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STORM PREVENTS PENSAC0LA RACING. Fla.. April 11. Heavy rains, accoin-paiiied by a high wind, threatened to demolish Unhurriedly constructed racing plant here, and necessitated the declaring off of the racing this after. noon. Todays entries will be run off Monday. Then-were fears among the horsemen during the morning hours that the stables would be blown down and thai some of the horses would Im- Injured, but be yoml some damage to the section In which Kav Spence and his horses were ipaartered, nothing suf fered. The canvas fence which surrounds the track and the rooting of the grandstand and betting ring, also of canvas, stood the storm remarkably well, and everything will Ik- in order for Momlav " Edward Trilie. who has been doing the starting iff tonight to rejoin A. B. Dade and will act a* his chief assistant. John Moore, who will lunik at the Pimlico meet lug. left here last night. The Fitzgerald string of racers will Im- shipped next week Sheet to Cahamla. where thev will be rested until the meeting Is-gins. A. ISellew and W. C. Crinpeii were arrivals today from Jacksonville with sl horses.