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RACING DATES CONTINUOUS SUSPENSION OF NEW YORK RACING WILL BENEFIT OTHER LOCALITIES. No Break for Months to Come in Meetings Already Scheduled in the United States, Canada and Mexico. UP Even though racing on the New York tracks emmm ■ on tin last day of this mouth, as has been ottii iallv announced to 1h tin- intention, leaving aliout two and a half months of the eastern racing schedule of 1910 unuse.l. thane will still lie much racing in America to keep horsemen busy for an indefinite period. At present racing is being conducted in this country at Saratoga. N. Y., liutte. Mont, and Cheyenne. Vy. The last-named meeting is on an exceedingly modest scale, being the inaugural attempt to establish the sport in that locality. The Saratoga meeting is on an elaborate scale and bids fair to tarnish the most brilliant racing of the entile year, the cream of the horses in training in America being engaged. Racing at Butte was lirmly established in the days of the late .Marcus Daly and the sport has ever since flourished there. The Cheyenne meeting will come to a close August 1.! and the Butte meeting on August -7. but horsemen who are racing in the inter-mountain region will have further opportunities inasmuch as it meeting at Anaconda from August .! to September 14. a meeting at Denver from September 3 to September 17. the fall meeting of the Utah Jockey Club at Salt Lake City. September 17 to October 22. and a meeting at Ogden for which dates have not yet been assigned will virtually consume all the time prior to the opening of the regular winter meeting at Oakland. Cal., which is scheduled to begin Saturday. November 12. and probably will continue for 150 days, bringing its closing date in April of 1011. In the east there will be continuous racing in Canada from August 13 to September 5, inclusive, at Hamilton. Fort Erie and Windsor, all of which tracks are bound to have excellent meetings. The remaining dates in Canada this year Include Montreal. September 10-17; Woodbine track. Toronto. September 24 October 1, and Dufferin Park. Toronto, September Mi 17 and October 8-15. Then there will be two months or so of racing in Kentucky the coming fall, beginning in raid-September, Meetings will surely be held at Louisville and l.atonia. and there probably will be a moot inn at Lexington as well. This will provide employment for the horses in the middle west practically up to the time tor the opening of the long terms of winter racing at J Bares. Ilex.. Jacksonville. Fla.. and Pon-sacola Tampa. Fla.. which tracks will recruit their racing material largely from the middle west and Canada. Kail racing in the east will embrace the Inaugural twenty -days meeting of the Southern Maryland Racing Association at Marlboro, Md.. a point which is readily accessible to the populous cities of Washington and Baltimore, from September 20 to October is. together witli the regular fom teen-days mnr tiuir at Ptmlico, Baltimore. October 15 to October 31, and a meeting at Jamestown, Ya., for which dates have not yet been assigned. The winter meeting of the Florida Live Stock and Agricultural State fair Association will begin on November 15 and will continue for 100 days, and the Tampa-Peasacola tracks will provide 120 days of racing for patrons of those courses. The meeting of the jockey Club Juarez will occupy 100 days and probably will open on Than ksglrlag Day. The four extended winter meetings already scheduled will enable horsemen Hint so desire to race their horses continuously until the time arrives for the spring meetings of 101 1, all of which goes to show that even with New York temporarily eliminated from the racing schedules horsemen will still have abundant opportunity for following their favorite sport. One of the effects if the suspension of New York racing will be to increase the Importance of the apart at other points, notably in Kentucky, Canada, Maryland and Virginia. All of the tracks located in the territory referred to will probably derive a direct benefit from the unfortunate suspension of racing on the metropolitan circuit.