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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. E. L.. Chicago. The Jubilee Juggins bet lost. II. C, IC. Chicago. Cannot make out oxaetlv what the bet was. Explain more fully. Was there a place bet? 0. T. 1. Toronto. Out. If A was notified in advance that .added starters run for the book his bet on A aterway lost. Hays. Detroit. -Mich. Granada is a brown borse by Sigaiiteum Alexina. Grenade is a bay gelding by St. Gatien Turmoil. That is all. A. C. Chicago. The place parlay on Livonia. Taboo and The Monk won. licing void as to the latter because there was no separate place price against him. A. .. Chicago. In parl.-mutuel betting a percentage of the whole sum of sales or tickets on a nice is llrst deducted and the sum remaining is divided equally among the tickets sold on the winning horse.