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FORM BOOK IMPROVEMENT MONTHLY I RACING FORM issued on the first day of each month, with complete charts of the previous months racing in the United States. Canada and Mexico. Will be further improved beginning with the January. 1911. issue, which will be on sale at Daily Racing Form office next Wednesday noon, by the designation of track conditions in connection with the index numbers showing each and every start of all horses. By ineansof this innovation it will be possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the following example: LORD CLINTON, b. g, 4, by Handsel Emily 0. R. J. Farris. 937:19 93921m 94lH."i2sy 941irh 941.r:!m h for heavy; in for muddy; sy for sloppy; s for slow. Races not otherwise designated were over fast-or good tracks. Tbe price remains unchanged. ,- .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING COMPANY 59 PLYMOUTH COURT : : : CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Oakland! Oakland! DARGIN, 6-1, WON Thursdays Occasional withdrawn. TWICKENHAM 6-1 WON Positively the only horses wired my Patrons the past week. My next Occasionals TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY of next week are the days these three go for the money. Patrons can look for a wire any day, as I may get one at any time. Dont fail to get your name on my books and you will be sure to be in on any thing that goes over. .00 ONE A DAY. NO MORJ3 .00. GUARANTEED TO WIN OR NEXT ONE FREE UNTIL YOU GET A WINNER. Ex-Joekey Marshall, Initials E. J. Room 65, 92 La Salle Street. :: Chicago. 111. YOU CAN WIN! where others fail when you have the SURE WINNER SYSTEM. Its a "WINNER" and it will make you a "WINNER" and a STEADY WINNER if you send for it. Its GUARANTEED to show you the SURE and EASY way to take S-o capital and beat any HANDBOOK. POOLROOM and TRACK. You are simply BOUND TO WIN if you get it. It gives you the horses that are "READY TO WIN" and you WIN day after day. If you -want the GREATEST MONEY-MAKING system ever discovered, that is GUARANTEED to make you a STEADY WINNER, or your money back, then lose no time in sending for the SURE WINNER SYSTEM. TAKE NOTICE. My clients tell me the charge for my system is too low, so I intend to raise the price in the near future. If you wish to take advantage of the LOW rate ACT QUICKLY. Send for FREE Information. System sent on receipt of 2.00. G. E. FALLEN, 65 Maple Street, :: :: :: :: Chicago, 111. STAR BLUE, 2-1, WON was yesterdays Occasional. Yesterdays Form Special and Wire lost. Twelve winners out of lili starters is the record on our Daily Wire since January 1, 1911. A 0 Hat bet on all starters won 7o.00. Price: .00 for Six Starters. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Utah, Mighty, Mosaic, Crow. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. 69 Dearborn Street. :: :: :: Chicago, 111. 1910 Form Books WANTED. FULL PRICR will bo paid for copies of the OOTOHEIl MONTHLY RACING FORM BOOK for 1910, delivered in good condition at oflieo of DAILY RACING, FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 59 Plymouth Court, :: :: :: Chicago, HI. "Extra!" "Extra!" "Read Every Word." This means "You" ;fhd it menus "Success." I have not studied the "Racing Problem" ten years for nothing; I have just completed my "Hew Winner Picker System." 1 will say that it is the "Greatest Money Getter" that I have seen in my ten years experience and it is strictly for "Handbook" play. It is strictly a "One Hcrse" system and is played strictly to "Win." "Here is my Proposi-tion." Send M. O. .50 and with your order promise to send me .50 each week until vou have paid me 0, which is no price at all "for this system. Upon rcct of .50 the complete system will be promptly sent and I will take your word for the balance, and if you do not And mv "New Winner Picker System" the greatest "Winner Picker" you have ever seen, and if it does not make you a "Winner" and keep vou a "Winner" then I will refund your monev." "Its Very Simple requires no figuring and it is for "Flat Bet Handbook Play" and it is not a "Favorite" system. I know my business and vou will know yours when you get this "New Winner Picker System." "Special Notice" "No Atten. tion" at all to communications from anvone old or new subscribers unless M. O. .50 is enclosed, and an agreement to pay the balance If the system is found to bo just as represented. If you want to "Win" then "Write Today." Address WM. H. SUTTON, Chemist, 2651 Orchard Ave., :: Los Angeles, Cal. ALDRIAN 13-5 won was yesterdays OCCASIONAL. Have you noticed that this service has been "delivering Jhe goods" right along? It has had 14 WINNERS IN PAST 22 STARTS, and 32 WINNERS IN PAST 74 STARTS. They do not come every day, but average two or tlree a week. Terms: .00 for Five Starters. Yesterdays Form Special lost. MONDAYS SPECIAL: Pink Thursday 27-54-91-99.93-82-90.41-80-57. Yesterdays Ono-Horse Daily WON. The Turf Reporter Room 312. 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. M STAR BLUE, 2-1, WON was yesterdays Form Special. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 408 in Book No. 194. Yesterdays Two-Horse, Daily lost. , Yesterdays Occasional lost. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 211, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III-