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BREEDING BUREAU WORK COMMENDED. Montreal. Que., August «.— The National Bureau of Breeding lias received word from General Sir John French from England staling that he was greatly hatprgaaed with the work of the bureau during ins recent trip through Cauada. ieneral French is tt-n-etor general of the imperial forces and the greatest cavalrv authority in Europe. He agrees with the bureaus contention that the only way to get cavalrv horses is by means of the thoroughbred sire, and so interested is he in tlie work that he has premised to ask King George V. to donate a thro-oagfabrefl to the Canadian bureau. On bis recent trip through Canada he inspected bureau sires at different points from Halifax to Vaneonver. Among the Ijorses he inspected wlneli are well known to racing men were Logan. Javelin. Fort Hunter. Ostrich, Sea Horse. Blue Coat. Mastei-anaa, Roaeaaonat, Earl Rogers, Vaijean. Call Hoy, Oracataaa, Senator Clay. Loricate, Bushinonnt. Edwin Cum. Athel. Vance Cuard. Gangway, Nashwaak. Kid. Samuel U. Harris. Botanist. Acrobat, Clements, Baird. Our Boy. Zipango. King Cole. Kirkiield, High Dance, Behroedera Midway and others. He was present at the Alberta Provincial Fair at C.tlgarv win n the bureau stallion Mellvain. donated h J. C. Ferriss. of Nashville, won the blue ribbon front fourteen Other thoroughbreds and the gold medal for the haniploiiship of the fair. This was a part i -nlarly noteworthy victory, far there are more good thoroughbreds around Calgary than at any other |w«int in the west. The National Bureau will exhibit perhaps four sires at the New York show this fall.