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NIAGARA FALLS PROJECT TAKES SHAPE. Niagara Falls. Out.. May 19.— The charter of the Niagara Falls Driving Park Association, which has been foT a long time more or less dormant, will again I*- put to use at once. This charter is retarded as of i siderable value since the new Canadian betting law went into force last year, as no new racing charters are being granted, and the value of those already in existence has increased. Yesterday the owners of the slock of the Niagara Falls Driving Path Association purchased the Thompson farm, adjoining tin- present race track on Victoria avenue and Immediately west of Morrison and Sim coe streets. The consideration is understood to !« in the neighborhood of |1S,9M and the area of land secured by the deal is aliout thirty acres. This will give ample space for a mile track, with room for P Hillocks, training grounds, stables, grandstand, etc. The last government returns show that the following gentlemen own all the stock in the Niagara Falls Driving Dark Association, and at a meeting .day wire elected to till the various offices of the Association: William Doran, manufacturer, president: Harry Williams, hotel proprietor, vice-president; John Robinson, real estate and insurance, secretary; Charles J. Doran. Thomas Fmry. J. II. Marshall, John L. Dawson and F. W. Griffith, directors. These gentlemen aie all prominent residents of Niagara Falls. It is planned to conduct race meetings of the regulation seven days duration during July and August. W. M. Murray has seen engage. 1 as general manager.