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. SALE OF SEAGRAM THOROUGHBREDS. . Toronto, Out., November 10. At Joseph E. Seagrams annual sale of thoroughbreds, twenty-four head w?re sold for fair prices, the largest amount being 55, which T. A. Woods paid for Jane Shore. Following is the summary of the sale: Jane Shore, br. f, 4, by Pershore Martyrdom; T. A. Woods, Toronto 05.00 Dorothea, b. f. 2. by Ypsiianti II. Martyrdom; Hugh S. Wilson, Oakville, Ont 200.00 Possessed, b. f, 2, by Havoc Irish Witch; T. A. Woods, Toronlo 285.00 Walaohia, b. g, 2, by Ypsilautl II. Xenia; 10. . Redder, Toronto 175.00 Persian Dance, b. f, 2. by Pershore New Dance; Charles H. DuMarcsq, Toronto. 1C5.00 Spinning. Wheel, ch. f, 3, lty Woolsthorpc Hope On; R. J. Lovell, Toronto 150.00 Dollallolla, b. f, 2, by Ypsiianti II. Dolores III.; Hugh S. Wilson, Oakville, Ont 150.00 Mareto, b. m, 10, by Volante Maori; W. Gallagher, Toronto 150.00 Veracious II., b. m, IS, by Veracity Make More; F. O. Musgrove. Toronto 145.00 Outclassed, ch. g, 2, by McGee Class; George Miller, Toronto ; 140.00 Prima Vera. b. m, 0. by Royal Cherry Muzzic; W. Lornes, Dray tin, Ont. 115.00 New Englandcr, 1. c, 2, by McGee Puri- tania: A. R. Dixon. Toronto 100.00 Royal Dame. b. in, 12, by Roval Hampton Dame Quickly; C. J. Keen, Toronto 100.00 Mrs. Nelson, b. m, 12. by Simon Magus Vol ma; Alf. Gordon, Eglinton, Ont 05.00 Semiratnide. b. f, 2. by Ypsiianti II. Seni- ley; William Nelson, Toronto 85.00 Bay colt, 1, by Pershore Mrs. Nelson; George Atkinson. Davisville, Ont 82.50 Coquille. ch. ni, 0, by Order Cockernony: II. S. Wilson, Oakville, Ont , 75.00 Class., eh. ut, 10, by Kingston Blue Grass Belle; William Scott. Georgetown, Ont C5.00 Bay iilly. 1, by Ypsiianti II. New Dance; J. Fleming, Toronto C0.00 New Dance, b. m, 20, by Ncwcourt Can Dance; Charles Crew, Scarboro Junction. . . -55.00 Matchboy, b. g, J!, by Matchmaker Court Maid II.; II. n. Flesher, Massey, Ont 55.00 Bay filly, 1, by Pershore Satanic; W. J. Boyd, Fleshorton, Ont. 55.00 Delicia. br. m, 10, by Emperor Dainty; H. " SnrofT, Toronto . 50.00 Xenia, b. m, 22. by Xcuaphone Sister of Mercy; Adam Black, Molgrove, Ont 42.50