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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR JUNE. 1910. h $ n wo a • .* » c c Age. j • H 5 S | ? P : 3 g One-Half Mile. Two year olds til st; ss r2 nn Three year-olds 117 111 11.3 11.3 111 iU Four year ..Ids 120 132 122 122 122 121 Five year-olds and up.. 12*3 121 121 124 124 12.". Three-Quarters Mile. Two-year olds :M si SC si; SI Three year olds 120 111 11.3 112 111 11." Four year olds |3S 122 122 122 122 127 Five year olds and up.. 13.3 124 12.3 124 124 12S One Mile. Two-year olds 7!» S2 ... 7:» ... Tliire .Mar olds Ill 107 M0 1 1* 107 1 lo lour -year olds 120 122 122 122 122 121 live year olds and up. . 12s 12i; 12." 120 120 127 One and One-Half Milesv Three-year olds MB 1 »." 10" lo." MB 1* 7 Knur year olds 120 122 122 122 122 121 live year olds I2! 121! 128 120 120 127 Six -yen i olds and up...l2!» 127 127 127 127 127 Two Miles. Three year olds 104 Mi 1 Ml 10 10.3 10.3 Four J ear olds 124 122 12 122 122 12.3 Five year olds 12N 127 12.". 127 127 127 Six year-olds ami up... 12s 12S 120 12S I2S 127 Two and One-Half Miles. Three-year old- lo2 ... ll 2 1 2 ... lour year olds 122 ... 122 122 ... Five year olds lls ... 12s 12S ... Six year olds and up 128 ... RSI 1 liu ... Three Miles. Three year ..Ids 07 !0I l 1*H 1o| 80 pour year olds 120 122 110 I3 » 122 121 Five year olds 120 120 124 120 120 127 Six real olds and up... 127 13B 12.". 130 138 12s Four Miles. Three year olds loo ... |o*i Hit ... Four vearohls 12 ... 1 l!l 122 ... Five ear olds KSO ... 1.3*1 130 ... Ma-year aMa ami up i::i ... i::i 1331 ... THE VOOKlTI OLIB. In racea * f latornanttnta lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall he carried. In races exclusively for three year olds, or four year-olds, the weights shall he 120 pounds, and for two -year olds. 122 pounds. Kx.ept ill handicaps and lit races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed tares imuuds. and aaaret three years old and upward shall he allowed livr pounds before September 1 and three pounds there after. Oel.lings shall he allowed three pounds. Welter weights shall !«■ 28 i« unds added to the weight for age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not l.e less than 1 Kl pounds. In all handicaps when the added money exceeds 1910.sh00, the top weight shall not he less than 120 pounds. AMERICAN TI KK ASSOCIATION. In races of intermediate lengths. Ihe weights for Ihe shorter distance are to he carried. In races exclusively for two vearohls, 11S pounds shall he carried. In raeea exclusively for three-year-olds, 122 pounds shall he carried. In Ileal races there shall he an allowance of live pounds from the se.ile of weights. Except in handicaps, fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall he allowed three pounds. Tillies and mares three years old and upward shall U allowed five inxmkIs helfue yeptemher 1 and tin.. iKiunds thereafter. WESTERN JiHKIIY CM P.. In mean of intermediate lengths, the weights for Ihe shorter distance ale to l.e carried. Ill a race exclusively for two year olds the weights M0UI ha lis pounii- 1 ii a rai-e exclusively for three year olds the weights shall he 122 pounds. In leal llnre shall he an allowance of live pounds from 1 1 i »- s.ale of weights. Kxcept in handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed ahsoliitely in Ihe condition-, lillics two years old eilul geldings of all ages -hall l e allowed three pounds, and fillies and mares three miis old and upward shall he allowed live ixninds Before September 1 and three thereafter. PACHIO .lOCKKY If.ll!. In raera of iiitenn.di.ile lengths, he weights for the akorter dintaarr are t i«. carried. la a race exciaairely for two-year-otaa the weights shall In- lis pounds. In a race exeJaaivery for three year olds Uie weights shall he 122 pounds. In heal raecs there shall l.e an allowance of Impounds Ir the s.ale of weights. Kxcept in handicaps and in races where the Weights ure lived ahsoliitely in the eoinlilions. lilli.s two years old and geldings of all ages .-hail he allowed three im.iiiuIs. and fillies and mires three years ..|,| and upwaid shall he allowed live pounds heime September l ami three n Bands thereafter. SOI TIITIIX JOCKEY CUIB. in races of late* hate lengths, the wvig!:i- f..r the Bbnrit f distance are to bS carried. In a ra.e exrlu-ivly for two olds the weights shall hs IIS pound -. in i race exclusively for three year-olds the weights shall B« 122 pounds. In heat races there shall Im. an allowance of Bra pounds irom the scale f weights. K.opt iii handicaps and in races srhsre 8ns weights are fixed ah-ohitelv III the conditions, lilli. - tw.. years old and geldings of all ages -hall hv al f. w.d three i id-, and lilli.-- and inii.s three years old and upward shall In- allowed Bve pounds before Beptsarher 1 and three nsaads thereafter. * NvniAN i:tii, ISSOCIATIONS In r.n-e- of Intermediate lengths in, weights ror the shorter distance shall be carried. In race- exclaslvel i.u Ibree-yeat l.l- or font year-olds the u.-ii.i- shall Is 132 pounds, and foi tw.. year olds i is pounds Bxrepl in handicaps and In all races where Ihe conditions express l -u.te p. tin contrary, liliie-tw. years old shall b* sll a I three pounds and mares three v.. us old sud upward shall be allowed in. pounds he for* th* l-i oi September and three pounds Hi. reaftei Oeldings allowed three pounds. In all races except in handicaps where rorelRii I. i.l- ai. in. i penalized ss such, horses foaled In Can ...I., shsll I silo wed up to sud Inclndiuf threi ■ ..H- 7 pounds: four years and upward. ". poun*U Welter weight- shall lie 2s p.. uud- added to Ih, ,, . i.iii p., sa in beavywelKhl liandli ins the top weights shall i,..| be h-. b ihau iOO piniiids. No iwoyearohl shall compete in an all aged race prior to August 1. In all handicaps when the added monev exceeds 1000, top weight shall not he less than 12*. pounds. STATE Pacini; commission, op kknti t kv. The scale of weighls adopted hy the State Pacing Commission of Kentucky is identical with that of tin- American Turf Assoeiation. except that no weights are named for two-year olds at any dis-taaee before Aagast. the restriction being that ne two-year-old shall compete in nay all-aged race prior to August I. The weight in races exclusively Tor two year olds is IIS pounds. STEEPI.KI HASE WKIHHTS. At the eastern tia.ks all sli-eplechase racs are run aadet the rule- of the National Bteepleehass and Hunt Associa : ion, which provides these weights: Tor steeplechases less than three mists fTom January I to August 31. inclusive, four years MS pounds; five years. i.-,:i pounds; six years ami aver loo pounds. Prow September 1 to December .31. inclusive, for three years, 13s pounds; four years, I.V. pou -ils: live years. 10:; pounds; six years and over, MM pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over -From January 1 to August 31. inclusive, four years. UB iH.uiiiis: five years. 137 pounda; six yearn seal ..v.-r. 100 iHiiimls. Prom September 1 to 31, Inclusive, for four y-ars. 1 111 pounds: five years, 101 pounds: six years anil over, ltd; pounds. Bxeapt in handicaps ami in races where tlte wcighTs are Bxed ahaotately in the easaUtfoaa, mares shall he allow. ,1 five pounds and geldings three pounds. No horse shall carry less than 1.311 H.unils. In the west tiw weights speeUed h? the Western Jockey Cluh and the Anieriian Turf Association are idcnlieal ami are as follows: Jin. April. Julv. Oct. AS*. Keh. May. ASBZ. Nov. Mar.h. June. Sept. lie.-. 8-year stis 128 120 i:h M8 4-year aids 117 MB Ml Md .".year olds 153 ici j,;;; 1t Oyear olds and up. . MB 170 17a 172