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BARNEY! SCHREIBER NOW GREATEST OWNER. xlngJon.Ks..! April 10. Barney Schreibcr spent yesei"dciy .;it tji ftirins .of Irving II. Wheatcroft and J; tQ..,.KveHPf vbcre he has several broodmares, anil will return at onee to his Woodlands Farm near Brjrtge.toir.;MoJvj to. remain until the season of racing in Kentucky opqns- here April 20. Mr. Schreibcr now owns ltjore: tlioijoughbreds than any other man in ,-AmM-iea. having . ; nearly .000 head, including 1IO y.eacliuis. II stiited while here that William Cahill Yjll;.traIn41iu horsee he will race in Kentucky this .season. Ttejiars of. the stable will be the four-yer-qld Sagev -and .tho three-year-old Captain Car-mod.Vi- The- latter is a candidate for the Kentucky Derby, dlis -sensational campaigner. Jack Atkin. arri,ved.-at Woodlands Tarm last Friday from Juarez jind ivpas, rmaied- Saturday with Grand Lady. He is HOW iiennahently retired to the stud and twenty .marqaiWUl -visit his court this year. : : -,.