dwyer. 84947 First Racff-l-2 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year- -olds. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 84522 Solved 109 1 McEwen G-5 S-5 8to:tO Calopus -109 . 25 Keogh 4 11-5 "84797 Alarrrief" 1KT 3n"G Archibald 3 7 8S87 aiatclieto 109 45 McBrlde 12 S 84720 Barney-iMason 104 55 Kederis 15 20 S1507 Maternus 108 Gi W Mclntyre 15 20 Hercllen 104 7h Jahnsen 20 30 Banorelfct 109- -Sl Callahan 20 10 81720 Young Miss . . .10S . 9l A Harris 15 15 S4720 B. of..Ediobrgh 104, 10 ! J King 20 40 " Herwinda 109 ,11 Coburn 15 30 , - Time... 4Ss. Winner E. Cudllieos ;b. t, by Kitchener Sunny Plains trained by A Ncal. Start fair. Won easily; second and third driving. 84948 Second Racc-5-8 Mile Purse 50. 3-year-olds and: upward. Selling; Net value to winner 00. ."-. Ind. Horse. . Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. S170930andy Fine 100 in Vosper G 8 81S513Zelina 112. 22 W Mclntyre 25 35 84850 .Marvel P. 112 35 Klein 8 12 84792 Stofnia "; , .112. 41 Keogh G 10 S4S51 Lord Provost 112 T.h F Kelly 3 13-5 S4770" Zick Abrams 112 Gh Leeds 5 5 81719 Mi Derecho 109 75 J J Carroll 20 SO 81732 Be Brief 10G 85 Selden 15 30 81709 Uattie Dodson 107 9 G McCarthy 20 GO S4853 Red Bill 112 10h G Archibald 7 10 .S471SIavid Roland --llSU. J King 5 8. S4S5." Senator Warner 112 12" Coles 40 50. S4040 Fort Wayne - 112 J3- Callahan 30 20 TimevUrOU. Winner C. 1L JonessJ br. g, 3, by Free Kniglit Belle Daisy trained Jy G. R.: Jones. Start good. .Won driving: second and third the same. 84949 Third Race 5-8"-Mil6: Purse 50. S-year-olds and upward. " Selling;. Net value to winner Q0. Ind. Horse.. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. S4K503Curriculuru ; 113 l.S Brooks 25 G 84792 Vronsky . 112 2h G Archibald 5 5 84850 Sid SilveT 112 Sl McBride 10 12 S4709 AbllcY 112 4 McEwen 5 0 S4851 George Kilborn 112 5h Vosper 20 30 84850 Bell of Brass 100 Gh Quay 10 12 84709 Otto Price " 11-2- 7s Leeds 15 20 S4792 Alcibiailes 112 -8 Coles 50 GO 84020 Cliff. Rogers 108 Dir Callahan 15 30 84718 La Rose- 112 1035 Coburn 10 7 S4792Lonis Streubcr 106.113 Keogh 25 25 84810 Semproelle 106 12 J King 30 30 S4718 Bold 100 134 Kederis 10 8 S4504JJulia C. 112 14 F Kelly 23 30 Time. 1:018. . Winner S. Judges- blk. g; 5, by Hastings Car-lotta trained by S. Judge. Start good." Won handily; second and third driving. 84950 Fourth Race 3-4 StHcL Purse 50. 4-ycar-olds arid upward. Selling. Net value, to winner 00. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. On. CI. 84817 Laura Clay 103 .lJ McBride 6 12 S4S59.Emma ,G. 105 25 Vosper 3 5 84SlfiGrace G. 103, 31 Coburn 4 55 84793VaIoski 110 ,43 J King 5 7 847953Titus II. 98; 5J Jahnsen G 7 84853 Albion II. . 107 64 . Hardwlck 20 25 SHU!.. Lovely .Mary 10S 73 A Harris 8 12 S453::Tho Mist 109 S G Archibald 8-5 S-5 S27S9 Willie T; 112 9 F Kelly 50 100 Time, lzllh. Winner V. II. Terrys eh. f. 4, by Tiie Friar-Laura Stone trained by, W. Doane. Start good. Won easily ;, siUonil. and third driving. The winner, entered for 00, was bid up to 00 by Hicks and Hopper and-bought in. 84951 Fifth Race 1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Sellings. Net value to winner 00, Irid. Horse. " Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. S4818Mav Sutton 111 15 McBride 3 16-3 S4853 Melton Cloth 103 23 Coburn 6 7 84815Ten Row 111 35 McEwen 15 25 S4P23 Lazell 111 42 Leeds 6 5 84770 Alleviator 111 G Archibald 4-5 1 S4023 Sainesaw 111 C5 J King 20 40 SI852Liddington 114 7 Keogh 20 40 Time; l:41g. Winlier--Allen and Huusleys ch. f, 4. by Prince Esher Mamie Lou trained by R. B. Allen. Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. l84952-,,SI;xthi-Riia-1iiMile;,l,ilrse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. On. CI. 84020 Nasmerito 103 1 J Kins 15 12 S480O Mr. Bishop 103 2 Kederis G 4 SISlSColonel Bronston 111 3l A Harris 3 5 S17223Mv liomiuet 111 4h O Archibald 1 1 84818 Iras 111 5J V WrlKlit 12 1G 81195 Sir Wesley 111 C3 Vosper 8 8 S4S1S Marg. Randolph 111 7 Gaugel 10 15 Time. 1:41J. Winner -Petalimia Stables b. g. 3. by Nasturtium Merito Iraihttl by T. Urysler. Start good, Won drlviojf second and thjrd .