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RACING LAW FOR CANADA COMMONS PASSES MEASURE DESIRED BY CANADIAN JOCKEY CLUBS. Book making and All Forms of Betting: Legalized on Rare Tracks During Two Seven-Days Meetings in Each Year — No Further Interference. Toronto. Out.. April 15. — The status of racing in Canada for the next generation was definitely established in legal form when the House of Commons last night passed vvitlioiit opposition ami without debate i; le liill that had Im-oii offered by the racing interests, iii its amended form it was fathered l y I. II. Miller liimself. who explained that it was the l« st that could 1 e ih.iie. anil tiiai there would In- no more effort t i interfere with racing in future yearn unless tiiis law proved a failure. It was seconded by Mr. McColl. who had originally ottered it as a sub slitute for tlie drastic measure which Mr. Miller in 1i-.m1uc.iI in the House several months ago. aiKl which MM rejected last ««1. The ii -w act. which was sent on to the Senate and which will .become law as simui as the foinalities are complied with. recognizes hookmakinK. puotselling «»r any form of betting as legal when done on an iueoruurated rai-i- course on the races then taking place. It makes the penalties for handliooking severer and prohibits the life of the streets or public places for ttctting. Meetings for ruiuiers are restricted to seven days and tor trotters to three days, am! not more than two meetings a year shall be held. These privileges will not apply to any new tracks established more than three miles from a Canadian city of M*SM inhabitants. This is intended to prevent new tracks being o| orated on the Canadian louder, but tlxise in existence are protected. The sale of information to Itookinakers on the track anil the collection of fi-es for such information are er-milled, but not the sale of information for use else-wnere. The publication of lilts, is not forbidden, but they cannot lie advertised for sale nor can information Ik- published that is intended for use in the business of tMiokmaking.