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Columbia Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, December 27. WEATHER WET. TRACK HEAVY. o o Ind. Horse. Wt. live. A.Wt.IIan. The figures undor the heading "Rcc." in the 99S0G3 Ynca 100 l:OOj? 3 107x715 entries below come from a new system first used 99912 Donovan 101 l:0r5 4 11 20710 June 4, 1911. They show the bost timo of each 99922 Chilton Squaw 105 1:01 f. " 102 705 horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no 99913 Sir Edward 109 1:042 S 115700 matter where it finished, .. . .... o o Fourth Race 1 Mile. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time, 1:30. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. XHuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. Track record: 997S7 1:402 3 10-1. M maiden. Apprentice allowance. 9D937 Warner Griswell 112 1:42J 7 97X723 First Race 5-3 Mile. 99923 Flarney 110 1:4:5 G 102x720 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. W.ry.; Uoscburg II ...10:i 1:45 5 97- 71u Track record: 99757 1:00 li 105. 9991 :;3 Rarn Dance 107 1:4:: 3 102. .j lo Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.DTan. 99SS9 Golcomla 113 1:43 G 10 X10 99107 Descendant 109 l:01i 4 107 X 725 liV iJ-v,lia Loe ,Vff ,1:12s ? ifUai-n- 99S732 Bonnie Dee 104 l:Olf 4 112X720 A,n "5 Jt ?. Afe 99921 LAppello 92 1:051 8 102.. 715 J" !a,r"PJ oe 08 1:391 o Oo.OO 0!92l Doris Ward 07 1:01 3 102X710 00i5SC Catroke 4 102X.00 Smilu M in5 Fifth Kace-5 1-2 Furlongs. SOU, Leuora 10 11- iv!v- X . 0J 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Second Race 5-8 Mile. Track record: 9970S 1:0GJ 5 10S. recoru- JJ 1uu J 1U-,V0. 99S90 Western Belle 101 1:0S 3 102 x 720 K si," iVrflv !m::!,!- KUH;ror William 101 1:0S 5 113715 110 1-noi r f. bTUW Jn- hn, - n-T Love Watches 112 1:00? 4 119x710 ?h- n..;,;Vr.V iiv4io kcy 109 l:09i 3 102x710 10-! r o- m"-M vmJ?.!, ,1 A K S -yn !J:m Ti-V Km 107 1:12 3 102x705 1 mil m 999o4 Llizahoth O. ..100il:01 4 11-XilO .jyyojs CIcm uoachey 10Q l:0Ss 1 102X7L-5 Grace Patterson, br 111. by Uammou Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. I"11 5 1" 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Third Race 5-3 Mile. Track record: 09707 1: 15 1 3 102.1 3-year-olds ami I inward Soiling. 99923 Ilaldeman 110 1:453 90X725 liack record: OO101 1:00 J 10o. 99SG1 .Toe Rose 100 1:40? 5 104 -720 099233 Loyal Maid 107 1:02 5 112. .725 99SS9 Dolly Bultmaii 99 1:40 5 105 x 715 99S13 Koroni 102 1:01 3 114 X720 09923 Profile 1011:50X 4 104x71.-1 99025 Flying Squirrel US 1:0S 4 115x715 90921 Herbert Turner 04 1:47 3 0SX710 FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 997571:003105. Index Course DistTlmeTckOdds Wt St and StrFin Jockeys Started Order of Finish. DESCENDANT, ch. g. 4 107 By Tanzmeister The Niece A. L. Denny. 59107 C. dAlene 3-4 1:1C fast 7 10! 3 1 1 li 7"Jf?eldcn 11 Phillistina. ir.Alvcseot. L.Tendl 990SO C. dAlene 5-S l:02g fast 7 109 4 1 1 1J 9" Selden 10 Rey el Tovar. N. Son. Rio Pecos 9S390 C. dAleno 3-4 1:143 fast G 100 5 COG 6l0JForsyth 7 Hen Greenleaf. Heknows, Crex !W27G C. dAlene 5-S 1:01 fast 25 111 7 Fell. Selden 9 Vono Von, Sainest, Annio Wells 3S1C3 C. dAlene 3-4 1:141 slow 25 111 5 2 2 C 71T E McKwcn 11 .Tcs.Burn. Q.Street, D.Enrique. SS09S Anaconda 5i f 1:12 slow 5 114 1 3 4 5 51S Coburn 5 Sil.Stocking. Novgorod. TheFnd. 9SOC2 Anaconda 5-8 1:041 mud 3 115 1 12 2 in Coburn S ParlorBoy. Swagerlator. Gal.Gale 9S013 Anaconda 5-S 1:011 fast. 4 113 5 2 3 52 79 Kcderis 8 Passenger, Barnsdalo, Swoglator 97974 Anaconda 53 t l:0Sg fast 10 103 1 11 l2 22 Kederls G Good Ship, Tillinghast, J. Pace. 97917 Anaconda 51 f 1:0S1 pood 10 113 S G 7 7 7"JE McEwen S Marie Hyde. Cheers. Adena. 97716 Butte F C 1:114 fast 7 105 5 2 1 2J 65 Cavangh 11 D.Allen, L.Harrlsonll., SirBarry BONNIE BEE, b. f. 4 112 By Cesarion Debater Mrs. E. A. Whitney. 99X73 Columbia 51 f 1:10 hvy SO 113 1 2 2 3 2 Cliappell S Loyal Maid, Tackle, Tom Shaw. 99M3 Columbia 51 f 1:09 fast 30 110 4 2 3 41 7s Chappell S Koroni, O. Nugget. Appassionata 9S7G3 Columbia 5-8 l:00g fast 30 103 S S S S SlChappelI 0 Ynca, M. Antony II., II. Louise. 99GS3 Columbia 5-S 1:02M good 15 109 5 G G Gand GJ Chappell 7 Dominica, T. Bear, L. Hapsburg. OfSCS Mlboro Aboi f 1:15 hvy 12 10S G" Chappell 7 LucilleR., Semi-quaver. Starbrd. 0501 Marlboro Aba-S 1:0GJ hvy 5 112 6" Chappell 7 Sir Edward, Hibernica. Mason. 934SO Marlboro 41 f 1:01J hvy 15 113 4"lChappell 7 .Muskmelon, Koroni. Geo. G. Hall 932S0 Marlboro 41 f 1:011 hvy 12 110 SJChappell S Doris Ward. Dacia, Ynca. 0S7G1 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:03 hvy 10 105 In Chappell S Shot. Tee May. Creole. LAPPELLE. b. f. 3 102 By Potentate False Alarm D. Warfield. 99921 Columbia 5J f 1:12s hvy 7 101 2 2 1 5 61 Schwebig S LvdiaLee, IienSand, lilk.Rranch. 93913 Columbia 3-1 1:20 hvy 20 10$ 3 4 4 2and 4 Schwebig S Highllown, Rinda, ISarn Dance. 99SXG Columbia 3-4 1:20 hvy 15 100 1 11 31 SJSchwcbig 0 Appassionata, Dr.Bodine. L.Lee. 99S5G Columbia 5-S 1:05 slow 10 105 G G G 4 4s! Schwebig 7 Mavnora, Leon B., Carlisle M. 99S25 Columbia 3-4 1:182 hvy 7 110 7 7 7 S 6" Schwebig S Tiny Tim, Danceaway, Maynora. 93G12 Jamestown 1 l:41g fast CO 109 2 8 9 11 111115 Ural 12 Cuttyhunk. Harvey F., WestPoInt 99574 Jamestown 3-4 1:153 slop 50 93 2 5 5 5s 5Ural G Mexoana, Pennvroyal, Conncy K. 99538 Jamestown 3-1 1:1GJ good 50 100 8 8 7 51 51lUral 0 S. Pimpernel. Merise, Thrifty. 97484 King Ed. 1 1:43 fast 4 97 9" Hanover 0 Bright Start, Creuse, Warden. 97411 King Ed. 3-4 1:18 slow 10 107 71 C Peak 9 Glipian, Clem Beachey, L.Wells. 97233 Delorimier 54 f 1:09 fast 21 104 710 C Knight 11 D.Dancer. M.Cardigan, TIgcrJira 9720G Delorimier 41 f 55g fast 10 103 4" C Knight C BenSand, Yank.Lady. BonnieBee 9G837 Fort Erie 3-4 l:12g fast 40 93 4 12 12 12 1201sen 13 Thrifty, Mexoana, Hlghflown. 9G254 Plmlico 1 1-16 1:48 fast 12 104 63J Fbrother 6 Bounder. St. Regis. El Oro. DORIS WARD, ch. f, 3 102 By Alvescot Sweet Singer J. Gormley. 99921 Columbia 51 f l:12g hvy 10 101 5 4 C G10 Go Forsyth S LvdiaLee. P.enSand. Blk.Branch. 99S13 Columbia 51 f 1:09 fast 3 105 3 1 1 2 Cs C Turner S Koroni, O. Nugget, Appassionata 99741 Columbia 5-S 1:011 fast 9-5 97 2 1 1 2J 21 Schwebig 0 Elizabeth O., L.Kenmore. T.Tim. 93711 Columbia Oi f 1:09 fast 10 103 6 5 4 5s 41 Schwebig 9 TeddyBear, H.Scott, Starboard. 99C95 Columbia 5-S 1:02 fast 7 101 G G G 5 5,6lSchwebig 7 Sureget, Sabo Blend, Koroni. 93G76 Columbia 5-S 1:042 good S-5 102 1 12 l" 41 Hopkins S Dominica, Koroni. Creole 99X4 Marlboro 41 f 1:03 hvy 21 101 55 Schewhlg S SalwBlend, RoynlOuvx, B. Crest. 9981 Marlboro 41 f 1:01 hvy 21 110 6"3Ste!nhdt 7 Ynca. Smirk, Blue Crest. 993S0 Marlboro 41 f 1:011 hvy 5 105 l1! Schewhlg S Dacia, Ynca. Blue Crest. 99234 Mlboro Ab51 f 1:03 hvy 4 93 2J Schewbig 7 Oakley. Sandiver, Koroni. S9249 Marlboro 5-8 1:025 fast 2 100 4i C White 7 Carroll. Tonlata. Goldwick. S9160 Laurel 51 f 1:0SI fast 6 106 4 1111 2 Scbufger 7 Louis des Cognets. Cloud. Agnler WINNING SMILE, b, c, 3 102 . By Hapsburg Glad Smile H. I.IcCarrcn. S7727 Jkville 1-4 st 22J good GO 115 5 4l 55J Hannan 10 Capsize, Altadena, Kent. Rose. BENORA, b. g, 10 112 By Maxio Flora Ben. S093G Jacksvillc 5-S 1:011 good 40 111 10" Young 10 RalphW.. .T.S.JrcAlister, T.Joli S0SS1 Jacksvillc 5-8 1:01 good 30 93 S13 Griflin S Halifax, Vendor, Earls Court. SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 3-ycar-oIds and upward. Selling. 00757 1:003 103. DUST, b. g, 3 107 By Yankee Smoke J. Hubbard. 9S.V,. Lsville 1 1-1G 1:453 fast 19 99 1 2 3 5 fi; 711 Skirvin S Stone Street. Arcite. SamBarber 9S501 Lsville 1 1-1 G 1:47 fast Sl-10 102 3 1 1 3 8 S"l A Burton 11 Sigurd, Longhand, Discontent. 9M01 Lsville lm20y l:41g fast 23-10 105 2 2 3 3 GJ 79J Ganz 0 Lackrose, Sigurd, Stare. 9S325 Lcxgton lm70y l:47g hvy 31 111 3 4 1 1 1 1 Loftus 7 Discontent, Supple. Rash. 9SG1 Lexington 3-4 1:171 hvy 13-10 109 1 2 2 2lh l1 Goose 7 Miss Detroit. Hanly, Miss Korn. 913G9 Saratoga 3-4 l:12i fast 25 110 5 4 4 5 G11 C H Shilg 7 IronMask. Footprint, Watcrvale 91253 Saratoga 3-4 1:15a hvy 15 101 3 3 7 71 G"JJ Reid 12 Textile. Zeus. Hectagon. B F TOM SHAW. b. h. 6 115 By Sain Belle Ward Mrs. M. K. Shands. 999"2 Columbia 51 f 1:113 hvy 15 112 C G G 5 48 C Grand 7 R.Granda, S.Blend. Chippewayaii 99912 Columbia 3-4 1:20 hvy 15 117 4 5 G 5h G C Grand S Ilighilown, Rinda. Barn Dance. 99S73 Columbia 5 f 1:102 hvy 13-10 116 7 G 4 2 411 C Grand 8 Loyal Maid. Bonnie Bee, Tackle. 99561 Columbia 5-S 1:042 slow 1 117 7 7 7 4t G71 C Grand S Dr.Burch. TennesseoBoy. OldBoy. ViSin Columbia 51 f 1:09 fast 5 114 5 4 4 62 43 C Grand S Koroni. O. Nugget. Appassionata 9974 Columbia 5-8 1:002 fast 8 110 7 7 5 C 53 C Grand 7 Helen Scott. Sabo Blend. Mason. 9WG Columbia 5-S l:02g fast 5 11G 2 3 4 4 3J C Grand 0 Starboard. Wilfred Gerdes. Susan iWtg Columbia 5-S 1 :04i good G 110 4 f G G2 61 C Grand 8 Dominica. Koroni. Creole 993GG Mlboro Ab5S f 1:1G hvy G-5 111 1 C Grand 7 Mason. Tiny Tim. T. B. Spears. W,fi4 Marlboro 41 f 1:03 hvy 4 116 7" Dennlson S SaboBlend.Roy.Onyx. Bine Crest. 99317 Marlboro Ab7-S 1:331 hvy 6 118 4J C Grand 0 Montagnie, O. Nugget. T. Meltor 9494 Marlboro Ab5-8 1:07 hvy 3 108 2and C Grand 11 Koroni, Susan, Donation. 91407 Mlboro Ab5i f 1:121 hvy 31 120 3 C Grand 7 Tippy, Starboard. Hibernica. 4W Marlboro 51 f 1:12 hvy 10 111 71 C Grand 7 MylesOConncll. LucilleR.. Silicic 99285 Marlboro 1 1-16 1:531 fast 7 112J 5"10 Grand S D.ofBrldger, Q.Street, Kllderkli LEON B., b. g. 3 110 By Mazagan South Sea P. Kuhns. 99937 Columbia 3-1 l:20g1ivy 15 107 4 4 5 G1 511 Itobertsn 7 W.Criswell. .T.II.Barr, Wdlander 93909 Columbia 5-S l:0Gg hvy 8 110 3 2 1 21 2 Fbrother 7 Tiny Tim, Elizabeth O, Susan. 99S56 Columbia 5-8 1:05 slow 10 10S 2 2 3 21 2 Robertsn 7 Maynora, Carlisle M., LAppelle. 99S37 Columbia 3-1 1:192 hvy 10 US 2 3 2 3and 4ci Robertsn 9 Hibernica. Dr.Burch. Woodlander. 99741 Columbia 5-S l:01g fast 5 105 3 6 G 8 99 Hopkins 9 EllzabetliO.. D.Vvard. L.Kcnmor 9S719 Columbia 5-S 1:02 fast 30 103 4 8 7 9 9"JC White 9 Bertis. J. H. Barr, Koroni. 99711 Columbia 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 5 8 8 6 610 Dreyer 9 TeddyBear. H.Scott, Starboard. 39GS1 Columbia 3-4 1:162 good 5 108 1 3 3 3s 3J C White S Mason, Joe Rose, O. Co. E. 99G37 Columbia 5-S 1:04 good 31 106 G C 4 31 23 C White 7 L. Hapsburg, Bertis, Q. Belle. 99531 Marlboro 41 f 1:04 hvy 31 110 21! Stoinhdt fi Donation, GoldCheck. T.B.Spears 99515 Marlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy 20 101 4s Robinson 4 Mil IT, El Bart, ProHIe. 99179 Marlboro 41 f 1:01 hvy 9 113 310 Dreyer and GoldCheck, Donation, CliicfHayes 99335 Marlboro Ab5-S 1:05 hvy 20 113 6tolRobInson C JessupBnrn. WnBcllc, RylOnyx 9329G Marlboro 41 f 1:00 hvy 10 112 681 C White S B.Masterson, TeddyBear, Althrpc LADY HAPSBURG, b. n. 6 112 By Hapsburg Bauderclc H. Steinhardt. 99909-Columbia 5-S l:0Gg hvy 12 111 1 1 3 7 72iFain 7 Tiny Tim. Leon 15.. Elizabeth O. 99573 Columbia 5 f 1:102 hvy 5 10S 8 S 8 S S5 Schwebig S Loyal Maid. Bonnie Bee, Tackle. 93S03 Columbia 5-S 1:016 fast 15 102 S 3 5 7 S18 Schwebig 12 Koroni. Chilton Squaw, L. Maid. 99742 Columbia 5-S 1:002 fast 10 37 3 4 7 7 7ISkIrvin 7 Helen Scott. Salw Blend, Mason. 99720 Columbia 5-S 1:01 J fast 15 103 3 7 8 S 912JDroyer 10 I. Davis. Horace E.. Haldeman. 99GS3 Columbia 5-S l:02g good 3 103 3 2 2 21 3 Dreyer 7 Domiuica, T.Bear, SirMincemeal. 99675 Columbia 5-8 1:04 good 5 107 3 1 1 1 Is Dreyer 7 Leon It., Bertis, Qulncy Belle. 93561 Marlboro 41 f 1:03 hvy 10 113 S11 Stcinhdt S SaboBlend. RoyalOnyx. B. Crest. 99514 Mlboro Ab41 f 1:031 hvy 5 113 412 Stcinhdt 0 Carroll, BlueCrest, BatMasterson 99379 Marlboro 41 f 1:01 hvy 4 110 Is Steinhdt S Elizabeth O, G.Check. R.Meddler 93296 Marlboro 41 f 1:00 hvy 5 113 7lslSteInhdt 8 Bat Masterson, T. Bear, Altborpe 99233 Marlboro 41 f 59 fast 20 112 6"lSteInhdt 8 Sabo Blend, Teddy Bear. Koroni. 98773 Dufferin 4 f 5SJ fast 10 102 Is Steinhdt 7 W. Worker. Fleming, Laura A. 9S7G3 Dufferin 41 f 59 hvy 3 106 5nlCullen 9 Althorpe, S. of Rocks. Permelia. 9S674 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:03 fast 12 106 6 Quinlan 7 Tom Shaw. H. Sister. Permelia. 9S593 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:02? fast 12 106 45i Quinlan 10 P. Davis, H. Sister, Mapletcn. ELIZABETH 0 br. f. 4 112 By Hobart Duela G. E. Ridge. 99931 Columbia 5 f 1:132 hvy 20 115 6 7 5 5 55 C Grand 7 Ossabar, Ben Sand, Casque. 99909 Columbia 5-S l:0Gs hvy 8 111 7 7 0 41 3s C Grand 7 Tiny Tim, Leon B., Susan. 99574 Columbia 5 f 1:11 hvy 30 113 S S S 8 S13 Chappell S U.J.Gray, Sabo Blend, .T.H.Barr. 99S37 Columbia 5-1 1:192 hvy 2 125 5 5 3 5s 8,s C Grand 0 Hibernica. D.Burch, Woodlander 93S1S Columbia 51 f 1:0S2 fast 30 115 8 8 S 8 S5 C Grand 9 Fort Worth. Casque, Bertis. 99741 Columbia 5-S 1:012 fast 4 1091 4 5 4 H 11 C Grand 9 D. Ward, L. Kenmore, T. Tim. 93711 Columbia 51 f 1:03 fast 30 109 7 7 7 8 7" A Hanover 9 TeddyBear. n.Scott. Starboard. 890S3 Columbia 5-S 1:023 good 12 109 G 5 5 5s 5J A Hanover 7 Dominica, T. Bear. L. Hapsburg. 99676 Columbia 5-S 1:041 good 20 107 5 6 4 5n 51 A Haonver S Dominica, Koroni, Creole. SSS64 Marlboro 41 f 1:03 hvy S 113 6 A nanover S SaboBlend, RoyalOnyx. B. Crest. 99512 Mlboro Abll f 1:03 hvy 3 113 , 1 C Grand 7 Donation, nibernlca, C.Bartlett. 99479 Marlboro 4 f 1:01 hvy 8-5 108 71aiIopklnR 8 Gold Check, Donation. Leon B. 59449 Marlboro 41 f 1:011 slow 12 108 OJlSchewbig 8 Smirk, Royal Onyx, Starboard. TO379 Marlboro 41 f 1:01 hvy 21 110 2s Hopkins S L.IIapsl.g. G.Check, R.Meddler. GRACE PATTERSON, br. m, 5 107 By Hammon Flit W. S. Dickey. First start. THIRD RApE 5-8 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 007571:003105. LOYAL MAID, b. m. 5 112 By Loyalist Oak Maid Mrs. A. B. Stansbury. 99325 Columbia 5-S 1:03 hvy 21 115 4 5 5 5 37 Fbrother S Edith C. C. Beachey. Maynora. 99S73 Columbia 51 f 1:102 hvy 3 113 2 1 1 P1 1 Fbrother S Bonnie Bee. Tackle. Tom Shaw. 39S03 Columbia 5-S 1:012 fast S 107 5 4 3 3 21 Estep 12 Koroni. C.Squaw. Tennessee Boy 90859 Latonia 3-4 l:14jj mud IS 111 10 7 10 10 10iKcnncdy 11 Imprudent, L.Orimar. .Tean.dArc 9C018 Arlington 41 f 56 fast 4 111 Is C Peake 7 D.Attorney, ImThere.A. Virginia 90002 Arlington 41 t 5GJ fast 2 114 2s C Grand 5 J.Nunnally. PloPico, LaB.Agnes. , 95933 Arlington 61 f 1:26J fast 4 117 38 Tansey fi W.I.Hinch. ParlnrBoy, Pedigree 95SS4 Arlington 41 f 56 fast 6 109 2" G Peake 5 Smirk, Ida D., Racinette. 95S43 Arlton Ab 61 f 1:26 fast 4 109 3" Tansey 9 Maclas. Films, Laughing Eyes. 93766 Plmlico 3 1:112 fast 20 105 8 5 6 61 Si Estop 12 The Gardener, Sixty, Setback, i KORONI. b. g, 3 114 By Ben Stromo Choesecloth Mrs. W. H. Frv. 99513 Columbia 51 f 1:09 fast 8-3 110 2 3 2 11 lh Dreyer 8 O. Nugget, Appassionata. T.Shaw i 39S03 Columbia 5-8 1:012 fast G 102 1 2 2 lh lh Dreyer 12 C.Squaw. LoyalMald. Tenn. Boy. 99705 Columbia 5-S 1:002 fast 31 1011 3 5 4 3h 461 Dreyer 9 Ynca. M. Antony II.. II. Louise. 99742 Columbia 5-8 1:033 fast 7 102" 2 2 2 2 43 Dreyer 7 Helen Scott. Salwi Blend. Mason, 99719 Columbia 5-S 1:02 fast 9 109 3 1 1 11 31 Dreyer 9 Bertis. J. II. Barr. Creole. i 99C93 Columbia 5-S 1:02 fast 12 109 4 4 4 4l 3" Dreyer 7 Sureget, SaboBlend, Carroll. 9967G Columbia 5-S 1:041 good 10 102 3 4 5 41 2 Dreyer 8 Dominica. Creole, Doris Ward. 993G7 Marlboro Ab7-S 1:35 hvy 7 105 618 Dreyer 7 Susan. Dr. Barkley. Lighthouse. 99434 Marlboro Ab5-8 1:07 hvy 3 103 P Dreyer 11 TomShaw, Susan. Donation, i 994S0 Marlboro 41 f 1:011 hvy 5 110 2 Dreyer 7 Muskmelon, G.G.Hall, BoanleBeo L??f S0-UIRSi:-I ch- c 4 US By Cesarion Katio W. W. L. Williams. SHrS $;?1Vmbla, -8 1:0" hvy 5 US 3 2 4 41 5IcTagrt 8 Edith C. O.Reachev. Loval5Iaid. 9S978 Richmond 6-8 1:02? slow 126 Johnson 9 Billie Hibbs, Eventide. Benlala. ? f,.S 107 By FUigrane Xeonatus mare No. 2 G. Fraloy. - ,lTj? m"llla o-S 1:034 slow 15 104 C 4 3 4J 3H Schwebig 9 Sea Swell. Anavri, Chippewayan. SIS Columbia 5J f i:0Si last 12 105 7 6 U 3l 4"i Schwebig 9 Fort Worth. Cas-me, Bertis. Columbia o-S l:00g fast 7-5 100 1 1 1 li 1 Hopkins 9 51. Antony II.. H.Lmiise, Koroni. S;0!uin.bia -s 1:00 fast 10 110 1 3 3 31 4ui Hopkins 9 Premier, Carroll, Tippy. Columbia 5-S 1:014 fast 8-5 95 4 3 3 5i 5i Bruce 10 P. Davis. Horace E.. Ualdeman. Marlboro 4J f 1:01 hvy 5 105 ll J Hanover 7 Smirk. Bine Crest, B.5Iasterson. 993S0 Marlboro 44 f 1:011 hvy 5 110 31 Fbrothcr S Doris Ward, Dacia, Blno Crest. ufferin Ab5-8 1:01 fast 4 109 3 G W Carll 8 Lucetta, Ohlppcwayan. Punky. Dufferin 5-S 1:06 slow 7-10 101 1 G W Carll S Cat, LadyHapsburg, Hay market 98107 Dufferin 5-8 1:04? fast 4 101 2J G W Carrl 0 llerise, John A.. Tee 5Iay. DONOVAN, b. g, 4 112 . By Bannockburn Uarda R. Long. 9t-ni2 Columbia Si f l:Ug hvy 20 111 S 7 7 7 7" J Bergen S Oakley. Ilorieon. Sabo Blend. i78 5ufferm Ab5-S 1:01 g fast 3 111 74J Whatley 7 Paul Davis, Yankee Lady, Carroll 9S7C8 Dufferin Ab5-S l:02g hvy 3-2 109 2 C Grand S 5IayBride, Curious, HudasSister 9SC02 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:02 fast 4 109 7"JC Grand S Lucetta, Isabel Casse. Stick Pin. 9S233 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:01 fast 3-5 109 2" Dreyer C Bodkin, Glipian. Fleming. 9S1U Dufferin Ab5-S 1:01 fast 4 109 23 Dreyer 0 Is.Casse, John5Tarrs, Bcrtmont. 28114 Dufferin 5-8 1:04 fast 10 112 2 Dreyer C L. Watches, 5IapIeton. Lucetta. 98108 Dufferin 5-S 1:041 fast 12 10G 41! Dreyer 10 Isabel Casse, Lucetta. Servicence. CHILTON BQUAW, ch. f. 3 102 By Chilton Minnehaha III. S. Louis. 9:022 Columbia 5i f l:llg hvy 8 101 4 3 2 4 59 Schwebig 7 K.Granda. S.Blend, Chippewayan 99St Columbia 5-S 1:03 slow 7 105 3 3 3 3s 3" C Turner 8 Sea Swell, Billy Barnes, Tippy. 99XS9 Columbia 3-1 1:1S2 hvy 13-5 115 4 2 2 2- 5101C Turner 7 Joe ltose. Flarney, Sir Edward. 99S03 Columbia 5-8 1:015 fast 2J 100 2 1 1 2s 2 O Turner 12 Koroni, L. 5Iaid. Tennessee Boy. 99784 Columbia 5-S 1:004 fast 8 107 C 3 3 G C3 Bruce S Carroll, Sano Blend. V. Poweis. 99757 Columbia 5-S 1:00 fast 8 105 3 5 5 C1 Ca Ambrose 9 Premier, Carroll, Tippy. 9D71G Columbia oh f l:0Sg fast 4 103 3 1 2 2and 53 C Turner 7 Clem Beachey, Tippy. Thrifty. 99553 Jamestown 51 f 1:0S fast 8 102 1 1 3 55 5J1 Ambrose 7 Perthshire, Caugh Hill, Hue. 99472 Jamestown 7.-S 1:30 slow 9-5 101 3 1 1 2 21 3i Ambrose 7 Thrifty, Handrimnlng. Canliff. 99373 Jamestown 7-8 1:31 slop 10 100 2 1 1 2 lk 1 Ambrose 10 G.Cup, Highflown. FeatherDuster 99364 Jamestown 51 f 1:084 hvy 12 100 3 2 2 21 35J Ambrose 7 5IonAml, 5Ioncreif. .MinnieBright 99255 Jamestown 51 f 1:08 fast 31 10S 4 4 4 7 78J Schutger 9 Spin, Ft. Worth, Double Five. 99029 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 good 15 105 2 1 2 4 5"1T Davies G Onager. B.Vanderveer. Sherwood 98989 Pimlico 7-S 1:28? good 15 102 2 2 2 1 Is 151 T Davies 4 Fair 5Iiss, Spin, Herbert Turner. SIR EDWARD, b. h. 8 115 By Eddie Jones Motto J. E. Sheldon. 9! 913 Columbia 3-4 1:20 hvy 2 112 2 2 5 S S;o Olsen S Higbliown, Rinda, Barn Dance. 99SG0 Columbia 5-S 1:03 slow 7 111 7 4 4 4- 515iForsyth S SeaSwell, BiilyBarnes. C. Squaw. 99.;29 Columbia 3-4 1:181 hvy 31 12S 2 3 3 31 353 C Grand 7 Joe ltose, Flarney. Horace E. 99S17 Columbia 1 1:43 fast 30 330 G 4 5 7 7 7" Forsyth 7 Golconda, D.ofBdgewater, I.Kid 99712 Columbia 51 f l:0Sg fast 10 114 3 2 3 41 G10 C Peak 9 J. H. Barr. Sano Blend, Agnier. 99GS0 Columbia 5-8 1:034 good 10 110 S 7 7 7 7" Forehand 8 Carroll. Tippy, Starboard. 9J3C1 Marlboro Ab5-S 1:06 hvy 3 115 l3 Sclnvtzer 7 Ilibernica, 5Iason, Bertis. 99534 ilarlboro Ab5-S 1:08 hvy 6 10S 4!3 Schwzer ! Tippy. Oakley. Toniata. 99499 5Iarlboro Ab5-S 1:07 hvy 31 113 G5 Dcnnison S P.Davis. LucilleR., Semi-quaver. 99453 Marlboro Ab7-S 1:35 slow 5 115 5 Fbrother C 5Iuff, Dollv Bultinan, Sandiver. 99349 5farIboro Ab7-S 1:341 slow 3 US 431 Estep 6 Clilppewayan, Kilderkin, 51uK. 99333 Marlboro 51 f 1:12 hvy 4 116 G Hoffman 7 MylcsOConncll. Lucillelt., Silicic 99227 Marlboro 1 1-16 1:501 fast 5 105 8" Steinhdt 8 El Oro. Black Branch. Grania. FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 997S7 1:103 3 104. WARNER GRISWELL, br. g, 7 97 By Ornus Sarah W. B. Evans. 99937 Columbia 3-4 l:20g hvy S-5 102 3 3 3 2l 1 Schwebig 7 J.II.Barr. Wdlandcr, HclenSeott. 9!t9::G Columbia 1 1:50 hvy S 100 1 5 7 7 5J 341 Bruce 7 V. Powers, Otilo, Camel. 997S Columbia 1 1:47 hvy 12 94 4 5 6 4 3 33 Bruce G Feather Duster, Helene, Camel j9S65 Columbia 1 1:442 slow 10 10S 1 0 5 5 0" 512JRobertsn S V. Powers, Flarney, Abrasion. 99X29 Columbia 11:47 hvy 31 113 3 2 2 2 3 2" Irwin 8 Dune Campbell, Tippy, Outpost. 99S17 Columbia 1 1:43 fast 7 US 2 6 4 C 4 41JIrwin 7 Golcda, D.ofBgewator, IrishKid 99767 Colmbia lm70y 1:454 fast CO 100 3 4 4 4 4 4 Irwin 0 Ivabel, Camel, Sticker. 99745 Columbia 1 1-S 1:51 fast 15 10S 3 3 2 3 32 31 Irwin 5 Nadzu, Ualdeman. Animus. 99693 Columbia 1 1-16 1:51 fast 7-5 103 2 1 1 1 2s 31 Irwin 5 Eddie Graney. Animus, Flarney. 99570 Marlboro Ab7-8 1:35 hvy 3 110 31 Irwin G Toniata, Oakley, Joe Rose. 9andrn5 Marlboro 1 1-16 2:05 hvy 31 112 2 Irwin 7 Hatteras, Flarney. Joe Rose. 99197 Marlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy 5 113 2and Irwin 7 Ornamosa, Blk. Branch, Flarney. WU11 Marlboro AIV7-S 1:34 hvy 3 112 31 C Jackson 7 Qual. Street, Dr. Barkley. N.Star 99334 51arlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy 5 112 l4 C Jackson 8 L.Cavanagk, Ornamosa. Hiberca FLARNEY, br. m, 6 102 Ey Greenan Zig Zag C. Reed. 9!9:3 Columbia 11:50 hvy 7 30S 7 6 C 5 53 3" J Hanover 7 Haldeman, Profile, Roseburg II. 99S05 Columbia 1 1:443 slow 12 10S 8 C 4 4 4 2s J Hanover 8 V.Powers, Abrasion, D.Campbell. 99S39 Columbia 3-4 1:1S hvy 30 120 G 5 5 4and 2 J Hanover 7 .ToeRose, Sir Edward. Horace E. :,:792 Columbia 1 1-S l:52i fast 50 10S 6 7 7 7 7 71"SC White S Hatteras, Nadzu, Ualdeman. 9!713 Columbia 1 1-8 l:55g fast 21 108 1 2 2 1 11 l1 C White 7 Kilderkin, Sprg Frog. O. Co. E. 99G!S Columbia 1 1-16 1:51 fast 7 103 1 5 5 5 5 43i C White .1 E. Graney, Animus, W. Griswcll 9Wu7 Marlboro Ab7-S 1:35 hvy 4 105 5" Schewbig 7 Susan. Dr. Barkley, Lighthouse. wr.33 Marlboro 1 1-1G 2:05 hvy 12 307 3" Robinson 7 Hatteras. W. Griswell. Joe Rose. 99497 Marlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy 4 113 41 Fbrother 7 Ornamosa, W.Griswell. B.Branch J91S2 Marlboro Ab7-S 1:2S hvy 6 115 lnk Hopkins 7 Goldwick. Bertis. Ilibernica. ROSEBURG, II., ch. g. 5 97 By Hapsburg Florida Rose H. McCarren. 99923 Columbia 1 1:50 hvy 20 101 2 2 4 4 41 4"lSkirvin 7 Haldenian, Profile, Flarney. 99914 Columbia 1 1:4S hvy 6 102 2 4 5 5 7 Skirvin S Profile, Semi-quaver, Animus. 9! SS7 Columbia 3-4 1:20 hvy 7 115 5 7 7 5 4 Skirvin S Centre Shot, Ossabar, Sewell. 99ST.7 Columbia 1 1-1G 1:54s slov 12 9S 7 4 4 4 4s 2 Skirvin S Our Nugget. SpringFrog. Animus 99S25 Columbia 3-4 1:184 hvy 7 115 S 5 4 4U 4 Skirvin S Tiny Tim, Danceaway. JIaynora. 99Siji Columbia 7-S 1:274 fast 10 105 4 4 4 5 5s 514JSkirvin S JoeRose. BelleCIem, Hwd Shean 997S9 Columbia 3-4 1:144 fast 20 101 6 10 10 11 9 Skirvin 12 Agnler, R. Grauda. 51. Antony II. 99784 Columbia 5-S 1:004 fast 15 112 7 S 7 71 7" Skirvin S Carroll, Sabo Blend, V. Powers. 99514 Columbia 51 f 1:074 fast 30 98 7 0 6 7 51 Skirvin S Thrifty, Casque, Merise. 99156 Latonla 1 1:401 fast fid 103 11 11 11 11 11 lls:!iSkirvin 11 Turret. J. H. Reed. Sea Cliff. BARN DANCE, b. g. 3 1C2 By The Bard La Danseuso O. Kak. 999.13 Columbia 3-4 1:20 hvy 13 109 8 7 7 G1 S-i Gould S Higliliown. Itiuda. Barn Dance. 99: 00 Columbia 5-8 1:03 slow 30 110 8 7 7 7 7- Gould S SeaSwell. BiilyBarnes, C. Squaw. 9-IS13 Columbia 51 f 1:09 fast 7 306 6 6 6 7 5 Gould S Koroni, O. Nugget, Appassionata !9?71 Latonia 1 1-S 1:564 hvy SO 100 S 7 10 10 10 10" B Steele 10 J. Furlong. 5Iy Fellow, S. Barber 99323 Iitonia lm70y 1:51s hvy 163 100 7 G 5 7 5 4J Forsyth 30 Sam Barber, E.Collins. L.Paston. 99256 Latonla lm70y 1:454 fast fid 1011 5 9 9 9 8 7"iGould 11 Lily Paxton. Ramazan. Evla. 99191 Latonla 3-1 1:153 slow 62 103 G 8 7 8 S,0iGould 10 Chemulpo. GoId.Egg. N.Ferguson 99ft25 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast US 103 5 8 S 8 8 E .Martin S 5IcIvor, Colctta, Nan Ferguson. 96119 Latonla 1 1-16 1:46 fast fid 102 8 2 9 10 10 101815IcCahey 12 5fockler, Lackrose, Rompie. 96369 Latonia 3-4 1:153 slow 19 101 5 G C 3l 22 McCabcy 11 LightBlue. Startler, D.Campbell 96303 Latonla lm70y 1:444 good 128 107 5 2 4 G 5 5tT E 5Iartln G Any Port. Hazel Burke, Fireman 95996 Louisville 1 l:41i fast 7 107 11 7 6 10 10 10l Gooso 12 DutcliRock. Swish. Naughty Lad GOLCONDA. b. s. 6 107 By Goldcrcst Fond Recollection II. Burttschell . 99SS1 Colmbia lm70y 1:57 hvy 16 106 5 5 5 5 5 oSehwebig C D.Bultman. Haldeman, V.Powers 99S17 Columbia 1 1:43 fast 3 115 1 5 3 2 21 In C Turner 7 D.ofBgewator, Ir.Kid. W.Criswl 99745 Columbia 1 1-S 1:54 fast 4 303 5 2 4 4 5 55 Ambrose 5 Nadzu, Ualdeman. W. Griswell. 99714 Columbia 1 1-S l:55g fast 12 100 1 2 2 1 2t 31 C Turner G Hatteras. Nadzu. El Oro. 9P03S Jamestown 11:45 hvy 10 102 S G 6 4 5 6C C Turner 11 Helene, Brevito. Harvey F. 99556 Jamestown 7-S 1:27 fast 8 109J 2 2 4 4 4 4J G Burns G Fondllcart. Dreamer. BelleCIem 995 11 .lamest n 11-10 1:51 good 10 10S 4 3 2 1 ll 2nt Ural S Cu Bon, Limpet, Little Earl. 99444 Jamestown 1 1:14 hvy 12 106 3 2 2 2 3"t 4J 5lcCahey 7 F. Duster, Fair 51iss, Kaufman. 99300 Jamestown 3-1 1:10 hvy 40 305 3 6 7 7 79 Nolan 7 Sherwood. Pennyroyal, Thrifty. 99211 Jainestn 1 1-S 1:5G4 slow 5 103 4 4 5 4 41 410lGordon 5 Nadzu, Harvey F., Idle Michael. LYDIA LEE. ch. f. 3 97 By Scintillast II. Lydia II. V. V. Casey. Im Columbia 5 f 1:13s hvy 3J 306 7 G 2 1- V C Turner S BcnSiind. B. Branch. Carlisle 5L 99556 Columbia 3-1 1:203 hvy 10 100 5 5 4 41 351 Forsyth 9 Appasnata. Dr.Bodine, 51. Gibson U9f-U Columbia 5-S 1:04J slow 20 109 5 G 4 C3 43i Dreyer S Dr. Burch, Tenn. Boy, Old Boy. IKiSii Columbia 3-1 1:1S4 hvy 25 105 6 G 5 5" 53 Forsyth 8 Tiny Tim. Danceaway. Maynora. 99793 Columbia 5-8 1:002 fast 20 110 1 3 6 6 71S C Grand 9 Tom5iassie. D:cU5Ioss. Cariisle5r. 9S9S7 Iatonia lm70y l:47g slow S5 9S 5 2 5 5 5 5,SC Turner 5 S.Knight, SamBarber, P.Pender. 9S772 Dufferin 41 f 5S4 fast 10 102 G10 Steinhdt 8 Tee 51ay. 51. 5Iarion. Carissiina. 9ST.81 Dufferin 41 f 1:00 mud 8 104 79 Steinhdt 9 5Iiss Vigilant. Shot, E. Campbell 9N599 Dufferin 3-4 1:20 fast 30 302 Gi Steinhdt 10 Lizzie Flat, Tulip, Law. .Millar. 9S1G7 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:013 fast 20 102 SlIiUobinson S BiilyBarnes. Glipian, Carisslma. 9;027 Delorimier 1 1:451 fast 2 93 Pulled up. Forehand ? Rampant. Fabersham. Cous.Pcter 96007 Delorimier 41 f 5S4 fast 7 102 79 Culley 8 Bodkin, Glipian, Miss Res. ANIMUS, br. g. 7 102 By Lord Esterling Animoso C. S. Wilson. 99923 Columbia 1 1:50 hvy 30 300 5 7 7 7 7 G,s Forehand 7 Haldeman. Profile. Flarney. 99914 Columbia 1 1:4S hvy S 110 1 2 2 4 4 313 McTagrt S Profile. Semi-quaver, Horace E. 99557 Columbia 1 1-16 l:51j slow 4 103 2 G 7 G G 4,,J Cook 8 O.Nugget, Roseburgll., Sp.Frog. 99745 Columbia 1 1-S 1:54 fast 7 103 2 4 5 5 41 4 Cook t Nadzu, Haldeman. W. Griswell. 99G9S Columbia 1 1-16 1:51 fast 10 303 3 4 4 4 41 21 Cook 5 E. Graney. W. Griswell, Flarney. 99125 Laurel lm70v 1:453 good 10 111 G 9 9 8 S 8"JK Dugan 12 El Bart. Roebuck, The Whip. S9000 Laurel 1 1-S 1:54 good 12 108 4 5 6 6 Cl 61 Obert S L.ofLangden, Brevlte, Servicence 9S904 Laurel 1 1-1G 1:471 fast 10 112 9 9 9 9 71 7i Goldstein 10 L.ofLangden, E.Keck, Servicence 9andS40 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 20 112 3 8 S 7 GJ 4:s O Peak 8 Hilarious. 5I.W.LittIn, Babbler 9S491 Toronto 1 1-16 1:493 slow 6 107 3 3 1 3 3H 39 5IcCahey ! Dr.Holzberg, T.G.Bfiy, Seconke. 9S452 Toronto 1 1-16 1 :47J fast 23-10 107 3 4 3 3 21 in 5IcCahey 9 Lady.Orimar, EdKeck. Hatteras BARNEY IGOE. ch. o. 3 95 3y Clmctanunda Irish Girl II. G. A. Muller. 99934 Columbia 51 f 1:13 hvy 15 99 2 6 G G 610 Ambrose 7 Os?al;;r. Ben Sand. Casque. 99X87 Colunibia ft-t 1:203 hvy 15 103 6 G 6 71 61! Ambrose S Centre Shot, Ossabar. Sewell. : !i7S9 Columbia 3-1 1:144 fast 50 103 11 9 9 7 71 Ambrose 12 Agnier. R.Granda, 5L Antony II. 99770 Columbia 3-1 1:14 fast GO 300 9 9 9 S S8 Ambrose 10 Jessup Burn, Bertis, Teddy Bear. 99715 Columbia 3-1 1:142 fast 40 113 7 7 7 7 6 Ambrose 7 D. 5Iacdonald, Cowl, Pajaroita. 99633 Jamestown 7-S 1:30 hvy 40 9S S 8 6 8 8 8 Ambrose 8 O.U.Buster, Fort Worth, Coriuth. 9SS60 Pimlico 3-4 1:144 fast 30 113 9 9 9 9 7I0lAmbrose 10 Cliftonlan. Onager, 5IoncreIf. 979S6 Windsor lm70y 1:43? fast 15 88 3 4 4 4 41 41 Ambrose 10 Nick Stoner, Bomp, Stare. 97806 Hamton 1 1-16 1:48 fast 7 SO 8 6 5 G 7 7lulAmbrose 8 Cheek, 5Iontgomery. Live Wire. 97746 Hamilton 5 i 1:06? fast 8 110 4 4 4 5s 4s T Koerncr 10 Wrap, 5roncreif, Cuttyhunk. 97474 Fort Erie 1 I-S l:52i! fast 4 100 5 4 4 4 4 4S1 Schutger i Volthorpe. Startler, Supervisor. 97141 Fori Erie 1 1-16 1:468 fast C 300 9 3 3 3 21 20 Schutger 10 Corinth. Startler. Attentive. CATROKE, b. f, 4 102 By John F. Kiss Vera Mrs. C. A. Reynolds. 99S-M; Columbia 3-4 l:20g hvy 33 310 8 9 9 9 9I9JDreyer 9 Appassionata. Dr.Bodine. L. Lee. 99S37 Columbia 3-4 1:193 hvy 10 125 S 8 S S 715 J Johnson 9 Hilternica. D. Burch, Woodlander 99S01 Columbia 7-S 1:274 fast 60 101 Left at the post. J Hanover S JoeKose, BelleCIem, Hwd Shean !712 Columbia 51 f 1:0S3 fast 50 110 S 9 9 9 9 Johnson 9 J. H. Barr. Sabo Blend, Agnier. 95175 .Tacksville 51 f 3:0ST-i good 100 102 Left at tho post. A White 11, J.lendcrgrast, Evia. 93163 Jacksville 51 f l:09g slow 30 109 4 8 8 8 0s A Burton 12 LilyPaxton, Doualdo, S.51atthews. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 097GS l:0G!f, 5 3 OS. SEA SWELL, ch. h, 5 103 By Cesarion Nydia E. K. Barker. 99924 Columbia 3-1 1:20 hvy 1-2 301 3 1112 2" C Turner 0 Eliz. Harwood, Rash, II. Turner. 99S6G Columbia 5-S 1:03J slow 4-3 117 9 2 1 1 1! Lindsay 9 Anavri, Ynca. Chippewaynn. 99SC0 Columbia 5-8 1:03 slow 3-5 110 1 11 Is 1 Lindsay S B. Barnes, ChiltonSquaw, Tippy. !9S4l Columbia 5-S 1:05 hvy 5 115 6 5 1 31 2nfc Lindsay 7 W.Belle. Sabo Blend, Centre Shot. 9-351 51lboro Ab51 f 1:0S4 fast 11-5 109 6 5 5 5 5l Quinlan 0 K. Avondale. Tubal, RoyalOnyx. 91962 Lexington 3-4 1:162 hvy 7-5 10S 3 3 1 4" 41 T Rico 7 Twi.Queen, T.5IcGee, Jacobite. WESTERN BELLE, ch. f. 3 102 By Ort Wells Dixarina H. C. Constantino. 99S90 Columbia 3-4 l:19g hvy 4-5 103 5 4 1 31 l1 Ambrose S Otilo, Oakley. Clem Beachey. 99541 Columbia 5-S 1:05 hvy 7-5 107 5 4 2 25 3ns Hopkins 7 SeaSwell. SalwBlend, Cent. Shot. 99505 51lboro Ab5i f 1:10 hvy 11-5 110 41 Fbrother f Ixrd Wells, Oakley, E. Harwood. 99316 51 lboro Abol f 1:13 hvy 21 114 33 J Bergen G JessupBurn. LordWells, Sandiver 99152 51 lboro Ab5H f 1:04 slow 6 105 lnk J Bergen 7 Jes. Buru, Oakley, Clilppewayan. 993S2 51lboro AbGl f 3:31 hvy 4 330 1 Fbrother G Toniata. Semi-quaver, Bertis. 99335 Marlboro Ab5-S 1:05 hvy 20 110 2- J Bergen G JessupBurn, RoyalOnyx, Toniata. !i9298 5Iarlboro Ab7-8 1:301 hvy 12 108 6" J Bergen G Profile. Lord Wells. Tom 5Ielton. 95960 Arlington 41 f 56 fast 8-5 103 41 Hanover 5 Cesarilass, BonnleBeo, G.G.Hall. 95909 Arlington 41 f 553 fast 4 100 1 Hanover G ImThere, B.Branch, H.AbtYou 93SS0 Arlington 5-S 1:011 fast 10 9S 35 Hanover 5 LucilleR.. Bon.Bee. 5Iar. Victor. EMPEROR WILLIAM, b. h. 5 113 By Sain La Rolla T. Hatfield. 99!.3 Columbia 3-4 1:203 hvy 9-10 113 7 11 l5 2t C Turner 7 Our Nugget, B.Clem. Centre.Shot. 99625 Jamestown 3-4 l:17g slop 4-6 311 1 4 3 32 5i Fain 7 DoubleFive, L. Watches, Anavri. 995S7 Jamestown 7-S 1:26 fast 15 110 1 2 2 2 2h 44 Fain 7 Ivabel, Herbert Turner, Idieweiss 99510 Jamestown 3-4 1:164 slow 8 111 4 4 4 31 21 Fain Sherwood, 5Ion Ami, Pennyroyal. 9S244 5Iontreal 3-4 1:16 hvy 31 113 S 8 7 5 431 J Wilson 9 5Iexoana, E. Bird. 5radrigallan. 9S037 Windsor 3-4 1:133 fast 16 113 4 4 2 3i 1and Goldstein 11 Carrillon, SwartsHIll, F.Ftsteps 97938 Windsor 3-4 1:131 fast 20 104 10 11 11 11 1083 Wingrid 11 5Iontcalm, Ivabel, Lady Irma. 97807 Hamilton 3-4 1:14 fast 8 116 3 4 5 4 41 51 Bell 12 5Ialitine, Sal Volatile, CooneyK. 97803 Hamilton 3-4 1:13 fast 21 113 5 5 5 31 25 Goldstein 10 F.Footsteps, 5IerryLad,5Ioncrelf 97771 Hamilton 3-4 1:142 hvy 8 108 8 8 6 6 2i Wingf Id S Vroeland, Ben Loyal, 5Iontcalm. 97007 FortErle 1 1-1C 1:533 hvy 3 10S 4 1 1 2 5 n"Oorrton 6 J.Reardon. Supervisor. TaNunDa LOVE WATCHES, ch. c 4 119 By Resolute II. Love Note J. G. Wagnon. 99542 Columbia 51 f 1:11 hvy 8-5 110 3 3 3 22 2 Forsyth 0 Eagle Bird, W. Point. Highdown 99731 Columbia 61 f 1:074 fast 12 116 2 3 4 3n 33 C Grand S Rich. Reed, Seneca, Union Jack. 93625 Jamestown 3-4 1:17 slop 8-5 111 4 3 2 2 2s C Turner 7 D. Five, Anavri, Springmass. 99G05 Jamestown 51 f 1:073 fast G 115 1 5 6 6li 41 Byrne 7 Donau, Seneca, King Avondale. 99321 Latonla 3-4 1:17M hvy 14-5 113 4 5 4 45 41 C Turner S 5Iagazine, Duquesne, Camel. 99272 Latonla 3-4 1:134 fast 81 110 4 4 2 4l 4s C Turner 9 Campeon, Win. Widow. Ethelda. 9S755 Laurel El f l:09g hvy 3 114 1 111 1 Troxler 12 E. narwood. R. Reed, 51. Amelia 9SG15 Laurel El f l:07g fast 4 115 5 1 1 ll l2 E Dugan 1G 5ron Ami, Ft. Worth. Lucille R. 98114 Dufferin 5-S 1:04 fast 1-2 115 Is A White G Donovan, 5rapleton, Lucetta. 9S100 Dufferin 3-4 l:17g fast C-5 112 ll A White 8 Sandiver. Yan.Lady, Dr.Holzbg. 979S4 Windsor 51 f 1:053 fast 10 112 5 11 2 5J G Burns 10 SalVolatilc. .Moncrelf, LadySybil 97683 Dufferin 5-S 1:04 fast 2 114 2s E GriQin 8 Lucetta. Fleming, Strike Out. 97573 Dufferin 5-S 1:04 fast 3-2 115 l2 J Howard 7 Fleming, StrlkeOut, 5IcAndrew8. OAKLEY, cb. g, 8 102 By Tho Commoner Glonwaltz W.C. Westmoreland. 9: 912 Columbia 51 f l:llg hvy 1S-5 302 6 0 4 2 1 C Turner S Horicon. SalwBlend, R. Granda. 99SM Columbia 3-4 1;19 hvy 1 105 4 5 4 5 3 Forsyth 8 Wstn Belle, Otilo, ClemBeachey 99S."S Columbia 1 1:46 slow 15 91 3 3 3 3 5 45 Forsyth G Cu Bon, 5Iaromara, Helene. 99794 Columbia 3-1 1:132 fast 10 100 1 5 4 4J 34 Roberts-n S Workbox, Dominica, FortWorlh. 99755 Columbia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 41 101 3 2 5 4 4s 4lu J Williams 9 Dnncragn, 5Iontagnie, E. Graney S971S Columbia 3-4 1:141 fast 11-5 991 2 1 6 31 3J J WilliamslO BelleCIem, 5Ioltke, Moutagnle. 996S5 Columbia 3-4 1:158 good 9-5 100 3 3 3 33 lll J Williams G Bertis, Kuufman, J.II.Barr. 99570 5Iarlboro Ab7-S 1:35 hvy 3 100 21! Robinson G Toniata, WarncrGriswcll. J.Rose. 99565 51lboro Abal f 1:10 hvy 5 105 2l Robinson 5 IxjrdWells, E.Harwood, W.Belle. 9334 5Iarlboro Abo-8 1:08 hvy 5 105 2l Robinson G Tippy. Toniata, Sir Edward. 99452 Mlboro Ab51 f 1:04 slow G 105 35 C White 7 W.Belle, J. Burn, Chippewayan. S93S3 Mlboro Abal f 1:121 hvy 6 104 Is Hopkins 8 5iay Bride, Premier, Althorpe. 9D294 Mlboro Ab51 f 1:09 hvy 4 100 l1 C White 7 Doris Ward, Sandiver, Koroni. TINY TIM, ch. g, 3 102 By Ort Wells Tho Scold R. D. Carter. 99909 Columbia 5-S l:0Cg hvy 3 102 4 3 2 ll l3 Ambrose 7 Leon B., Elizabeth O.. Susan. 4m S9S25 Columbia 3-1 1:184 hvy 15 130 4 3 2 l1 l1 Ambrose S Dancoy, 5Iaynora, Roseburg IIA 997S9 Columbia 3-4 1:141 fast GO 1031 7 8 8 10 10 J Hanover 12 Agnler. R.Granda, 51. Antony II. 99741 Columbia 5-S 1:018 fast 20 97 S 7 7 5l 43 Ambrose 9 ElizabethO., D.Ward, L.Kemnorc 99651 Columbia 3-4 1:163 good 15 100 7 4 5 41 58j J Hanover S 5Iason, Joe Rose, Leon B. 9956G 51lboro Ab51 f 1:16 hvy G 103 3s J Hanover 7 Tom Shaw, 5Iason, T. B. Spears. 99560 5IarIboro Abo-S 1:06 hvy 3 105 3s J Hanover S Tiger Jim, Goodacre, Clifton. 99494 Marlboro Ab5-8 1:07 hvy 10 101 710U Hanover 11 Koroni, Tom Shaw, Susan. 99406 5Iarlboro El f 1:12 hvy 4 107 . 63 J Hanover S B.Frances, J.Bourdette, DayBell. 9923G 51lboro Ab51 f 1:09 fast 12 103 5J0iJ Hanover 7 Grandlsslmo. Hallack. Goldwick. 9S232 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:003 fast 20 104 S1 A White 9 Chippewayan, S.Pimnel, Tig.Jim CLEM BEACHEY, b. g. 4 102 By Frankfort My Sunny South M. C. Keefe. 99925 Columbia 5-S 1:05 hvy 4 110 1 3 2 2 2l Ambrose S Edith C, L.SIaid, 5Iavnora. 99S90 Columbia 3-1 1:19s hvy 10 110 2 1 2 21 41 Schwebig S Western Belle. Otilo, Oakley. 99791 Columbia 3-4 1:132 fast 5 104 7 7 6 7 53i Edwards 8 Workbox, Dominica. Oakley. 9975S Columbia 1 1:41 fast 10 10S 6 3 1 2 G S81 Edwards S Hatteras. 5Iichael Angelo, Helene 99733 Columbia 1 l:41g last 41 100 2 2 1 2 21 2l Edwards 8 Camel, Roebuck, Otilo. 99716 Columbia 51 f l:0Sg fast 6 106 2 3 3 3 ll Edwards 7 Tippy, Thrifty, Premier. 99652 Jamestown Cl f 1:24? slop 8-6 S3 2 2 2 22 23 Bruce G Blundara, .McLeodF., Wdlander. 09614 Jamestown 1 1:414 fast 8 10S 3 1 1 1 2 2" Diggimj 8 Limpet. Corinth, The Whip. 99503 Jamestown 1 l:42g good 4 103 2 1 2 3 41 55 Diggins 12 O Em, Limpet, Horace E. 99306 Jamsetown 1 1:433 hvy 7 103 5 5 7 6 65 6121G Burns S Force, FeatherDuster. Ardri. 99202 Laurel 1 1-16 1:464 fast 7 1C6 3 1 3 4 9 9" WingfId 12 Hatteras. 5ruff. Shelby. 99164 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :47g fast 15 111 6 2 1 3 2l 32 Gould 9 .Maromara, DollyBultman, Shelby 99052 Laurel 1 1-8 l:57g hvy 15 104 4 1 4 5 7s 7lWingfId 9 D.Bultman, 51ntgry. Servicence 9S928 Laurel lm70y l:44g fast 20 106 2 2 2 3 32 U WingfId 7 Lord Wells. Rash. Kaufman. SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-ycar-olds ar.d upward. Selling. 99707 l:4r .! 102. HALDEMAN. b. c, 3 96 By McGce Long Glenn W. Birnio. 99923 Columbia 1 1:50 hvy 3-G 103 6 5 1 1 Is 1 Schwebig 7 Profile, Flarney. Roseburg II. 99SS9 Colmbia lm70y 1:57 hvy 1 106 4 1 1 1 21 21 Hopkins G D.Bultman, V.Powers, O.Nugget. 99S40 Columbia 1 1:463 hvy 0-5 9S 5 4 4 3 Ih l1! Skirvin G Semi-quaver, Otilo, D. Bultnian. 99S30 Columbia 1 l:17g hvy 2 103 7 5 4 2 2 2 Skirvin 7 .Moutagnle, V. Powers, Abrasion 99792 Columbia 1 1-S 1:523 fast 10 93 1 1 1 1 3 31 Skirvin S Hatteras, Nadzu, Howard Shean. 997S7 Columbia 1 1:404 fast 4 107 7 7 7 7 6t 653 Robertsn 9 Muff, Otilo, Irish Kid. 99745 Columbia 1 1-S 1:54 fast 4 103 1 1 1 1 2 21! B Steele 5 Nadzu, WarnerGrlswell. Animus. 99720 Columbia 5-8 1:014 fast 8 103 5 5 4 3l 33 B Steele 10 P. Davis, norace E.. Starboard. 99653 Jamestown 1 1:452 slop 8-5 1051 1 2 4 4 3l 381 Byrne G DixieKnight, Roebuck, Pedigree. 99G38 Jamestown 1 1:45 hvy 8 97 11 9 9 9 9 918 Bruce 11 Helene, Brevlte, Harvey F. 99590 Jamestn lm70y l:44g fast 20 99 9 9 8 S 85 8lWingf Id 9 Cu Bon. Limpet. O Em. 99422 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Sg slow 22 9G 7 2 1 1 23 2 Skirvin S 5rockIer. Sam Barber, Ed Keck. 99323 Latonia lm70y l:51g hvy 41-10 103 3 1 2 3 4h 610 Goose 10 Sam Barber, E.Colllns, L.Paxton. 99208 Latonia 1 1-8 1:563 hvy IS 106 2 1 2 2 2i 33i Ganz 7 Tay Puy, Stick Pin, Discontent. 99154 Latonia 1 l:40g fast GO 105 3 4 4 5 10 UluiGoose 12 Cliftonlan, Camel, Stick Pin. 9S955 Latonia lm70y l:4Sg hvy 21 108 7 4 5 4 41 410 J Deavpt 7 Startler, ilockler. Stare. JOE ROSE, blk, h, 5 104 By Bannockburn Ameliana M. Burns. 99S84 Columbia 1 l:15g slow 2i 103 4 4 2 2 2 21 Hopkins "1 TrovWeight, Montagnie, Profile. 99539 Columbia 3-4 l:18g hvy 6-5 12S 3 11 li l5 Hopkins 7 Flarney, Sir Edward. Horace E. 99S01 Columbia 7-8 1:274 fast 31 105 6 2 1 1 l1 11 Hopkins 8 Belle Clem, Howard Shean, Sigo. 99718 Columbia 3-4 l:14g fast 12 103 3 4 5 52 531 C Turner 10 Belle Clem, 5roltI:e, Oakley. 99681 Columbia 3-4 1:163 good 0-5 307 2 2 2 21 2ii C Turner S .Mason. Loon B.. O. Co. E. 99570 5Iarlboro Ab7-8 1:35 hvy 4 18 45 Hopkins G Toniata, Oakley. WarncrGriswcll 99535 5rarIboro 1 1-10 2:05 hvy 6 110 4lWilliams 7 Hatteras, W. Griswell. Flarney. 9D497 5Iarlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy S-5 116 5lolHolmes 7 Ornamosa. W.Griswell, B.Branch 99109 Marlboro 1 1-10 2:011 hvy 8-5 305 1 Hopkins 8 Our Nugget. Silicic. Tom .Melton. 9934S 5Iarlboro Al7-S 1:34 slow 41 123 l1! Troxler G Dr.Barkley, S.Evelyn, Lighthouse 99231 5rarlboro 51 f 1:12 hvy 3-2 111 2 Troxler 9 BlueCrest. OurNugget, Il.Muuro. 9S96G Laurel 3-4 1:174 hvy 30 110 12 11 11 91 9t53C Grand 13 Horicon. 5Iay Amelia, 5Ion Ami. DOLLY BTJLTMAN. b. m. 5 105 By Alloroay St. Lucio E KcClc3key. 99SS9 Colmbia lm70y 1:57 hvy 30 103 1 3 3 3 l1 1U Forsyth ! Haldemair, V.Poivers, O. Nugget. 99540 Columlia 1 1:164 hvy 21 10S 4 5 5 5 5 4S1 Schwebig G Ilaldemau, Semi-quaver, Otilo. 99792 Columbia 1 1-S 1:523 fast 12 103 3 4 5 G G- 5"3Robcrtsn S natteras, Nadzu, Haldeman. 9975S Columbia 1 1:41 fast 8 101 3 5 5 3 3- 5i J Williams S Hatteras, 51ichael Angelo, llelcno 99714 Columbia 1 1-S 1:555 fast 4 108 5 4 4 4 5" 5s J Williams G Hatteras, Nadzu, Golconda. 99654 Columbia 1 1-S 1:57 good 2 103 2 4 4 3 l1 l1! J Williams 5 Nadzu, D.ofBridgewtr. Kildkin 99679 Columbia 1 1-1G 1:53 good 6 96 6 6 3 3 2 l4 Schewbig G 51. Angela, 5Iontagnie. Profile. 99571 5Iar!boro 1 1-16 2:04 hvy 7-5 102 21 Hopkins G El Bart. Silicic, Grania. 99516 Mlboro Ab51 f 1:13 hvy 4 107 5" Edwards G JessupBurn, LordWells, WnBclle 99453 5Iarlboro Ab7-S 1:35 slow 5 307 2and Robinson G 5Iuff, Sandiver, Kilderkin. 99251 Mboro Abl 1-S 1:5S fast 3 106 513U nanovcr G 5tollIe S., Kilderkin. Ornamosa. 99226 5Iarlboro 1 1-16 1:53 fast 4-5 105 21 Hopkins 9 5IollieS., D.ofBridgr, Kilderkin 93164 Laurel 1 1-1G l:47g fast 15 106 9 9 6 5 31 21 Lounsry 9 .Maromara, ClemBeachey, Shelby. 990S2 Laurel 1 1-S l:57g hvy 10 104 1 4 2 1 Is ll nopkins 9 5rontgomory, Servicence, U.Rose 990O0 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54g good 12 106 7 G 5 3 4s 41! 51 Bell 8 L.ofLangden. Brevite. Servicence 9S920 Laurel lm"0y 1:45 fast 4 . 106 7 5 5 2 l1 11 51 Bell 10 irollieS.. 5fontagnie, D.ofBwatr PROFILE, b. e. i 104 Bv Hdrim Pandora W. B. Evans. 99923 Columbia 11:50 hvy 11-5 331 1 1 2 2 2 2 Forsyth 7 Haldeman. Flarn.-v. Roseburg II. 99311 Columbia 1 1:4S hvy 13-5 104 6 3 3 2 1 1 Schwebig S Semi-quaver, Animus, Horace E. 99SG4 Columbia 1 l:45g slow 20 301 1 2 4 5 5 4s Forsyth 5 TroyWeight. JoeRose, 5IontaguIo S9S2S Columbia 1 1-1G 1:521 hvy 40 11G 1 3 3 4 33 38J Irwin 4 .Maromara, 51. Angelo, 5Iuff. 99S03 Columbia 1 1-1G l:40g fast 300 300 G 6 6 G 5 541 Irwin G Helene. 51. Angelo. T. Weight. 99792 Columbia 1 1-S 1:523 fast 60 111 S S 8 S S S4" Irwin S Hatteras, Nadzu, Haldeman. 99755 Columbia 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 15 112 2 3 2 C S S2 Irwin 9 Duncragn, 5Iontagnie, E. Graney 996S4 Columbia 1 1-8 1:57 good 25 111 1 1 1 1 41 5" Irwin .1 D.Bultman, Nadzu, D.ofBdgewr 93679 Columbia 1 1-16 1:53 good 35 302 2 4 4 4 4s 4s Irvin G D.Bultman, 51. Angelo. 5IoutaguIe 99572 5Iarlboro Ab7-S 1:33 hvy 11-5 131 410 5locdy 4 5fontagnle. D.ofBridcewr, 51uff. 99515 5Iarlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy 6-5 111 S91 .Moody 4 Muff. EI Bart, Leon B. mM 99454 5Iarlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvy 7-5 109 l1! 5Ioody 4 Kilderkin, Sandiver, Grania. 93410 5Iarlboro 1 1-16 2:011 hvy 7 105 11 5Ioody C 5IoIlie S.. El Oro. Lois Cavanagh. HERBERT TURNER, b. c. 3 98 By Clifford Barmaid II. G. A. Midlor. 9H92I Columbia 3-4 1:20 hvy G 102 2 3 4 43 Ambrose 5 Eliz. Harwood. SeaSwell. Ras.i. 9KS05 Columbia 1 1-3G 3:4Cg fast 9-5 94 1 1 1 4 G 6luJAmbrose G Helene. M. Angelo. T. Weight. 997G7 Colmbia lm70y 1:45J fast 21 91 5 5 5 5 55 5i Ambrose G Ivabel. Camel. Sticker. 9960S Jamestown 1 1:404 fast 7 99 1 2 4 5 7 715iAmbrose 7 Jmlge5Ionck, Ragman. Blnekford 995S7 Jamestown 7-S 1:263 fast 6 97 4 3 3 3 32 21 Ambrose 7 Ivabel, Idieweiss, E. William. 99539 Jamestn 1 1-16 1:4S4 good 4 98 4 3 4 4 G G Ambrose 7 Kormak. Blackford, Bounder. 6942S Jamestown 1 1:43 hvy 9 101 2 2 2 3 21 23 Ambrose 4 Ragman. 51. Angelo. l.eancotip. ?92Sl Jamestn 1 1-36 1:47 fast 3 94 4 1 1 1 l5 Is Ambrose 5 Ontlan, Idle .Michael, Husky Lad. 9H245 Jamestown 11:42 slow 16-5 101 4 3 3 2 2s 22 Schutger 4 Husky Lad. Onager. Fair5Iiss. 9S9S9 Pimlico 7-S 1:283 good 3-10 301 3 3 3 2 32 4-1 Schutger 4 Chilton Squaw, Fair Miss. Spin. 9S44S Toronto 3-4 1:124 fast 22 90 2 5 5 5 5i Ambrose 5 GuyFishcr, SlrJ.Johnson, S.Niglit