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PENSACOLA FORM CHART. PENSACOLA, FLA., Saturday. April 1, 1911. Kupfrian Park. Second day. Now Poiisacola Fair and Racing Association. Spring Meeting of 13 das. 3 books on. AVcather clear. Presiding Judge. J. L. Brown. Starter, AV. M. Murray. Racing Secretary, J. Campbell. 95276 First Race 3-8 Mile. Purse 25. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 5; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. O4970Char. OBrlenllS 1 Ormes 2 2 4-5 2-5 95031 tins Hartridgc J03 2nfc Donvn 2J 3 1 1-2 MCHPOap Nelson 110 33 Jensen 1 1 1-2 out M103 Jim Ray 103 4- Davpt 10 10 4 2 !51033Rattsou 109 53 CKnht t 4 3-2 3-5 05103 Eldora 10S G McCly 10 12 5 2 Time. 38. Track good. AVinner J. T. Reavers eh. c, by Frankfort Ivoragh trained by J. Phillips. AVent to post at 2:4S. At post 1 minute. Start good. AVou easily; second and third driving. Overweights Gus Hartridge, 2 pounds; Battson, 3: Eldora, u. 95277 Second Race 3-1 .Mile. Purse 25. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 0. Ind. Horse. AVt.lin.Joekey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 95127T. B. Spears 10S In CJksn 3 4 2 1 93590 Or. Ormonde 111 2k AM tin S-3 2 1 1-2 95257 Blk. Domino 111 35 Pauley 4 G 2 1 95130 AV. Griswell 111 4 AWpn 2 3 1 1-2 05O19 Athie AV. 95 54 CWhite 25 5 2 1 95261 Albion H. 109 6s Donvn C 4 S-5 4-5 950S5 F. Premium 114 71 Hall 15 G 2 1 3133Ida Lackford 07i 8 Irvin 4 5 2 1 Time. 25. 51, 1:17. Track good. -AVinner AV. E. Linkens b. g. 4. by Handsel Lizzie Oilman trained by C. Orrisou. AVent to post at .1:15. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweights Ida Lackford, 2A pounds. 95278 Third Race 3-8 Mile. Purse 00. Il-year-olds and upward. Soiling. Net value to winuer 5; second, 5; third. 0. Ind. Horse. AVt.Finftoekcr. On. CI. PI. Sh. 9330:: Elsie Van 112 Uf-rFarrw 1 1-2 out 935923MyrtIe Queen 10." 21 "Donvn G 5 2 4-3 D483S Regards 112im3 -CKnht 3-2 2 3-3 out 9312S Creuse 109 4. Pauley G G 2 1 95135 Hilpah 100 T.i.CWhite 3 5 2 1 950S7sRos11ess -Ladv 107 li "Tryor G 10 4 2 95054 Caltha 110 7 Fogs -3 7 2 1 Time. 24, 50, 1:03. Track good. Winner S. R. Roberts b. m, 7, by Siddara Aision trained by S. R. Roberts. AVent to post at 3:40. At jost minutes. Slart good. Won easily; second aud third driving. Overweights Elsie Van, 2 pounds; Myrtle Queen. 5; Creuse, 2. 95279 Fourth Race 1 Mile. Purse S125." 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 3; third. 0. Tnd. Horse. AVt.Fin.Jockey. On. CI. Pi. Sh. O-.l-liHiceough 90 lnfc Pryor 7-5 3 1 out VxlvOMcrry Belle 110 25 CJksn 10 15 5 2 OolOiChess 100 3 CBrwn 7-3 4-5 out 95130 Uncle Jim 112 4and F.Iksn G 6 2 1 951353Sanetim 90 G5 AAVpn 3 5 2 4-5 9510S Harting 117 6 Pauley G 8 25 1 Tunc. 26, 52. 1:19. 1:47. Track good. V inner D. B. Freemans b. f, 3, by Heuo Cupa trained by D. B. Froman. AVent to post at 1:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving: sowul and third the same. Overweights Chess, 1 jwunds. 95280 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile Purse SI25. 3-jcar-.Vand ilD1 "lward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third. 0. f.V-!Ucw!Ior?? . Wt.Fin.Joekey. Op. a. PI. Sh. .lvrSt- IU"stan 108 lh CKnht 1 G-5 1-2 out 9.l:.0-B. of the Bay 100 2 Prvor 6 6 2 1 "t,I!?ia,1" JIixim 97 Ss Irvin 10 G 2 1 9.1..7 I-cu- Hill 97 45 AAVpn 4 5 2 1 ?5129Tallow Dip lit 5 FJksn 4 5 2 1 -and"ln?,er . If? l Farrw S-3 C-o 1-2 out 9j2oS D. Hamilton 111 7 AM tin 10 10 4 " 0 .... Timo251f350;, Track good. It Emma Traimmiller trained br G. Spier. .euV. rH sat 4:47- At T0311 minute. Start good. AJon driving: second and third tho same. Scratched 9oi:iS Lucky Mate, 114. Overweights Lady Maxim. 2 pounds: Ringer, 1. 95281 Sixth Race 5-S Mile. Purse 25. 8-vcar-olds and upwanl Selling. Nut value to winner 00; second, 5; third. 0. J?--!,""!; , WLFLD..T.K-key. On. CI. PI. Sh. 9.10-Royal Lady 110 is Pryor 6 C 2 1 9,2583ETa Tanguay 107 2 Fogg I 3-2 1-2 out 9,210 Ghauale 110 1 Davpt 3 5 2 1 9o25i; Johnny AViso 100 5 F.Tksn 10 12 4 2 ir.SS lcasin 112 Fcll.Donvn 4 3 1 1-2 lj-bO Doctor Paul 109 Fell. A Jones G 6 2 1 Time. 25, 50. 1:03. Track good. AyntJ Vt at. r.:.10. At ost I mhiutes. Slart go.I. Won easily; second and third tlio uue. inner 1. It. Freimiaus eh. iu. 7. bv Roval Flush III. Shaft trained by D. P.. Freeman. " Overweights Bright .Maiden. 1 pound.