Would Amend Kentucky Racing Rules, Daily Racing Form, 1910-06-05


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WOULD AMEND KENTUCKY RACING RULES. I.eliis;i.ii. Ky.. June 4.— The Kentucky State Kicii - C«iimisr-iciii. at its meeting today, all present • •i.-p! omniissii an ■!■ ii-nje J. Long of ] uiisville. dei lined to enier into a rehearing of the case of John Markicin. w ho-c license was revoked ii|m»ii re-oinnieiiilaiion of tin judues at the recent Lexington ilieeiii_- lii-ciuse of the running i if the horse W. A. Leai-h. but the issued instructions to racing sei re laries that the haram Beau Bnaaaaal and Tin- Bayal Prince, shi.wn !•• be the property of Allien Vogl.-r of Cincinnati, aad Pal. o«M by Jake Marklein. are in cwid ataadlax and not affi-cted by the ruling against W. A. Leach. Jake Marklein was lure in behalf i»f l-i «* and was much disappointed that then- wmi no rehearing. He declares his son innocent of wrongdoing and is endeavoring to pull political wires in his In half. He is in :l threatening frame n niiml anl - i.vs he Is going to spend a lot of money, it ncce-sarv. to put the racing commit sii.n out i.f- business at tin- next session ..f the leuis-I a 1 in*- unit m hi- s.ins liiense i- restored to him. The ci. mini — ion has had no intimation tram tin- Lex ingt hi judgi-s that they vet* Briatahea in their action, ind they ate still disposed to back up those judges, pi-t a- tiny are backing up Judge Price in the i a- .f jockey J. Melntyre. wbo was suspended at I.:i t-.nia laal fall. Tin- I -i.uiuiissioii instructed Secretarv p.idwell p, nolit.v Walt.-r Craler to discharge B.vrl Lynch, his bratht r in law . as foreman af hM stable within tea 4ajra nt Grater** raatneJ aa apprentice tjaefcey ciif- ti.i.l Porter would In- declared null and void. Lynch whip|Mi| I.irter M severely during the Lexington meeting thai Lynch was fined for it in the Heal court. A complaint made l.y J. T. Farmer. Porters iiardiin. caused the comniissions action todav. The siihstitiitii.n of William M. Murray for James Milton as starter at Latnnia »;i- approved by the cviimnission. Oat. Milton Young presented the following amend-iiictils Pi the rule-, which will to over for action 1 1 1 i r I y .livs hi ii. and will in no way affect Ihc coining Latnnia meeting. Knle 2".". At ■ tia.-k Heated iu a city ill Kentucky having ■ | latiou of 10O.4I00 or more, or within I distance of titty miles from the corporate limits of any city of such population situate in Kentucky or in an adjoining slate, there shall be no race to which is added less than 00 in cash given on any dav from April 1 to July 14 inclusive in any yeaj-. and no race to whic.i is added less than 00 in cash gtvea on any day from July 15 to Ilecember 1 iu-clusive in any year. At a track located in a city iu Kentucky of 25.000 and less than 188.088 population or within ten miles from the corporate limits of any city of such population situate in Kentucky or in an adjoining state, there shall be no race to which is added less than 00 in cash given on any day from April 1 to July 14 inclusive in any year. and no race to whic.i is added less than 50 "in cash given on any day from July 15 to Pecember 1 in any year. These specified amounts shall be exclusive "f any entrance or starting fee that may lie charged. Any violation of this rule will be punished by revoon tion of license. Substitute for rule 46. relative to the pari-mutuel system and auction Beats: 46 I si | — No racing association licensed by this commission shall permit upon its grounds any system of betting other than the pari-mutuel system and auction jkioIs. 40 llu -From pools, combination or otherwise. made under the pari-mutuel system or under the auction system, the licensed racing associations shall have tlie right to deduct as commissions — per cent., no more, from tlie gross amount of money pooled on each race. 40 e — Pari-mutuel tickets may be sold in various denominations, but none of less denomination tjian two il dollars. 46 di — Where tickets of more than one denonii-liatinii are sold under the pari-mutrol system, the BMEthei of calculating the amount to 1m- paid shall lie that Method which will produce an equal proration of the paei on the basis of one dollar. 40 ei--Pari-mutucl tickets of each and every denomination must lie paid to the cent, and no racing association Bar any of its agents or employees will be permitted to retain any portion of the |s ol other than tin- rightful commissi. n and the mills whi.-h ■onetimes will appear as a fractional residue. 40 if i The total amount of money in dollars waged on each horse straight, place and show in each race, and likewise the grand totals of all the inon-.y wa-ered for the respective positions, straight, place and show, must be posted as soon as the machines ate i|..sed mi a blackboard prominently arranged in the place, room or enclosure wherein the pari-mutuel mai hines are set up and operated. 40 gi — There shall be no pari-nitituel lield tickets ■aid except when there are more horses in a race than there are spaces on a machine: for instance, if the capacity ..f the machine is tea or more apace ■ and there an- ten or less horses in the race, tickets Blast be sold on each horse separately and individually, except: where two or more horses run as an entry, when they must be considered in tile sale Of tickets as one horse. 46 ihi -Any violation of this rule will Ik- punished by revocation of license. These amendments were received with expressions ••f aparuval by the members ol the commission. Ciilonel Yoiin said he considered their adoption i essary that the horsemen ami public niav pel what they arc entitled to. He left the amount of lercentage to be charged blank because of the fact that it had been already agreed to fix the niiiiini-sion dotinitely after spring racing is at an end. Galeae! Yoiiuu*. however, said that In- had seen nothing iu tlie racing this spring to cause him to alter Lis aaeajaa thai five per cent, is sufficient. The commissi, .ii adjourned t,. meet at the call of Chair man Clay. Colonel Young aaaoaaced that he had accepted an invitation from the Oklahoma Jockey Club to preside at the meeting at Oklahoma City June 15 to July 5.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910060501/drf1910060501_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1910060501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800