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COMMISSION DIVIDED ON BED WELL CASE. Lexington, Ky., Slay 3. It develops that the vote of the Kentucky State Pacing Commission in reinstating II, G." Bedwell was by no means unanimous. In fact it required the deciding vote of Chairman E. F. Clay to settle the matter. Those who voted in the affirmative were Chairman Clay. Slilton Young and George J. Long, while Johnson N. Camden, cast his vote and the proxy which he held of Slaj. F. A. Daiugerlield. against Sir. Bed-wells reinstatement. Major Daiugerlield had been called to Virginia bv the death of Ills sister and had given his proxy to Sir. Camden, though it iiad not been expected bv either that the Bedwell case would come iip. On returning to Lexington. Siajor Daingerfield said that while he did not impugn the motives, bo deplored the judgment of the majority of the commission in restoring Sir. Bedwell to good standing. .