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STAKE RACING OF THE PRESENT WEEK. Racing will In- carried on tliis week at Latoniit. BtWWMt Montreal iiinl Salt Lake City. At Crav. -end seven stake races will be rim. Of these the Bedford Stakes, for two year olds, will he de-Hoed tomorrow, tin- probable starters appearing m todays entrj lists. The Hudson Stakes, for two-j. :u olds, will t «- run Tuesdav wftli F« .tprint. Hal. bier. Colston. Housemaid. Archduke. Novelty. Textile. Setli. riuvious and Nauslion among the ginnl ones eligible. The fa lit on Stakes, for thrceyear-« lds. at a mile, is set lor Wednesday. Starhottlc. Bound. Barley tliorpe. Waldo, Pulka. Palina tian. Sweep. Grasinerc. Uock OBrien. The Turk. Caiidlcl.crr ami Prince Imperial are among those engaged mid there is ample material for a high-elass raec. The Vwt Stakes, fi.r two-year -old til-lies, is Tl.ursdaVs feature and sueh giiod ones as Madcap. Horizon, Gold of Ophir. Housemaid, l.ula. Whin. Miss Sett. Jest. Golden Agnes. Thrifty. Bashti. Anna OVN and I.adaselte inav start. The sprinters will have a ehanee in the Patchoguc Stakes Frid:i ami Mary Oavis. Tim Pippin. Bestigouche. Glucose. Wise Mason. Kollie Lew. Tranee. Prince •Sal. Cohort. Besom. Top Note and Falcada arc among those likely to start. The Empire State Steeplechase. Ileal American Stakes, for two-vi ar olds, and th.- Brookdalc Handicap will Ik- run Satur- j day. The Im-s1 junipers of the day are in the Kill-pile State. The Great American is of the guaran- tevd value of ;.."HK». Babbler. Footprint, Colston. Housemaid. Archduke. Star OTtyan. Novelty. Textile. Seth. Pang, r Mark, lluvious. Anna tassc. An tenor. Naushon ami a big list of high-bred ones which have not started as vet are in this rich event. Iriscillian. Alfred Waldo. lulka. King .lames. Firestone. Dalmatian. Ballot. Hilarious. Maskette. Caar. |-jtz .Herbert. Fashion Plate. Jack Atkm. High Private. Stanley Fay. Pinna Ken ami Biiiueoiip are among the Brookiiale entries. Three stake races will lie run at Montreal, the Kindergarten Stakes on Tuesday. Jacques artier Stakes Thursday and the Prince of Wales Steeple chase Saturday. Palling. Cismont. Judge Monck. Plauutess. Peccavi. Tallahassee. John Penderurast. Seriinniagc. Capsize. Moncreif. Henry Walhank and Dtttmtf are l.e-t in the Kindergarten. Big Stick. Bed River. Rifleman. Donald Ma.donald Pixie Knight. C.iief Kir. Guv Fisher. Bio Grande. Ethon. Lady Esther. Kagman. SpelllKiund. Montclair. Hoo-ray. Gretna Green. Osorine. Banives. Fultill. ruche dOr. Charlie CilU-rt and Glimmer are among the rapid goers in the Jacqaea artier. All of the jump ■n that were in action at Toronto, reinforced In several from New York, are in the Prime of Wales Stee| 1.. chase. At Latonia the Derby will lie run tomorrow ami -*i11 attract a Mat crowd to view its decision. Th xianies of the probable starters ap|iear elsewhere in litis isiic.