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f THE KINGS HIGHWAY STEEPLECHASE : - jrInybr!iig-."alout. 4ho -thirteenth- jnnning. bLtbLKIng-5.,Hlghway. Steeplechase. ItigliL past .an en-, trance to the grounds of the Brooklyn Jockey Club runs a" street that wnsestahUshed a a public road in pre revolutioiuirv davs, and named the Kings Highway and the Kings Highway it remains to this day. It was after this memorial of old days that todays event was named. Such notably good jumpers as Sir Vassar, Forget. Ben Eder, Jim McGlbben, Foxhuiiter, St. Jude, Nitrate, Phantom and Jimmy Lane are :aniong those which have contested its honors, and its record is as follows: Year. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1S07 Sir Vassar 4 FinnesaiuaC4 Waltzer 5 157 Forget 4 130 ? 925 3:20 IS9S Moslem 4 Veitch..l44 Lady Dainty C 142 Marshall S...135 810 3:19 IS90 Ben Eder C . Finnogan..lG9 Merlin 4 ...134 Life Guard 3. 133 730 3:53 1900 Klondike 7 ...Veltch. .100 Finer 5 133 Three Bars C. 134 1,210 3:20 1901 Jim McGibben 0 Barry.. 138 Miss Mitchell 5 ....134 M. Simpson 4. 150 1,415 3:19 1902 Scotch Bush 4 Barry.. 132 Hark Forward 4 142 Draughtsmn GI38 1,720 4:53 1903 Judge Phillips "0.. J. OBrien. .140 Step Lightly C 144 L. of Clover 5 100 1,535 1004 Foxhunter 5 .Hay.. 104 St. Jude 4 ICO Boyelle G ..150 2.100 4:5G! 1905 Nitrate 7 Brooks. .144 Phantom 4 149 Grandpa 0 ..140 2,000 4:50 1900 Jimmv Lane G ...... .Owens. .140 Phantom 5 152 Grandpa 7 ..102 2.035 4:40 1007 Mr. McCann 4 ....... -Stone. .140 G us Straus G 147 McKittredge 4140 1.900 4:55 190S Bayonet 5 McKinncy. .14S Ironsides 5 147 RufUs 4 134 1.150 4:48 Run as a hurdle race from 1S97 to 1901. Inclusive, at 1 3-4 miles.