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• , j , , , , , i LOUISIANA DECISION IN A FEW DAYS. Baton Rouge. La.. June 4. — That the proposition for the restoration of racing will come before the pres.-iit legislature before the close of next week was definitely forecast today. Mayor .Martin Behr-man. of New Orleans, is leading the fight for all amendment to the stringent Locke law and a steadv ehaacc of sentiment is going on among the legislators in favor of another trial of the sport in New Orleans under the conditions proposed. Tlie Progressive Inioii of New Orleans, an organization ,,f aval 2.CO0 leading business men. iias formulated a plan and their member will vote text Thursday on the proposition as to whether or not it shall lie submitted to the legislature. It is practically certain they will vote by a large majority to invoke the legislature for another trial. The proposition is that a racing commission of three meniliers from the city and two from the ci.untry lie named to supervise racing, that the Locke law be amended so as to permit pari niutuel betting and that the racing be cut roll.-1 exclusively bv New Oilcan- peeper. It is farther stated upon good authority that after getting this proposed revision before the legislature, if it should be found that it encounters oo much opposition, a rider will be attached to refer the whole question as to whether the Lache law shall 1m- amended oi not to the people of Orleans Parish, for a vote. It is believed this referendum plan would lend strength to the nine iin-nt. Meanwhile a big row ha- been stirred up in New Orleans among the moralists and churchmen. Archbishop James ii. Bleach. ..f the Catholic chart a. Rabbi Max Heller, of Temple Sinai, and Kablii L L. Leiiciii. of Team Byaapagae. two of the largest Jewish roagH nations in the south, have come out denouncing the proposition to aim ml the Locke law.