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JACKSONVILLE MEETING COMES TO END. .,-scksonville. 11a.. April Hi. — When taps sounded railing tin- h.. to the post for the closing racial Aloiictcif Park this afteni.K.ii. cheers broke forth from tin- grandstand and betting ii siir. Tin- attend a nee during the past week or ten days has b.-eu .slim, none but lb.- hardened regulars remaining ov.-r I., tin- linih. Tin- program for the closing day wis made up of :.en mil and the conditions of a majority of th. in were framed to suit iion-w inn-i s. In oiil.v one race, th.- fourth, was there any pretention to .1.1-. and this event proved an easy victory lor Klhon. which ran six furlongs in l:ll|, equaling tin- track r.-cord that this same horse established a lew ila.iv ago. Kthoii. Colonel Ashmeade and Jack Bight MM a- favorites. A — | - - - i -1 1 made up of twenty -one horse curs will leave !..i Loiijvvilli . while several stables will ship to Iiinlici.. After Cleat Jubilees had showing in the dosing race. hi* rider. L. Orittin. was called into the stai.d. The MM W •■ not convinced that it was the hoys fault and nothing was done in the matter. Irevioiis to the races a sale of horses in training was held and the following wen sold: Jane Swift. to C. F. Clark. .*725: Catrokc to I. 1.. Fitzgerald. : Itannoek Boli. to I. It. Fitzgerald S.VKi; Agree meiit. to T W. Flvnii. ».-.: To To Vo V-i. to O. J. IlitketC : Silverado, to J. F. White. AJ a ineeiing of Hi.- Southern Jockey Club stewards held this morning, the suspension of Jockey «H crt wa- sustained anil the purse Won by Itams dale was awarded to II. McCarteii. nlmsi- Camel liu islied -ciiiiul to that horse recently. La Favette and several other horses were shipped I to Ivloiimicr [ark. Montreal, this inorniug. 1a j